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From Washington

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epeeial Uisputeli to tlie a . ï . I nöune. Washington, June 27. No ternporary or other arrangement has yet been rnado fbr carrying the California mfiils via Panami. The Postmaster General refusos tn edtortain any proposition but ono strictly within the provisions of the law, which only allows the postales. And he vvill not perra t the mails to be oafrisd with any oondition or rocognized c.ontingonoy by wb'ch a future claim may be preferred against Congress for additional cornpensation. This strict interpretation does not suit the steamboat owners. As thö Constitutinn bas hoisted Mr Breekinridge's name to-day, nn effort may bo mado to sustain it by tiis friends durinfl the canvass, as its stoppago now might lx; subjoot to misconstruüÜDn.The investinent will hardly pay a divi dend. The Printers of Congress and thcir confedorates are in a quandary, sinco the rerluction in tho prieo oí 40 per ceiit.vhethei" to throw up the work, or to continue and trust to Congress fo ran increase ot pay next winter. Washington, July 2, F.N. Williamson, Secrotary of Legation to China, arrived here direct ifrom tho Emporor, boaring tho ratified treaty with this governmont,, and an autofrraph lot'er irom his Highness to the President of the United State, and presonted both of these documents to the Departmont of State to-day. He brings no polltical nows of imjiortanco. The aspect of affaire was not altogether encouraging. Considerable dëpression prevalled in commercial and otlior circles, growing out of tho troubles with England and France. No practical progrcss whatcver has boen made töwflrd tho sett.ement oí tho San Juan afíair. Both govern inent Ktill insist upon a perfect litio, and neither is likoly to surrender. An arbitration to some neutral and friendly Power was suggested some months aio, but was not pressed, owing to other engitgements of the administration.