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Communications: The Signal Of Liberty: Kalamazoo County Libe...

Communications: The Signal Of Liberty: Kalamazoo County Libe... image
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Yeslerdoy was held in the School Houeétf Galesburg, a M„f8 Meeting of ie Liberty party of this County. Nolwithetanding. the unfayorable weaiher on thepireeeding. éáy, auJ the cof&iess of the day of meeting, there waa a 'turn ouftliatcrowded the house to overflowing. In additionto the male atiéndante belonging to Uie party, a gaJaxy of ladie tr'acerfthe assembly, ond not a few from the Whig antf Democratie raaka were present. The Meeting was organizod about II A.M. Erastus Hussbt being appointed President, and Mr. JSIotítagdk, Seeretary, Prayer haviog been ofiéreí, a snort AJdrew orr the general object and dvities of Liberty men, rminfy m view of theappronching Preïdential election, was given by Dr. Allee; after which a few 8oul-atirring songa were nppropriatel y surrg by a select choir of roefe and female vocalists. The meeting [uen adjoariïed for the pnrpose of refresbment, and reanredsesstorr abmt 2 P. M. Mr. Eastlamo being called, excused hímseíf on a pïeaofHl healtli . Mr. Montagur by leqneat took th orator's stand, acquitting himself nobly ae the zealous and eloquent vjndicator of the true principies of the Liberty pnrty, and exposer ortbe evüs, moral arní political, of Blavery, and of the sophistry and fraud (.f both the great political parlies, consequent ontheironiformly base sobserviency to the dfctaííon of southern Demngogues. wbom he proved, by statistics incontrovertibie to have pertinaciomy held, with little exception, the eupremoRule thronghotrt all the departments of the Government of the United States, from the time of the adoption of our invaiuabte Constitution, to the present, notvtithslanding that earty nine-tetrths of the expenditures of Gov. ernment had been, and still were, drawn fron the pockete of the Citizens of the North. After Mr. Montague's Address, tbe ehoir struck up a Liberty song, adapferl to viriu. ow miei intelligent minds and ear ano breatbng fervia invocatlons for lfrcedom (o the al(tve.T Dr. Bemunt, then, in onswer to an unammou cali, cornmanded the silent attentron of ths meeting, while, n his ostraï felicitocrs manner, and wrth his peculiar ability, be exputiateil on the jlagrant ouirerges for aboat íralf a cetury committed by southorn sTavehoJdera, againstthe Constitution of the Umted Stale, which he expounded and illustrateJ, as to its letter and spirit, in a maoner which brouglrt to view some of the profound excellencies of that Magna Charta, till then unnoticed, or irso, veiled for simisfer purposes, but which it ishoped wü] be nrade known thróugb thg press 10 the citizens of our Commnnwealth at large, particularly to the trilling dupes of the North. He took occasion also to expose to meritecl ridicule the Whig RapDOMoSTADB abont Mr. Bïbwbt's soliciting fc accepting the Sagmaw Democratie nomination to the Leg islature of the State cf Michigan. After Dr. B, had taken hinseat, the meet ing was again favored with music frora tho choir. Occasional remarks were made by several members present, the President, Mr. Hü sur, concluding with very interestfng observations on the necessity for retrenchment ín the salarea of our public officers, Representa tives Sic. and even somc of the offices themselves; and hinting at the great benefit educa tionally, that mrght be derived to our country, by applying the earplus pay of public meii, to the maiutenance of liferary and scientfie inslitulions. o 'S!The evening being now far advanced, a motion for adjonrnment was made, and after another song, the Rcv. Mr. Bushnell concladed the exercises with Prayer, vvhen the meetingadjourned until Thuredoy 24th at SchooW craft. lt may trnly be saíd, that the quiet, tho harmony, nml good feeling prejÈSiIent during thedny, and tle acknowledgoiefla of somo of the audience of other political parties, are evidences sufficient of the righteoueneas of our cause, and of Divine approbation.


Signal of Liberty
Old News