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The Hayes' Arctic Expedition

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From the Boston Journal, 2M uit. The committee appointed to raise funds in aid of the proposed Arctic Expedition of Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, have purchased the schoonor Spring Hill, which is now undergoing the necessary alteratious for the expedition, at East Boston. The Spring Hill is a fore-and-aft schoo ner, of about 133 tons bnrden, built at Provineetown three years ago, and was for a time employcd in fishing She has lately been engaged in the West India trade. The alterations consista ia fitting an extra botton to the huil, of plank threo noties thick at the keel, gradually dimiuishiug to two inches, uutil it rises about a foot and a halt' above the water-line. Her masts have been shortened about five feet, and a square top-sail rigged to the forcmast. This is the ouly chango made in the rigging. The interior of the huil is being strengthened by the introduction of live timbers, twelve inches square, placed trausversely froni side to side abreast tlie water line. The vessel is also braoed and atayed by extra knces. A new cabin has been built, extendingforwaruas tar as tne mammast, and containing cight berths. ïhe alterations are progrcssing with all possible dispatol), and it is confidently expeoted tbat the Expedition, which is to sail from this port direct for the Arctic regiems, will leave about tbc 26th inst. - The vcssel will take in about fifty tons of coal, and the ordinary provisions and ship's stores for a two years' voyage, with ayears supply of desicated ineat. These provisions will be husbanded by shooting birds, foxes, seals and other auimals for food. The name of the vessel will probably be chauged to some national appellation. She will carry four boats. Two" are now in New London, Ct., and were built by Mr. G. W. llodgers, after the pattern of the boats usod by Dr. Kane, Lieut. Do Haven and Lieut. Hartstein. The boats are about 24 feet long, 6 feet beam, and 20 inches in depth. There are sledges built on which the boats are set, and the dogs will draw them over the snow and icc. Mr. Gibson Caruthers, the carpenter of the first Grinnell expedition in the brig Advance, is now in New London, attending to the shipment of the boats from that place to this city. The third boat is one of the Francis' metalic life boats, so constructed as to be easily taken apart andreadily put together again; this boat will be similar to the one used by the Dead Soa expedition uudor Conmiander Lynch, U. S. N. The fourth boat is a common ship's boat. Her crew will consist of the folio wing officers: Dr Isaac I. Hayes, conimander; Gapt. McCormic, sailing-master; Mr. H. W. Dodge, first offieer; a second officer, surgeon, carpentor, artist, clerk, steward, cook, and six men. Mr. Dodge, first officer, arrived in this city to-day, to superiuteud the fitting out of the vessel. He is an experienced navigator, having arisen from a cabin boy in the cabin of a whale ship to the post of captain, and sailed to all parts of the world in the employ of some of the first sbip owners in this city and New York. His cool judgmeut, and daring and adveuturous spirit, and knowledge of the world of waters, qualify him for his new and responsible post. At a meeting of the American Geographical Society, held in New York on Tuesday, Dr. Hayes was present and stated that the objects of the expeditiou were as follows: lst. The further exploration of the open polar sea, discovered by Dr. Kane, with a view of dete'rminingits limits and character, and thus settle more positively this vexed question, 2d. To complete the survey of the northern coasts of Groenland and Grinnell Land. 3d. To determine important question relatif e to the magnetism, the meteorology, the natural history and the general physics of the unexplored región north of Ömith strait. Dr. Hayos states that on leaving Boston Lg will proceod direct to the coast of Greenland,possibly touohingat St. Johns. Ou arriving on the coast of Greeuland the expedition will stop at Upernavik, tho northorn outpost of civilization, and the last missionary station on the (íreenland coast. llere they will procure do"s and furs. They will leavo Upernavik about the 28th of July, and proceed northward through Üiünüddlo ice, and will reach Smith strait about the niiddle of' August, ïhe remainder of the season, until the lOth of September, will bo occupied in reaching a secure winter harbor on the coast of Smith strait. Iu the spring they will proceed northward with the boats on sledgcs drawn by the Esquimaux dogs, the vessel beiug left in charge of one-half of the crew. ïhe exploring party will bo in the field during the slimmer season, and should Dr. Hayes bc successful in aocomplishing his purpose he would return to the vessel before the close of the summer, and in August will set sail for New York. If, however, the explortions are contiuucd into the second winter he will not be liberated from the ice until the following autumn; prolonging his absence to two and and one-half years Dr. Hayes will be accompanied by Mr. Sontag, who was the asironomer of the Kane expedition.