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Six years ago we became the solo proprietor. publisher and editor of the Michigan Argus, and during that time have made our weekly bow to a large eirelo of readers, witli tlie greatc3t regularity. feither "tight timos,1' polltioal reverses, sicknoss, or advorsity luis prevented our sonding fortb a papur every Friday ïnorniug And as many of our subscribers havo been subscribers daring the entire time it ia nccdlosj to review our courso. Certain it is that wè have labored to the best of our ability, cousidering the patronage extouded to us, to niake the Auaus a foadablo papor, a fit representativo of tho waalth and iutelligence of the county and city in whioh we have made our homo. It has not douo what it Diight have dono has not been what we niight lava made it, had we been furaished with alarger list of sabscribers, a more liberal advertising patronage, or even had our limitt'd number of ' bers bjen alwaya exaetly just by us, aud paid us punctually and regularly for what we have furnished thein. Many of them have Jouiï so, but maiiy others are now n arreara for twn,'three, four and five years, during which time tliey have been rcading our paper, an act corresponding witli the eating at anolhcr's table year aftor year, aud thcn ueglecting or refusing to pay thoir board bill. Lear ing these to their own reflccttons,and heariily thankiug those of our friends who have done by us as they would bo done by - paid fok tueir paper? - we bury, for the present, tho eveuts of the past and, speakof the future. We issue the Argus to-day ou an on larged sheet and otherwise improvcd in appearanco. As lieretofore, so in the future shall wo mako it our aim to issue it punatually and rogularly, and our friends may' calcúlate on its appearance with the same certainty thcy look for Friday morning's sun. Our enlarged space we shall endeavor to fill with matter of interest to all classes of readers. It is, however, tho more especial province of a local paper to make matters of State and local interest the prominent features, not mere matter of gossip, but what really interests the community and boars upon its prosperity, and wo shall, therefore, not promise details of foreign news, lengthy descriptions of sensation events, etc, etc, but leave that field to other journals, promising and hoping to note important transpiring events abroad, but not with the same detail as those at home. To make our paper the more valuable as a local paper, we invite Communications from our friends in the different sections the county. Advise us of what is transpiring in your neighborhood, of the progress of improvements, of the state of the crops, and just now of the movement of the local political waters, and you will confer a favor not ouly upon us but upon all our readers. With these few words wo go hopefully forward, trusting to have the company of all our old friends, and that each subseribcr will send us tho name of a new óne, not of a new "doad head," but of a live man or woman - our best paying subBcribera are women - who will take the Argus, read it, and pay for it, and that those who have not paid for the year or years gone by will do so immediately. So say we ; reader, what say you?