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Democratic State Convention

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Wo gave iii our last issae the muñes o the candidates placed iü nomination a tho Democratie State Coavention held iu Detroit on Thursday of last week, and in j to-day's issue they will be found under our editorial heading. Tho nominatious wcre made unaniinously aud we need no lumber up our columus with the detailed proceedings. We append, hoWever, the proceedings subsequent to the making the nominationa for which we are indebted to the Free Press: The appointment of a Stato Central Comniittee was next in order, wlien F. S. Fitch sent to the Ohair the following resolutiou: Jlesoked, That this convention elect by a viva voce voto a State Central Committeo of nine, two meinbers of which sh:ill be noininatüd b}r the delegation l'rom eaeh Conirreasioaal district aud oue by the convention. Win. A. Richmond moved to amend by making the oommittee consist of thirteen nn'iiibers- thrce from caeh district, and one at large; which was accepted. The resolution as ameuded waa then put and lost, whea tho resolution was adopted. The following were then appoiuted as the committee: Edirard Kantor, of Wayne; F dus Livennore, of Jackson; Heury G Gilbert, of Brancli; John F. Cook, of Hillsdale; Richard P. Barker, of Berrien; George K Johnson, of Kent; W. L. P. Little, of Saginaw; John Q. McKernan, of Houghton. For chainnau of the comnnttee, the names of S. Dow Ehvood of Wayne, anc Joseph M. Griswold, of Ingham, were presented; wheu Mr Elwood was electcd by acclaination. J. M. Ili'yt, of Oaldand, moved to takt, from the table the resolution iuviting Gen Cass to attend the conveution. The motion was lost. John L. Chipman, from the committee on resolutious, preseuted the following report: Be il Resoked by th; dmtocralio part; of the State of Michigan in convention assembled: 1. That wc are opposed to the doetrine of tho power of Congress to interven in the ftfiairs of the Territories, as enunciated by the republiean party at Chicago and by the seceders from the uatioral democracy at Baltimore; and that it is a cardinal principie of the de.nocratic faith that all institutions iu the Territorie., whethcr of property or other nature, must occupy a coiumon legal basis, without the intervention of Congress cither to prohibit or estoblish them. 12 That we accept with hopeful zeal the nomination of Stephen A. üouglas and Herschei V. Johnson to the offices of President and Vice President of the liuitod States; that, in Mr. Douglas' conBlstcDCy, experieuee, and sag;tcity, - in bis tniseotional patriotism, bis indomitable will and bis honest adherance to the principie of nou-iutorvention, alike against the violence of an abolitiop mob and the clamor of southern soeessionists, - we reeognizé that rare combina tioii öfqualitios which cnabloii the inmortal Jaekson to face tnd destroy nu'liiication, and wtóoli ha e made tlio names of their possessors, ia all ages of the world, heritagea of ïlory to their countnes; tliat to deinoirats, both Northaiul South, lio presents tu oxainple of ouergy and pluck whiok iced only bo eniulatcd by liis supporters to insure liis triumphal oleetion; and wc regard the attempt to proscribe hun for lis adherance to the principies of the jarty, by merabera of the Bajtimore convention, as an effort to stand betwoeu the leople and the man whom they had al■eady eleeted in their hearts, and all opposition to liis elcetiou as au abaudoniaeut of the democratie party. And we do lereby pledge the electoral vote uf JJichgaii to Douglia and Johnson as the eanlidatcs of the national democratie party i'nited Slates. j ."}. That we rearct that soineoftho defepteg to the late eonvention at ]5altiinore lave espoused the republican dogma of Congressional iutcrvontion 'm tho. afttirl oí' tlio Territorios; that w doom tho oxcroisc of siifh a pov.or by Oongross undeuioeratic and contrary to tho genius of free ínstitUtions; and tbat wu flava fu 11 eonlidoneo that tho filial decisión of the peoplo ut' tin; Soutli w i 1 1 put forcvcr to rcst tlio ctforls of tiloso politioiaiis in tlioir seotton, whose action must inc itnbly load to t lio eventual dísrüption of thü Union and the ovpi'tlirow of tlio oonstitUtióri-, ostabü.slied by our fathers for tLenisohos, for ns, and for our posterity. 4. That tlio lendoncy of this denpatio principio, advocati'd in coiuraon by the repubfican party and tlie southcrn secessionists, is to distraet attcntiou from ! the alïairs of the State goveñuncnta, and to ;iv( to tho national governineal a preponderanoe and importanco whioh oversliadows local all.iii'ts, and aftbrds a con (.nient OQVor. to tho and corrupt i i , s of tho Bervauts ofapotjáh houio j as is fully fUustratfd by tho hiwiiiy of the ropublican adruinistratjotis in tlie Stateg of Miohigan, New York, and elsowhere. 5. ïliat we invite the people to examne the condition of their State governnent, aa exemplified by the Bingham and Wisuer administrations - to bear in mil and obtain an explanation of the transía of John McKinney from the f inner tG the latter administration - of the abuso of the trust fuuds - the squandering of the ialf million leftby the democratie party m the State treasury - of the e n taat struggle of the State govcrumeut egainst bankiuptcy under the prasent . adraiu a'ration, a htrugglo which has cast the St;.ta uiHin the jrenerosity of private als to meet deficientes which thy pe Ie had be3n taxed to pay - of the iaere the State debt and the gros amount o taxatio.i - of the puay growth and fe 1 1 existence of the State iustitutiona - of the non-payinent of large amounta of StatJ warrants and orders, now bciiig hawkfrj (without sale) ainong usurara and shavers, at exorbitant discounts, by citizona who are too poor to await the iucoining of next year'a taxes for the pnyment of debts which the State should have met now - of the doubts and anxieties of the: State authorities aa to where they wil! obtain means to pay thé interest oa the State dobt as it comes duo, -tfitiiout exposing to the people that the tftxes already appro-pr.ated and raiaed for thal purpose are squanderad and unavailable - of the constitutioual opinión of the Att ir ney General that there is a power abovt tlie constitution to eoutract a debt foi the repaira of the Saut Ste. Marie Canal whou the debt ia absolutely prohibitcd bj, the constitution itself - of the letting ui the contract to make the repaira to Sila? M. Holmes, a partisan of the party au predeeessorof John McKinney, at a high er price than many competent and ros ponsible men proposod to take it for - 01 the disappearance of the fifty thouBand dollars borrowed in New York to pay foi the repairs - of the mortgage to secure tht payment of the fifty thou-;and dollars which deseribed no property - of the fail ure of the adniimstration in any roaunej to.eall MeKinney to account, or to remove hini, when even his own party pres; accused him of eorruptkm - of the failure of the state convention to censure bim'oi the administration of Gov Wisuer, whicii they ackuowlodged to be corrupt by refusiug them a reuominatiou for a seconU term or office in aceordanoe with preuudent and party usage, - these, and all other malfeasance and misfeasaneeá of tho republican party, demarid explanafion, and wc trust that tho people, before they go to the ballot-box, will demaud that explanation with au urgency which will receive no denial. C. That we pledge ourselves to the reform of every department of tho Statu governuient - to restore order to the confusión which now reigns in State affaire - to reinstate her in the honesty of tho days of John S. Barry - to retrieve her credit, refill her treasury, and to manage her aftairs with that ecouomy which the peoplo have a right and ought to douiand of their public survants; aud that, as au earnest of honesty and resoluteness of purpose, we placa before the people a ticket composed of men whose livos a-nd eharacters challenge investigation, amj whose names, in their various localities, are the watchwords of houosty aud personal coufideuce. Wheu the names of Douglas and Joh;:son were mentioned, the reader's voici was drowned with a perfect tornado of upplause. The whole couvention rose spon taneonsly to their feet, and the applausc was reuewed, with the w&vipg of hats loud huzzas, swinging of canes, &c. - Many members jumped upou their seats and the wildest euthusiasm prevailed evei witnessed ia the history of coiiventions ij this State. The applaus continuad f i full íive minutes, and, after the c inven tion had resumed their seats, the eheeriu was again renewed. Every repetition o the name of Douglas was received witl unbouuded applause. William A. llichmond, of Kent, move that the words, "and by the .seceders fr&fl the national deiuocracy at JJjltiiuoro, be stricken from the first resolutiou.- He thought the southern deowcraöj sliould not be classed with the north eru republicaus as both in favor of intöt vention. The motion was notsupported. Cliauneey Joslin, of VVashtenaw, oi fercd the followiug resolution, whieli wa adoptad: liesolved, That, iu view of the inanifoli iniperfectious of our Stute oonstrtutiou the uext Legislature ought to sub. uit ti the people the questiou of a goueral -y siou thcreof. Frednck Soitz, of Chippcwa, offered th following resolutiou, wlnch vv;is Séoi ted: liesolved, Tliat the democratie Stat Central Committeebe and thcy are here by authorized to lili any vacancies whiol may ooenr in their own body, and also t supply any vacancies which iniv before election in either the State n Hleetoral tickets put in uoniiaatioii thii day by this eonvention. William A. Riohmönd, of Kent, efiereo the following resolutiou: liciored, That we approve of the foreign and dome.stic polieyoftlie present National Adimöistration, and that o Jarses Buchanau aud his (Jabinet we recognize statesinen of abiiity, who have km t'aithful to the Oountitutiou aud the COUMti'V. The iiitroduction of this roaolution produeed not a littlc exeitemont, and its reading was greoted with a storm of hiasos. Many delegatas stigraatjzod it as ;; tiro-brand introduced for no otlioi' purposo save to oréate a disturbante, Henry C. Giibert, of Braoch, inonxj to lay it ou the fcable. Atiother delégate moved to adjourn. An attompt was made to lay tho roso!ution on the table, when Mr lïiohmond called apon the delegates to meet it and adopt it inaufully, or as nianfiilly' Icill it. After considerable discussion, J, L. Chipman, of Wayoe, said he Iiojio.l that the eonretition would t.ike a vote on it -r, I.lo v;is rcady to vote ig.iinst the rewB tion, and lie beüevcd the whole coutiw tioa w n. Tho motion to lay 0:1 the taH ,a-i witlulrawn. The (uestion being callod on tho aiontion of tho reeolntion, William T. Mitchell oí'St. Clair, moved thü prevwua imea. The roll nu then ealled. Wheu the name of Wil .lam A. Riohuiond was oallcd, he s.-rd that fjur yerirs ago he stood in a hall iu this city .and helped da what he oould Éo nomínate Buehauan. lic did no bullere the party shnuld desert the aduiinistration. If'u was a domocrat and stood by democvacy. When the name of M A. l'attorson, of Lüiüiweo, was onllod, he saitl he ould not allow the opportunity to pass without an explauation of bis vote. He would be pcrfeotly willing to vote for tbe iirst proposition, relative to tlie foreign polióy of tie .ulmiiiistration, bat ho nevor could and nover would voto for the latter part. [OheersJ Knowing the fcoling hcro, and that a resolntwn had just boon adüpted endorsing Donglas, ho could seo no cooj purpose tot whic'a it wasjfefOUght in, IJut he wai wffiirfg' to giVè tía vote uo'.v. iu.l he would give ii, forevor agninst au dorgömen of Buolianxn. (Loud obeers ] Manj delegates i ■ ái ,ed theirT iajinj: fluit su tlit! üdiiiiiijf-rj-a-iioii w.-ia endorsad ït, anii could rote ■■;;..;'■ but, " lar as t!ie domestiu poliöj w.i i eoíiccrned tliey could uot endorse ir, and liOüld vote "no " A _ Y. Mnrray, of Wa.vue, aid that , Douglr.8 'v; uo more I I tobs PrcéidÁit thnn Bonpdict Arno!.]. ( I.oud liisso ] Tho roll beiug cïld, tito resrilution was deelnred lrst, tiiere beinu' six jc:.s, ntid all tho vost of the conveniion- oi.c hundrud amt fort.y in thenegatiíe William if Een ton, ofGBB300v moved hat tho forcign policv of t!ic adniiutatration be njiproved. Lost.