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GREAT, GUEATERRÈATEST BAIiGAIKS EVEEOFFERED 1859. J7)1859la thisCity, are uow being offered at tlie CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & J ow OIry StoiO' f ' II K Sbbscribor w ould sny to the citizens ol Ann ArI bor. i" particular, ami tbo rut of Wailitemiw Cnuniv lo ssaeml, that habas juit lMPOKl'ED DIKECTLV froin KUKOPK.n Trcmendons of Watches! Al. of whirh ha bindshimnelftosell CHKAl'KK than cao be bought west of Ni:w York City. Open Face Cylliider Watchcs trom 6 to $10 do do Lover do do 8 to 21 Huntini Coge do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do to 28 Oold Wntchcs from 20 to 150 I lave nl.-u tne CELKBRATED AMERÏCAN WATCHES, wfaich I wlll sen Ur $35. Every Vv ateta warranted to perform wcll, or the money rclundud. Ciockg, Jflwelry Píatod. War, Fnncy Gooda, Oold Pena, Musical Instrumenta nni ritrings, Outlery, &c., and in fnet n varitrty of everytfiing Uíually keptby Jewelnrs ctin be honght for the oext nlnety days at fotor OWN I 11 ICES! Persons buying miything at thU we] known fintabliaiiine tit run rcly upan gctttng goods cxuct'y as representad, orine inonry retundid. Oallearly ud tcure the best bnrgaius ever o fie red Ín tbif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nre prcpnrnd to mnkro any rep aire onfínn or conv mon Watches, even to making o er the eutire watcb, íf nccessnry. Kt'puíring of docks and Jewotry as usual. Aleo tbe ínmiufaeturing ot RINGS, BROOCII3, or anythlng des ired, from California Gold un short notice. Kngraviniz in allita branchue exeented with neut nt'flfl and diepateb. J C. WATT3. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28th1859. 7Hw Ï86Ö. Ï86Ö. FOR TEE SUMMERTRADE! OUKSTOCK OF Ltu3vcivrx:fi. goods, OF AU. KINDS, IS No W COMPLETE. BAVING LATEI.Y RECETVED LARGE ADDITIONS OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE "VST o ol js o t js o xx. pesase oall and kxamine C. H. MILLEN fe CO. P. S. - Thekighcst niarket price paid, IN CASIIJor Wool 749w4 IIÜ11ACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadway, New Yo'rk Publlshcr of 9Iulc j-dvI Muetc Books m m:ai i::; in Pianos, Molodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated and other Quitare, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinae, Flutes,Fifes, Triang-lesClarnnetts, Tuning Forks .Pipes andHamiTicr, Violin Bowe, best Italian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stoolp, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. fit lx o o t ist ix S i o, From all the publishcrfl fnthU. S..Bert]ni'a Huntin's, ñnO Modern Scbool, and all kinds of Instrnction Books for the abovi' itislrunu'iit,s; Church Music Rioks; Musuologantly bound; Music paper, and all ktndl of Music Mercliandise, Att hcLowest P rices. New Planos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, anrt up to $S0O. Socoud }inrn1 l'ianos from $25 up to S160; New Melodeons, $45, $60. $75, $100, and up to $200; Seccmd Hand Melodeons Torn $30 to $S0; Alexandre Organs, witb five stops, $160, nine stops, $185 and $226; thirteea stops, $250, $275 and &300; ñfteen stops, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergymcn, Craucete, Sftbbttni Schools, Seminaries and Teachers. The Trade guppiied at the usual trade disoousta Testimoniáis of tlie Horneo Water Planos and 31iliifli-iin.-;. John newott, of CarthaRe. New York, wfao lias had one of the HoracoWaters Tianos, writesas follows: - "A frlend of mine wishes me to purchaso a piano for ler. She likes the oue you sold me in December, 1856. My piano is becoming popular in this place, aud I think I :an introduce one or two more; they will be more popuar thao any other mako." 'lWe have two of Waters' Pianos in uso in onrPeminary, on of which has been aeverely teated fr threc fears. and we can tstify to their good quality and duraMlity."- Wood & Gregory, Moitnt Carrotl, ÏÜ. "II, Wtcrs, Ksij. - Ijear SiR: Ha, ving usd one of your E'iano Fortes for two years pMt. X have fonmljit a very superior Inêtniment. Ai.ox7.o Gkay, Principal Broohlyn HeighXs Stminaty. "The Piano I received from you continúes to give sa-tfifaction. 1 roparil tas one of the bestinstrumentH in the place." Jambs L, Clabke, Charleston, Va. 'The Mclotleon bas snfely arrived. I feel obliged to you Vrvfur liberal discount.' Bev. J. M. McCoRMick, YarquetvUleS, C"Tlie iiano was duly reeoived. fteamfl Jn excellent onditiou, and ts very much adinired bymy numerous amily Accept mv thanks ffr your promptnesa."- tonicKT CotiPKR, Wdrrr.nham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleasea u wcll. It is the best one in our county.",- TiiOMaa A. Latham, Campbellton, Ga. "We a rel very much oblígefl to you for havtng sent CHch a ñne instrument for $250."- BaANK(lÏKLD & Co , Bnffalo Democrat. ' 'Thn Horace Waters Pianon are known ap amnng the wtv best We are onabled to spoak of these instrünirnto with confidence( from personal knowledge of their excollent tone and durable qnality." - N. Y. Èvangtïist, "Wp cjui t-penk of the mcritu öf the Ilorace Waters )ianos from personal ÜBOwledg, as baing the very ñm-si [uali'iy.1" - Christian Inttíligcncer. "Tlie Honac Wateri pianon are ouilt of the best and most thoroughly seafioned material. We hae no doubt bat buyers win do as wcl),perhaps botter, at this than at any ottferhoasê in the Union."- Advocate and Journal, Waters' pianos and melodeons challonj;e comparlson with lbo finest made anywhoi-e in the country."- Somt Journal"Ilomco Wato-s' Piano Forte are of fulT, rich and even tone, and powoif-il - „Y, Y. Musical Receu. t(Our Drterida will ftnd M Mr. Watert1 store the very jent assortment of Music and of Pianos to be fouud in he luitffl 3tateB,and we ure' our qtherti aml western 'rtendK to give him a cali whenever ther go to New fork.f - Grakam'a Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 issced In ten Montbs. The un precede nted sale of tbis book has induced the ïubliBher to add some 30 new tunúand hymns to its presint BÍ7;e( without extra clrnrgo, oxropt on the chenp eiliion- Among the mauy beautiful tunen aml hymns addod niny be fouml: - "I ought to love my mother:" "0111 e a good child, indeed I will." These and eight others 'rom the Boíl, wero muur ut the Sunday School Anniverary of the 41. K. Ohurch sit the Academy of Music, with Teat api'lausc. Tho Heil coctalns neariy 200 tunes an ' iymns,an 15 ono of the best collections ever Issuétz, 'ric.' 13c; $10 per humlred, postage 4c Klegantly bound, imboHsed gilt, 25c, S20 [Kr 100 It bas been ntroduced nto many of tho Public Schools. The i e Is publlshed in smalt numbers ontitled Anni vernaiy and Sunday School Mnsic Ilooks, Nos. 1,2, 3, k l, in order to acc'in:iinil;i1i' tfaQ million; pdofl ï'2 & $3 per ïundred No. 5 will soonbe issue'l- cummenrcuifrit of anotlier book. Also, Revfva) nnsic ïïnokR. No, 1 te 2, price $1 & $'i per 100, pnstage lc. More than 300.000 copies of the auovo books ftaVè Been tssaed the past eighteeu mouthf!, aud the demand israpidly ucreasing'ublifihed by HQRACE WATERS, leent, 333 Bruadway, N. Y. ' No-r IVExiaic, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Uroadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wwls can never die;" "The Angels toW rae so;" "Wllda of the Wet;J "Thooffhts of God;" 'Giva me back my Mountain Home;" "Day Dreams;' ; ia Tiiï v CockBoDüi;" "I'm with thee BtíH"Petn&me8jM 'Tlifn-sno ilarilng like mine;" i(Sniah Jane Ie;""Ev. er of thee;" irin loaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of 3eauty;" "Home of our birth-" "Grave of Ilosabcl," and Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. ' Lvstbvmkvtal. - ' 'Palac Gart'en, or Finging Bird I'olltn,' 40ü-, uSw1ngÏDg Sclmltisrbe;" "Mirabel Schotiisch ;' ' 'Thomas Üaker'a SchottUche ;' ' ' 'Piccolomini Polka, 35 óenta each. Tho ftbövepleces hjive beautiful Vignettee. "Welmer Polka;""Arabian Wui cry Mrtroh," ihe very last; "Vassovianna Donielln Ma?.urkn; "Rea-1: ing Polka;" "Crinuline Waltz," nu'l "Ijanccrs' Qua (lrille,"25c cach. "The Empire of Relch's Quadrille;'1 b new 1;ince, anl "Tlio Ilibornian Quadrille," 8ftoetioh Many of these piocert ai-e playeo1 by lïaker'a celebrated orchttst ra with great applrupe.flfö" Mailcd fiee. A largelot of Foreign Mu.siu at half price. planos, ftlelodeons and Orgaus The Ilnranp Waters Pianoa and Melodeon0, for deptb, purity of tent mvl durability, ar ünsiirpassed. l'rice mtv low deoond Hand niaotmod Helodeons from $25 to $150. Music and Mugical Insiructions of all kimlri,atthe Iowo.t prloOW HOKACK WATERS Ai?ent, No. 333Iirnai1wíi.v,N. Y. Tkstimomals; - "The Horace Watert I'iauoa ore kuuwn fl itiiKing the very beat.' - Evangelist. "We can npeak of their monta fi-om personal knowleflge." - Ckrislian Intditgcncer. "Nothinfr at the Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Ch urekman. Waters' Pinnrw and Melodeonn cbHongeoompfiriHon wth the fincrit mado anywhert; in the country."- Homt Journal. 719tf