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The Banner Of Michigan

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A correspondent of ibe Detroit Advertiaor jrires an account of a great VV big 'meeting in Boston, Sept. ID. He says: I had taken my i etation wilh the lst President iaf Whig voters of Boston, not beheving that there would be any delegation from Michigan. Imagine my surprise, when I eepied a banaer ndvancing, kavinsr a "cooíí" vpon one side, and o s.'ieaf of wheaf npon Ihc other; with the words in scribed under it - "Michigan pledged to Henry Clay." Ho then proceeds to teil how the delegtion gave the Indian War-whoop in grèat style, although the Alabamians altempled to take the thine from off them in this performance. Michigan must have been greatly honored by the appearnnce and deportment of this deiegat ion. flThe VVhigs insist that much the larger portion of the Liberty men are from the whig party, and are Wbigs at heart, Btill thejr are going for Polk ! It is impossible to please these Wliigs, unlees we vote for them. Wo will say for their consolation, howpver, that the Democrals fcel as unpleasantiy about the inroadö the Liberty party ia making into their ranks as the Whigs possibly can, though they do not grumble half as much.- Maine Paper. {t0 In soine places there are fellows mean enough to obtain and then destroy Liberty tickets. Beware of the villains.


Signal of Liberty
Old News