Resolutions Of The School Board
The following resolutions have been entered on the records of the School Board of this city, in aecordance wi'.h an order of suid Board, made at its meeting. Jime27, 1860 : Resolved, That the resignation of Prof. Briggs as Principal of the Union School, bo aceepted, and that we avail ourselves of this opportunity lo expresa our high appreciation of the faithful services of Prof. B hs n teacher, of his manly deportment in all liis intercoursc with fhe Board, and of Uis earnest devotion to the educational interest of the School. Rctolved, That the good wLhes of the mem berd of the Board be tendered to Prof. Bkiggs , into whatfver sphere he muy be called. and that these resolutions be enterad on record among our regular proceedings, and a copy of tbem furnished hiui by the becretary. Re'ohed That in accepting the rcaignation of Miss S H Merrylees as l'reeeptiess of our High School, w do most cordially make this record in acknowledgment of the nniform satisfaction which has ever characterized the intercourse of the Board with Miss SI. as a teacher. Resolved, That. not only ii the faithful discharge of all her du.ies lis a mere instructor from books, but also in tliose living lessons of femimne groce and virtue which she ha8 so well inculcated by her own constant ex;imple before the young ladies under her charge, do we reeognize and acknowledge her eminent fitness for the position she now rt-signs. Retohrd, That a copy of these resolution of be presented to Miss Merrylees, accompanied with the best wishes of eftch member of tha Board for her continuad and increasing hap pinesB, as wcll a-. usefulne-s. JAMES M. WHEELER, President E. B Pond, Secretary.