Miss Stephens Weds Dr. Draper At Ypsilanti

Quiet Charm Marks Ceremony at Bride’s Home
Miss Margaret E. Stephens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis E. Stephens of West Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti, became the bride of Dr. Merrell H. Draper of Ann Arbor at a ceremony of quiet charm at 8 o’clock last night at the home of her parents, and will take her place among the young matrons of Ann Arbor’s professional circles after Aug. 17. The couple left for a short wedding trip and will spend a month at Silver lake.
Madonna lilies and ferns banked the fireplace before which the bridal party stood as the service was read by Rev. S. Conger Hathaway, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Albion.
The wedding march was played by Mrs. Benjamin Boyce, pianist, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Frances Lister of Ypsilanti sang “O Promise Me.”
Given By Father
Miss Stephens, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a trailing model of white net made over white satin, with a long veil of white tulle, and white kid gloves and slippers. Her flowers were white roses and lilies of the valley bowed with white satin ribbon.
Her maid of honor, Miss Marjorie Gress of Jackson, chose a frock of blue net over matching satin, with which she wore white slippers and carried Talisman roses and blue delphinium tied with Talisman ribbon.
Elmore Carney of Detroit, brother-in-law of Dr. Draper, assisted the later as groomsman.
For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Stephens chose a flowered chiffon dress, wearing a corsage of Johanna Hill roses and cornflowers. Mrs. Draper’s choice was also a chiffon in a floral print, and she wore a corsage of Hollywood roses and gypsophila.
Informal Reception Held
A bowl of a variety of summer flowers centered the table, from which refreshments were served to the 25 guests at the wedding and informal reception, and lighted tapers stood toward the ends of the table where the bride’s cake and groom’s cake were placed. Assisting in the serving were Mrs. Paul Hedding, Mrs. Max Ambrose, Miss Helen McCalla, and Miss Maxine Snedicor of Ypsilanti, and Miss Doris Gillman of Ann Arbor. Miss Irene Lewis of Ypsilanti received the guests.
For going away, Mrs. Draper wore a yellow ensemble trimmed with brown, yellow gloves and other accessories. She is a graduate of Ypsilanti high school and Cleary Business college, and is a member of Lambda Chi Omega sorority.
Dr. Draper, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Draper of Plymouth, is a graduate of Plymouth high school and of the University school of dentistry in 1931. He is affiliated with Psi Omega fraternity.
In addition to the friends living at Ypsilanti, the guests included Mrs. Carney of Detroit, sister of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gress of Jackson and Miss Gillman.
IMAGE TEXT: BECOMES BRIDE: The wedding of Miss Margaret E. Stephens of Ypsilanti and Dr. Merrell H. Draper of Ann Arbor took place last night at the home of the former’s parents in Ypsilanti.
Ypsilanti High School - Students
Lambda Chi Omega Sorority
Cleary College
Marriage Announcements
Plymouth High School
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Psi Omega Fraternity
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Old News
Ann Arbor News
Dr. Merrell H. Draper
Margaret E. Stephens Draper
Otis Stephens
Rev. S. Conger Hathaway
Frances Lister
Mrs. Benjamin Boyce
Marjorie Gress
Elmore Carney
Mrs. Paul Hedding
Mrs. Max Ambrose
Helen McCalla
Maxine Snedicor
Doris Gillman
Irene Lewis
Harvey Gress