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LIST OF LETTERS TEMATKINO iu the Post Offlce at Ann Arbor, Julj lst, il 18Ö0. Allen E G King Jobn B irmatroiiK A D Loomlfl John Limitan L J Mlttor Christopher leuih Mr A Mcont-r .1 rookwater Frftncia Morse Wm KTODnoÜ Lafayette ' Morpan Mngtfic tostwtck C'harley Uuklusoo S'olon iush Honry C I'uui Jlirimi iatteo John Powcra IÍ O lattoe S&rah I'artton David C tertonO A PottiitJohn ïllackwood Aan Pockios EoWAfd Back as pyreous HloUtar ï'dward Blmlget Charll lUndolpU Johu Holliiix Misg M ÏÏrtk" Anihoiijr ('ampbcll Wm Kaêiiftlye T 1' Cnmcrou W A J Rcpioídl K fL Cuse V Koot Mary Cannoa Parah Rosa Jttcot) ClemöBfl Wm Root J M Colt James M Kowky J H Covert Augusta Row Ëllmbath Oonnei RIcbard Ro?frí. Utry K Cola Mr Roue Hirm Dooking Min C A Storu' F ü Da non II M Smtih fl W DioUnsoD J F 8oou S M Fox &('o Pparhelf Geo I'inn 1) Ü Siran J y Gtou 1; N StwiCA (inti-h N Q Stumper Ann M íílciiin Valentín Bullirán Mr Green R SotbcrUnd A D GromaD .los ph T:nt1all G P ■ . iir .vi A O Toimuti EdwArd HarrlS (ico V Yanripfr Stephen 11 "..i. tn G F Williams L R Higbee I) Wfr-gle AdrpV Herlbert Martha Wbi ?u-ñe Hopkini Marcical Walklv H W RoltOD P M W-st Mary Kc iker Gbariei E v tnale A K JamisJIary A Wunno W Y i ersoni calliog for anyof the &bov Ijttter wíll pleaa ■ayAdrertínd." II. l. HLNN'K'lT, P. M. IXTotiooTl! 4et emiannual Examinaron of tho Miasen Clnrk's School wlll oeoupy the litth aivl LStfa instant s. TlmnMay, the 12th, from 10 r'ol-cfc A. M to 12 M a i',hA i. Mi m ti. JïiVénile Roádlag and spelling, anl Spelling and Ruading with the Dt.fininL of Words, Smali Geogrophy, MitchH's large (ieoaraphy, Cornftll's Geog' rapby, l'arkcr's Natural hí'ofophy, Knglísh History. (Ir.itiimnr, Puflog Uasoiii, General QUm ín ('omponition. Ou Kriday, tho 13th, froni 10 o'clock A. M. to 12 M.Dartea1 Praftical Arithmetic, anl Holany. From 3 o'' cluck T. M. to 5. Ccniposilions, Roadín -4th Xo. of Vol yf " Tho Wil'l a .semi-motithljr periodicfti oí" tlw school, and the Va'.vUictory. MARV &. C ..ARK, Trincipal. Ann Arbor, July 2, 1860. . Oard. Ana Atbor, July 34, 1860. The 41t scmi-anuital meeting ot' títe "Young ÏAdléi Afssoci'ttion of the Míssoa Clark 'a School " wíll takcplaco ou the lltU of July. JJour ot orgnnízing - 3 o'' cluck, P. M., prec íly. A iiutictial Ktíeñéátíeto of all monibors of tb; Assiciatiouf e.ipeci;iliy of the Gra'luateb of xho PpUooI, i redpectfully nKgúeqtod Au . d re may be expecta;! by tU Pr#idnt. MRS. DuEÓIS, Roe. ?ecretary, -xmr wl. ms rJT es ■ TO EXCTANGE forTown Lot in Aun Arbor, with o wíth ■ ur lor in p uvou .u.m a Auiu i v I mllciiof tfaft citj - a uaOtji] ■■. pralrto nml iimbcre- land, ■■■;n.' a ' ■: ■'ii% mílé ol ■' ■■ Hi tvicism pnd PsctSc Ii:i"i i adtín h county of Grundy, Iovrat and ncar to ;i di'pot. Kor further iaioruin .on düüivbfl üy úauii, K. S KETCHAM, 4w75' Comme tp Oklanil ttunty. M rh, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, E S T II A Y O X E N. BBQKJE into niv iicl"sure on or about the 25 tl inst. On? Ynkp of Working Cittle abuut ycr oldf and a littW iie a 1]ght red, the otlier darker, or a mouse color Theowner wül píeafe vy ch:irjjeH, and takethem away. JAMES McMARON'. June 3, 18S "ö6 THE R. SAND'S GIGANTie COMBIMTION --N COMFRI81NU t),t niott TalenU'd I'er f tonners, Diost njafluiliciTit alud of ft Trftiuod Horsen, and the molt surjiri . rtíftSíl 'DÍ Troule of CèolottlonlBif and . c flísf obats iu UwTodd, furmii,; themogi v ■■" (dtodid CoinUnation of Attraclion Atflíjil j. ver "ff'reil bjr niijr trureling cm],aTpWMpa. '.v in tlio l'nltl Slott. The maSi,ifl. HÍSrvi -ent estiiblishniint wil! makp itt enï TC? i'e iato town precodi-d br Ibe I L-E3J- Grand Chariot of 3gL. L O L X, O I 'v"" Drawn by a Tenm of ft fi jGIGANTIO MULEB ! ïlft_ U )7 the Fairy Fiuipage of Cindert'lla, acVr Rwnby a team of m -T. Twenty Shelland Poniesf v "" "mLriJ AmnnR Hip moro ce'.ebrated of tb jCICqTq KquOrttrian rorfoimcrs will be íound jitJWWCT MAUKMOISEU.E i _VIR&IWIA SHERW00D' g5 Ytr. Charles 8herwood - 1 Mfister Charles, tíé5jiLB&, Monsieur Tlicodoro, 'EiJ Slouiieur Fcrdinand, ' ilade'jxi9ello Ida, _- 2 The Tournuirc Brothers, f- 0OU SnntiftgoOibbonois, _A Tlio (rot SpanÜh Contorlioniht. t Nn y ) fr'tm El Como, Madrid, ( XI 1 Wm. H. Bsrdoaj and Win F. Hygle, Ir I Cario Cunrnd, h f Ton' i'ustos, "". . y Ttif Grfat Arncrioan èP O X, O -W KT a - - =S S-itinst, nml llinnorist. y-? üe Bonoit Brothers, ' Yííkííl e0 Hunlington, ZSííSi'Vl"ia n"mor'"s trniipo of VauHors, -"■ííitffitXl "miblvrs, Acn.hati, Ginnmts, ÖL l-:iiiilibriw, JuXglers, Comió !ínijer. Í " ■■-- 1 Pilt's New Cornet Band, "WiJl perform at "V '"-!(" A.3STN" ABBOH, c ■ WEDNESDAX, H July 18th, 18G0. 1 kÍ" d.nision, Iiox 50 bent : 1'it 26 Fi con'.. No Huif Prlo. ITn # ) . it'iw)1. To eommtru:'-1 M '.'4 nd Vry-iy 7 r. M. AíT ORDlNAN'Uli Amendatory of Stcticnt 7 and 8 of Ordinance No. 4 BEIT ORDAINED by tlie Mayor, Reoorder, and Aldermen of llie of the City of Aun Arbor : Sec 1. Tliat Section Seven of sftid Ordinniice No Fuur, entitled "Au Ordinancc rclative to tlie prevention of fires," pussed n Oommon Coimcil on the seventeenth day of June, A D.J851 be and the same is hereby amended ly inserting after the word "firearins" in euid aectiou 7, the words "xcept cannon." v Seo. 2. Tliat Seetion Eigh't ofsaid Ordinance Numbor Four be and the saméis hereby amended by striking outsaid section, and inaerting in place thereof the following Sec. 8. Every person who shall fire o cannon witliin tliu limite of said City of Aun Arbor, and every person who ahall aid or nssUt in the fi ing or cauaing to be fired any cannon witbiti said limita, and evory pernon accessory bcfore the fact to the firing of any cannoit witliin e;inl limita, shall forfoit and pay a fino of one huiidred dollars or be imprisoneil in thecommon jail of the Cnunty of Wnshtcnrw for the term of 30 day?, or shall be punished by both fine and iinprisoumcnt ; and i n case of prosecution under this section. hnlfof tlie fine ollected of any such peraon shall be paid to the informer who shall nmUo coinpliiiiit. mul institute sueh prosecution. ilude and passed in Common Council this 2J day of July. A. D. 1860. ROUERT J. BARRT, Mayor. D S Twitchem.. R.'corJer 2w755 Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It u a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so corabined with other substances of stüí greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that sueh a remedy is wanted by those tvho suffer from Strumous eomplaints, and that one which will accomplish thcir cure must prove of inmenso service to this large class of our afflicted fellowcitizens. IIow completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - ScitOFULA AND SCROFULOUS CoMPLAIXTS, EllUPTIONS AND EltUPTIVE DlSEASES, ULCER8,, Bi.oTniiEa. Tumors, S.m.t Rheum, SCALD HeAU, Sïl'UILIS AND SypHILITIC AfrEt'TioNS, Mercurial Disease, Dhopsy, Neuraloia oh Tic Douloliilux, Dehility, DysPEPSIA ANI INDIGESTIÓN', EllYSIPELAS, RoSB or St. Anthony's Fike, and indeed the whola class of complaüits arising frora Impürity os tiie Bi.ood. Tlúa compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. Uy the timely expulsión of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulceroui sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritie bursting through the skin in pimples, eruption% or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tcll you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of Ufe disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later somethinf must go wrong, and the great machinery of üfe is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. Iiut the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the viftue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be eoneentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. _PUrin'' late vears tlie public havo been mis u y large bottlcs pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for ■ny ?Ot "ly C0Iltail1 liiüe, if any, Sarsaparilla, but of ten no curative properties whatCTvr' - ,,encc' bittor and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of barsaparüla which flood the market, untü tho name ltself l3 justly despiscd, and has become sj-nonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cali tlus compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy whieh rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believmg it has virtues whlcl. re irresistible by the ordmary run of the diseases it is intended to euro. In order to secure their completa eradwtttion from the system, the remedy should theJbottíc. Cn aCCordinS t0 dkections on PHEPARED BY DR. J. c. AYEK CO. LOWELL, MWS Price, 1 per BotUe , Six ottfe for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Com Ui," that it is enurefv unnecessary for us to iVcount tho ewdence of its virtues, wherever it has bleu cmployed. As it has long been in constant uso throughout this section, we necd not do more thañ assure the people lts ouality U kept up to the bcEt it ever has been, ana that it may be' rcUed on to do for their relief all it lus ever been found to do! Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, F0H THE CUBE OP Coitivenea, Jatmdice, Dispepsia, Indigestión, Dysentery, foul Slomacf,, Jirysipeias, lladache Piles, Rhtumatitm, Eruplion, and Skin Diseases Liver Complaint, Drops;, Teller, Tumors and Solt Rhmm, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner PUI, and for Purifying tlte Blood They are sugar-coatcd, so lliat the most sensïtive can take them pleasantly, :md thoy are tlio best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxea for $1.00. Grcat numbers of Clcrgymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefiilness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agcnts below named fur! nish gratis our Amebican Alm an ac in which they Í aregiven; with also full deseriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol! lowedfor their cure. _ Do not bc put off by unprincipled dealers with I othcr preparations they make more profit on. ! Detnand Ayeu's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should kare t. All our remedies are for sale by MAÏIiAKD BTEBblNSJi WISON.and by all Druggists and Dealers evarywhere. J. BURRILL, Tiaveling Agent. r emovalT O". 3E3C jA. 3VT ='3?E!3?3 JEH ÍTASF0K ASHOKTTIjte ÜKMOVKD INTO Wjn.ALL.ABVS SHOE STORE, until ho e;ui .: back Intu h dwn Building -Jiioli ba is now tuiMin.1;, ■■" wouid bc huvvy tu fct-e-hí ), frion'is and CUfllOmcru. N. B Icfl Cnam bj th-' GflUon can bo upplted k,nr"+■. J. HASTH-KH. Ann Arbor, Mareh 12, "6". . ■ " 1 Ayer's Sarsanarüla.