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How The Great Eastern Was Received In New York

How The Great Eastern Was Received In New York image
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rromtnen. i. i nininc, une Ü9 The iriMü or boy who bsw tl. o Bay of New Ywk yesterday, vitiw sixl a spoo tacle thai ha wül not be likuiy to forget, if iie shouU outlive Methimaloh. ïiimiliar a I ivo are wit! tliu moving pano ííima of iiiir hnrbor and its-;:leiKlic adjudcts, we had no oonception that eueh a superb show oould have been aaddenly improvised as ent out to greet tho Greut Eastern upon her entrañes hito watepe. Nothing could have given :i better dea of tho ab'undant resources of thi.-s in ghty metrópolis Utah the briliiaot spoatade whiuh our harbor prese o tod. It was not until vmy noar to noon that the fnot of the Leviathan being off the Bofk bucnine düerolly known, and wlmtavor preparations wére made ior roo iption wére got up bètwëen the hoara of 10 aod 1. Yet the Bay, by 2 órcloofc, was swattning with all mannen ol picturesque oraít, dresáed itli gala flags frorn the hugo sea-going stoomer to the little yaeht that toppled over tho bright wavcs as an feug ehell. Tho day itself was one of the bright ost days of Judo, and " oaught," as the poot eings '-is so fuir us a day in June." Cectainly no day ivas eveí lovelier than ycBterday. Having rnisAed, by a few miuuU's, getting on board tho steamer that Messis. Grinnüll, Minturu & Co. sent down to tho Groat Eastern as soon as they heard she waci off the bar, we had the goou iortuno to get oa board the Satellite. By 2 o'clocb wo were outside the NairowB, and great exeitemont was oaused on board by some kenn-sightéd passenger exclaiming, " Th era she is !" And there she was to be si:re. '1 here was tlio merest indieation of something like speotrul masts being dimly discern iblo on thu line of the horizon. But ; ho atmosphoro was so transparant, and the sun ahone so brilliaut, tliat very 8oon (ve could plainly discov r the hul] of the huge ship, wilh her six maats, lyir.g prono upon tho calm suríaca oí the ooean. By the time we got near enough to read lier name upon her stern she was in motion, being prapelled at first by ber serew alone. 8hu was already sarroiindod by a great numbur cf eraa]] sto mèrs, tuga and yaehla, among which sho moved in vcry truth like a leviathan arooflg the minnows. At the lirst sight of tlio monster ihere was a goneral fueling of disappoiotment tbat she was not bigger, but those f;illaciius impressions Boon worp. ftway, and tho ideal monster bogan to bo assimilated with ilie real ship that lay before us. Every moment she grew latgfer, and the üttl'ö Bputtèring sl.eamrs tliat vrere tngiiiff j ml ti-iiiningf thcinsulvcs to koop up wilh her hegan t dwindle ato irtsignrauanoo. Iicfore wo had been rnany minutes in her presente every one lolt perfectly conscious of her overpow ering irnmensity. As one Bteamer after another carne dnsbiog up lo her, tho erowds oh board burst forth in hearty oheefs, which were answered by the poople on boa'd tho Great Eastern, or at least by sections of them, tor w hile thero 'ero oiustefs, liitle oomnionitiea of men and woinen stnndiog serenely on one part ui the ship-'s dei:k there were greflt nsse:nblaa;es in a violent st:tu of exokement, waving theirhatsand handItérchiefb in nnother part. As tho ship neared the Nüirows, the niimber oi boats, yaohts, and steamera that had como out to meet her had increased ti suoh a tl'itilia that they seeined in danger of getting mixed up into au inextricable snarl. But happily thero was no eollision or accident of any kind a mong them. As the Great Eastern crossed the bar, she dipped the ensigna that were flytrtg at lier masts and fired a roval sálate while the band on board Strtiok lip Ilail Coiurnbia and the Star Spangled Banoei. Aftercrossing thebar the padfile wheels of the steamer were put in inotion, when she betran at once to walk nway froül the g iy flotilla ofstoamera that were acconipanying her. Among tho steamors that carne down the bav was the Reven ue Ciitter, Harriet Lime, whicli fifed a salóte just outaíde tho Navrows. Anothor salute was fired fron Fort Washington, and ans ■ erod by tho (Jroat Eastern As the flotilla came throngh the Narrows up to the Q'iarantine grouHd, tho scène was mag nifioently striking and beautilul hcyond desenition. A great nutnbnr of email boats, tug8, ferry boais, and stoamers of uil r!uK('fiptions came swarming down with loada of shouting and oxoited pas pcngers. The tops o{ the housea all along the sb.orus of Staten Island were crowdod wilh puople. A fow raomen'.s delay at the Quarantine, to eiiable the Health Ufticer to board her, gave opportunity to the immense number of boats and steamërs k como up with the Leviathan, and surrnund her. But she was eoon in mo tion again, and tlie spleodid scène bo came more anirnated t.han ever as we approached tho Battery. which was co vered, as were all the piers and docks, with the shipping rnoóred thereto, with dense masses of human beings. Ad Englisb siiip that lay at anchor ran up her signai-üags, and fired a salnte as tho Great Eastern passed hei-. Bat, pirhapa, the finest incident that occurred during tho passage up frotn the Ilook was when tho Great Eastern passed close by the U. tí. frigate Niágara, affording an opportunity to compare her size by that of tho next largost sliip in the world. 'J'he Niágara, whioh had loomod up so proudly as we passed her in going down the bay.was now dVirarted to the dirnonsions of a cock-boat, as the htigo steamer cast her shadow ncross her black huil. The Niágara stood upon her dignity and firud no salute, ucknowledging ;ho presence of the monster nly bv dipping her ensign, which is equivalent among ships to touohïng the hat among inen. Ar the ètatöly ship movod up the river, she was saluted by cheers from the vast multitudes on shore, by ringing of bells, and by firing oí guns from tho stearnships that lay along the docks. The bay and river were full of people - tho house-tops and all the piers were crowded, and the wholu city seerned to have come out to paze apon tho visitor who had so often disappointed us that no one believed tliat she would ever renlly come. But Bh e lias come at last, and made an nis pic'ölW entranco inio our port, giving B triumphant refutation lo the [irognostios of her fuilnre to cross the Atlantic, and setting at rest forover tho absurd ttories that havo been told of the nc ipacitv of our haibor to ftoat. tho largos' ship that ever has, or, jrobably, ever will be built. No eftort of the pen can ndeqnately represent suoh a glori us scène as tliat which was wiinessed upon our bay yes terday. To form an idea of the hïi liant spectacle, 't must bo wifnessed ; and to conceive how vast tho inaritime resources ol New York must bc, it should bo remembered that the grand aquatic p ageant was not the result of long preparation, like tho grand naval review at Spithead, for exainplo, but a voluntary ithow, improvisoJ at literally a tnonient's Dotice. We oounted at one time förty steamera splushirif around tbe Grait Bastera, whilst there were ianumeribjj sailing craft (,(' dl dimensiöilB dasbing ubout with their whitti s;.ils flashing ia tho eunshine, and their gay pennoD streaming iu tlio air.