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Another Falsehood

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Every YVhig paper n the Sttla thnt we have seen bas published a falee statement of M r. Birneyrs speech on the steamboat Great Western," when going East. The Det roit Adverteer, with lts usual malignity, represent. Mr. Birney .s going i&st on e Locofoco nil8. sioij,a.nil thai on the Lnke, he raised the Locofoco standard withmit disguise." Which ono of thrse pnpera wil] do Mr. Birny the justice to pressut befare their re.derswhat ho did sny, as etated in a note of his to the N. V. Tribune, of Oct. 8, as foJIows: uTo the Editor of the Tribune. Ycur p aper of t his morning contoins 3 efatpment vvhicli I wish to correct. It 9, that, on my passage from Detroit to Buffalo, ƒ "did not hesita te to avoio my preferente J or Mr, Polk and fur the Loco Foco polk, zenrrally Ou Ifie occasion referred to, I gave no opinión on the ger.oral policy of the Democratie party; nordid Í speak of any preference ihat l had, asbetween Mr. Clay and Mr. Po!k;but I spoke of Ihem both, aa I always hnve done, is utterly objectionb!e. ín remarking on the di.nger of Annexation, 1 expressed the opinión that I now repeat- that I had but little feur of it, sliould Mr. Polk be electcfl; bwt n good deal shotild Mr. Clay be electecl. ! plnceó my fears on the ground, tbat Mr. Clay, as wel! as Mr. Pulk, had expressed himself ü- vorably to xiwexaiion, and that he could and would had his party, whiJst Mr. Polk was incompeleni to lead his. I consideretJ Mr. Clny as ibe ailroite&t, os wel! os the boWest, pnrty tactinion we have; wiiilst Mr. Polk had sliown no extraord:nary skill and had compara tively little experieuce i party management. "'{L? We have received another communication respecting the wiihdrnwal of Rev. E. Hall from the Methodist Protestant Church. Having published the statement of both sides, we can admil no farther controversial articles. But we cheerfully comply with tbe request to publisb the following resolution adopted by a unanimous vote of the late Annual Conference, held at Prairie Round: "Resolved, That in the opinión of this Conference, tbe time has come when every minister should take a firm and decided stand againat American Slavery, the greatest of all villanies, and should exeri his utmost influence in favor of the peaceful and universal Emancipation of the oppressed; and every one that does take a stand ín favor of this system of oppression, or refuses to act against il, renders himself unworlhy of thefeUowshi]), patronage nnd support of the Chrislian communily." OCThe more knowing political papers are well aware that the recent State eleo tions are very far from being an absolute criterion of their political character nt the Presidential election. In the twelve States which voted last, says the Nationai Intell geneer, ihere were 190,468 votes polled ess than in the Presidential election of 1840! In Indiana, the vote at tho State election was 41,781 less than in 1840. In Louisiana it was 6,391 less.- Yet what bitter disputes have been held in the party papers to determine whether the Whigs or Democrats had a few hun dred "popular majority" in those States!


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