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New Firin i ew uOOÜS ! ! D. L. WOOD, & CO. i Are nuw receiving and opening i A Large and Beautiful ASSOHTMBI4T -OF- S-t-a-p-1-e an-d F-a-n-c-y DRY GOODS! CROOKEKY, LADlEiS' AND CIIILDREN'S SIIOES, -c. -c. Sp. AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. WOOD. These ijoodn have heen louyhi siuce the recent decline in rices in tlte Eastcrn Markets and tcill be soïd correspondiuyy C1IEAP. We woulil rcspoctfully invite tho citizens of Ami Al-bol1 nnj thesurroundingcounty to CALL AND EXAMINE OUB GOODS! As it ia no trouble to show thom, and we hope BY FAIR AND HONORABLE DEALING To merit. a liberal share of their pntronago. D. L. WOOD. ff. O. FOSTER. West sidc of Public Square Ann Arbor, April 20. 1860. 743tf G UlTERMAïT HEADQUARTERS! THE MOST COMPLETE CLOTHÍNG EIPORll In Michigan ! CQNTAJK8 TUE STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN TUIS M A B K E T! OUR SPRING & SUMMER Cw C0 O M9 SS We keep everything which thefasJiion and times demanda and can sell them cJeaper th&n any oiher Establishment in the State. WE HAVE MORE THAN 1OOO Oxl Coat OV EVEltY VARIH'Y OF FASHIOX, SuchuSukii, RálfSukaand Frock C.ats, kc, manulicuirf-tbv ournelves, frora the ljct qnáUtie of LiiK'ii, Cjissimerosaiul MiirsriUcs; Alnü a ltirge ttMÖriUIDt f DEESS AND FROCK COATS, Of every quulity , of Brnwn, lïluo and Kancy Colors. We have the LA TE S T S TYL E S -OFFrom the fines t pnttern, plnio and fancy, in ihe wide wid wnrl'l. Tho most faütidious can be satisfled by our large aiid ewly eelected stuuk of COLLARS AND SHIRTS, Of all kinds. Cr&valo, Shirt Bosom-lhndkerchïofg, S'isj enfiors, UnibrelIait,Carpct Bag, Trunk, &c. The rich est GIuvcB,from the fiuest silk to tiie softe t M-mntain Kid,iihcftüy to flt,thohau(i ofevery customer. You can lïnd everything iu our establishment which the world ofto the trading comiuuuity ín =3 3T_-i tt xs m. m; Ea-AMD- ÜLOTHFOR GUST OM WORK! Wc have also the fiuest French and BelgianBroad Cloth, Kancy Casilmoren, Fancy Silk and ft&uaeQlea Vestings, ka j'a' VO ouldalso cali the attent urn of the Student, especinUy thegntduatingclasa, f any of thora want a GOOD FITTING BUTT.let them comí toPONDHETM, in ortler to Ret a good lit. Tliankful fni%jt"ast patronage to our old ciifttoniiTH , we invito as niany uew ones to como and give ns a cali. l) ont fa il to see Guilcrman's Headquarters, before go ing elnewherc. ; H. GUITERMAN' & LO. Aun Arbor, April 11 , 1860. 743tf FRESH AE RIVAL -OF1STEW GOODS, -AT- STEONG'S New Cheap Gash Store. "1REAT BARGA1NS AKE OFFERED- a la:ge line of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. Th bost of ITatdb Ppring Steel Skirts , Five Cents a H- 0- O- P- . Tip Top 3G inch Umbrellas, ouly 12s othor siznsiii proportion. Altugestock of Prints very low LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTII MANTLES. 6TRIPED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Groceries Crockery &c, Also a large Stock of Ladies' Shoes, Ai Ptígcs 10 percent less (han usual No tiout)fc?Ö(fcpw Gooits. Cali and examineat Strong'8 BAI' CASH STOEE. EXCHAwáMliOCK, ANN ARBOR, EW. k5 RöAN, Agont tor Mutual Ufe TnsuranceCompany, ïfew York. Accumulated Asueto, $5,360,000. tht lading I Jf Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerboekex Ijfo Insurance Companj, New York, - a firKt cláiw tof e Co. - tennü reasonable. UumbükU Ure Insurance Compauy, New York. Capital, wlth alarife urplue, - $300,000. Peoria Marjn & Fire Inpuranc Co-, feorii Tl l . - fantk o. l FiN Iusirmic Co i. ' ' 7O7tf Capital, .... 500,000; UP WITII THE TIMES! THE OLdIÏnD EELIABLE Clothing Emporium! I no. 3 p hcen ix b zocit, Main Street. returm-d fpiin the Eastern Citirs, witb a líirge nul di'Mi.iMe stm-k of SPRING AND SUMMER Gr OODS! irhicli lic ia uow olTcrtug tit iinusuullv LOW PRIOES! Aninng liïs Assortiiunt mav b() found BROADCLOTIIS, OASSIMEBES. DOESKIN'S, & VESTJNGS, of all iU'siTiition?i, espcclallj for SummorJWear which be tu ontting KoA mak ing to order. In tlielatest and beat -tvli's. togethet inth ■ superior auortment of EEADY MADE CLOTRJNG! TRUNK8 CARl'KT BA08, """"■", and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witli paraarom otlior nrticK'S usuallv found in similar wittbliahmwt. As ANEMFOKÍUM OFFASHlOfl, t esubstribcrflattors híinself, tlmt hlfl long expcrionc1 aadprneral succoss, vritl enabk1 hini to giv the greatwt r;i ti fulion tn all who muy trust liitu iü tbc wuy : m.ui,n:juiu nggarmouts to urde1 CALL EARLY! aud leave jour orders. W.M. WAGNER TO HOUSElvEEPLRS. SOMETHING NEW.- Ü. T. BABBITS Best Mkdical Saleuatus. ís niiinufíictun'il froin oommou síiK, and J5tU preparo entirolj dUforent trova oitu-r Saleratus.w AU the delcterioua matter ct me tl in cuch n H fít nanner aa to produce Breada BLscait, and all 7 JL Undfl of Calce, vilhoutoouUiniog a partióle oi Salcratus when the Bread or Cfcke la baked; J thorcby producftkg whotttBome resulte. Évary " partiële of Batarattuis turned togas, and ,, ■iea through tbe Bread and BlflCuH whlle bakiiur, Ö ? ?jcor.sequently, oothjqg remains butcommoD Salí p JJ Water, and Flour. Yon wtllremlilv ptrculve, u thetaetc of tbisí Saleratus. that it w cutircl.v U lifFeront fruii oiberSaloratuB. H Itis packedin one pound papers, cach U perbraoded, "B.T. BabWtt'a Best Medicinal fl O SaleratuB;11 alao, picture, twteted leaf of bread, A J O trltb ;i glass of cfl'orvescing water on the top - 2 Wbcnyou puiehiweone paper you should preJK serve uiQ wrajtpor, and be particular to gft the!r itójct exiictly like thc tirst- brand as above. H Tf Full dhectionsfor rnakiug Bread with tina W V imtus and Sour Milk or Creaoi lartar, viltao-j úomoaoy eaob paekage; also, dlreetíons or; ífl maungall kinds oí raátry : aito, for áuklng r rfln Watvrand Seidlitz Powders. u) 2' MAKHYOUKOWV SOAI with U lï. T. BABUITT'S I'L'líK OONCENTRATEU L POTASH. j Warranted doublé the rtreagth of ordínan ■ Potftsb: put up in cans - 1 lb, 2 Ibs, 3 Ibs. ''■hl 'Ibs.and VbB - with f uil directlon for makinglf' AND Hard aad Soft Soap. Consumera wdl OndtbJs s the oheamvi u-ticle in ioarkat, r Miinufactured and for sa!i' bj l3 lï. T. BAHTHTT. 3 04,66,68,70, & T Wïi[nj{toii st... ew York, Q rf A and Xo 38 India st, lioston. Z? 4 743yl (t NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J; C. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED m with thi'rnmptroHerof the Ptat of New York. Dividend average -40 pt,T ctínt. anuually. ASSETS. Cnsh in Bank, - $ 31,355,49 tavested in secarlttoa ■ crcatoj umlor the lawsof the Stute of N'cw York and of the U. & , 258,870,79 Krul Estáte and Fixtures, Nos. 112 and '114 Broa.lway 132,450 04 Bondsaud MnrtgngPK drftwing 7 ppr et. intorest 58ö,99S.ü9 Xotes receivcd for 40 per cent . of premiums on life pohcies, boiiring Ittterast, 675,315.85 Quarterly and Stini-annua! premiums, dnc subsequcnt'to January 1, 1860. 20,550.38 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1. 1860, 36.4SR.77 RenU accrurd upto Jan. 1, 1860, 1,70.34 Premiums on policies in hands of Agonts, 26,445.19 $1,767,133.24 T)rs, Wells and Lirwm, llcdical Examiners. 743tf J. G1I.BEBT SMITH, Agent. HEAVY AREIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. IAM WW OPENIN'O FOR THK EARLY Spring Tradc "aa eutiro new Stock, and offer for cash at luw prices, 5OO DElOoO-= English & American Prints 500 p teces Su?nmer Stuff, Denims, Stripes Shirtings and Tickmgt. 200 pieces Clolhs, Cassimeres, Satinéis, Kentueky Jeans, and Tweeds. 200 pieces DRESS GOODS, (Ne-w S-t-y-l-e-s-, 5OO 3P- 1- O- o- O- e WltLWTT L0OO@RQO2 5-0-0 Hoop S-k-i-r-t-s . 200 Dozen Gloves and Hosiery. 20 Bales Sheetins. 1OO JPieoea Paper and Common Cambrics. 200 Pieces Bleached Goods, Linnens, and other White Goods. Shetlaui and Berlín Wools Dress Tnmmings, BONNRTS. F LO WE R S, Ribbons. Rushes, and all artirles usually kept in 3Diy Goods. Choice Family Groceries, S II ELF HARDWA RE, CROCKERY, &c, &c, &c, Having closed out all Jl A R D GOODS fliis Stock will be found partícula rl} dcsirablc. All parlies prt'jmrcij fc for RmiflR wilt do wpll to examino this stock as I hare F'OSJTIVKLY narked tbcm at much lert thPD for mor JOHN W. MAYNARD. Aan Arbnr, U.itckïi, 16Í0. 74 Groat ïlotiLuotioxi IN CLOCKS, WATCHES. AND JEWELRY. o. :oXjXS3s, H AVINO randa urh Rmnf-mf-ritwlth the Import ft . Uprcpared to ecll Walchea, and nmuy olhcr articlofl, af Greatly Reduced Prices! Oood Silvcr Cylimlcr Watrhni. 3 (10 " " '■' Huntlng Cate, 12.00 " " Anchors ' ' 16.011 1200 fold IVn' with SlUr.r Uolders, 1.00 I'lnted Tea Slioons, WS " Tnble flpoon, 200 A liberal discount innde to Dealeri. Jewelry nd tnany other tilinga in proportlon. Silver and Plated WareJ He ftL-o keeps f;r iate the celebratod Amorioan "T . t o la o s, Every Vtch warrnnted to give cntircaatisfnction. He has, nleo, a fine naaurtmrnt of TAI3LE & POCKET CUTLERA ! SCISSOIH.I SHEARtt. and KAZORfi.and a vnrl.ty of Musical Instruments, With Strlqps, Hook, and Tr imininga lor the same 13RITTANÏA WARE. Hallet, Davis & Co's Celebraled 3P iaxt os And n great varllyof Notionp too nunirrrous to men tion in anadv rtlae m:nt all ef wliich will be sold CHE AP FOR OASn! Particular uttentlon pnid to the repalrinp ofa]] kind ol Une watches, ueh ns inakinc and setting Jewela, new Pinions, StatTg, and Cylindor6; als' Clocke and Jenelryneatty repared and warrtinled. JVb 27, centre of Phcenix Block.1 CALVIN BLSSI Ano Axbor, .Tan, 16, I8K, fN'S'UKANCE o", w. KMia ut, AttheStoreol Wlncs Si Knight, is Agent for the foll owiDg rlrst clase Insurance CotnpanfeS: DF H CE KTIX INSURANCE C0MPANY, of hartford. Cash Capital - - - $200,000 00 Cash Cahtal, July lst '58,419,084 66 Conway Fire Insurance Co,, Oí' CoDway, Mase, Capital pa!d up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,410 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J 8.WIHTNF:Y, L. 3ODMAN, W F.IT.IOTT, ASA [1OW LAND.D . McOII. VUjr, E D MORGAN WAIT BESIKNT, JOSIAH ALLIS. A. IIIBU'I.EN W. H. D1UKINSON, W. T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGBRS. Ann Arbor References: Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMES. L. DOTIOE, ENOCHJAMKS. CAPT. C. S. GOODRICH, J, W. KNIGHT, AgentAnn Arbor, Michigan March 18. GREAT GIFTSALE BOOKS & JEWELRY! SCHOFF & MILLER TNjOUDKUTO MAKE ROOM KOR SPRINGr STO CTSL, have dotennined to soll thc-ir MISGELLANEOUS BOOKS - AT- P U B L 1 S II E E'S P E I C ES, And gire to Each Purchaser a Present In Talue froni öOCents Up to $100. WITH E ACH B00KS0LB. ■83. Cali early nnd examine 'heir Duaks and Prenents. Ann Arbor, JlaichS, 1860. 736U. EXCITEMENT ! ! Those New GOODS AT A. P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, (South Side of the Public Square,) aro fircatíng a groas cxcitonient, and t lioso wUhíng to uiake thcir SPEING PUECIIASES, are invited to cali and examine Ptyles aüd prices bcfore purchaning. NIcc Chaliies from Ís to 2s. Lawnsj Beragesj Foulards} Crape?ncnt3, Balzarinesj Brilhants and Fancy Silks n great variety , and of the latest patterns. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere Shftwls very low. A Splendid Stock of Prints from G cts. per yard up. Hoop Skirtsat_oue balf the usual price. Hats and Caps, Ladics and Cbildren's Sliocs ! ! Sumraer Cloths and Vostings in great variety of Patorn, whicb I ani proparud to maké up and WAERAST A FIT. A full assortnicnt of Domestic Goods, Crockery and Groceries, all of which I oiïor at tho lowest cash pricos. I ani nut to be unüciisoUl . A. P. MILLS. Groceries & Frovisions. SLAWSON & GEER, H AVINO ostíibliftlied themselveBin the Grocory business WOold infonn tiieir fríendu and cu.t turners that theywould be happy toüee them at the ir store, vhèra tht-y haveon hand a Large and Choice Stock -OFFamily Groceries, inoluding cvciy thing inthc liuc. Also ProTisions of all kinds, Sugars of the bost quality, 8yrupaofall kinds, Best of UoSear, Firnt clal Teas, te. 3c-A.ri.ivi phodtjob bougbt and sold, and the liibest pricopaid in Cash. He tías aUo on hand a consUint .Bupply of Water Lime and Piaster of Paris, which will bo old at th lowcst ral . The ubaeribor wiph rt ditinollv understnod tlirtt they wIU not be unrteraold bj auy itabüshmeni In tlip city Sl.AWSOXfc GEtU. Albor AprülS, 1S39.