
- - o-- NEW STORE!! KT O -w y 1 r m 0 New Furniture. MARTIN & THOMPSON, SUOOSBBOBS TO O. M. MARTIN, TTAVE JUBT OPENKB IN TTIEIRnow and Elegant War e-R ooms KAST SIDKOF MAIN STREET, XL XL -A. lo orí A COM PLKTE STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY and SETS ÓF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, a-Te tes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, Sec, &c, &c, &o. A ML .9B 3 9 Elegant MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretarie, B e d-R oom Sets, 1N0LUDINQ LATEST STYLES, -rSjO Oi Ü '2. Ut 2E SS S3 C& SS OF TEE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Old Polks," O-R "YOTJNG MARRI E D PEOPLE " WAN-T TO FV R N I-8H PARLOR, BOUDOIR, BITTING ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND QUR CITIZEN8 NEED NO longer go to Detroit or slsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-Jx-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD And Will be Solds A-T VERY LOW PRICES! JM ev(ry man ftnd his wife or going to bo wife, COME aNI SEK. Tbeyalso have a HEARSE CARRIAGE, Wa are always ready to atténd to the burial of tho dead in the City and adjoining country. Ware-Rooms cast sidci of Main Straft, between Washington and Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nor. 1859. O. 1VL MARTIN. C. B. THOMPSON; General Land Agency PERSONS wanting farms, or realdencetln orneo Ann Arbor, can by oalltng on me clact from iiit ofover 1OO Farms For Salet Of varlous aiges trom 3, to 1300 aerrfoach ;(ioue ai goodaianyinthiConnty.) Morethan 5O Dweling Houses inthliClty fromtwo hundred to fourthomanddo Amongthefarmi are the Blêhopiarm. 1300acrof the Potter farm, in Oreen Oak; the Place farm, aai 4ti)acre, theBlandonand Jenkfarm, in Webíter; the f?tubS, Michael Clancy, Newton Beegan, and Kallahai farroi. In Ann Arbor: J.KingsleyM farm, In thn Hatch and Hlck farm in Lodi; tho Patrick Clayu farm In Kreedomj W. 8. Davlkon, B. O Baker and Buck'a farm lnSylvan. Motof thoin and uiany otbers can ba dlrlied to lult Puroh"oti r, W.MOJQAW. Ann Arboj, Jan. lat, 1890 B (3 llISDON &, HENBEHSON -2BÏ DBE3 m-W- B3ÜOC HARDWARE STORE ! ! ! WE WOVI.O CAI.I. TUE ATTENTIOX OF THK PL'BLIC t-i our stuck of -A.H.0IIRON, STEEL, NAILS, TIN, COFPER, & SHEET IRON WARE, CHAIN AND CISTERN PUMPS, PAIJSTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, cêc, &c, &c, cfec. And every kind of Hardware and House Furnishing All ork will bc sold as CHEAP as at any other Establishment In Michigan, We say wo havo got tho Best Assortment of Cooking PARLO RAND l'LATE T3XT TUIS StT-A-TH, And will sell them Choaper than THE CREAPEST, i-icosc raOl ancj'oe us. ' All kinds of tin ware kopt on hand. Particular altentiou paid to all kinds of J C25 TTT CT) Xïi QWhich will bc dono wlth NEATNESS KND DISPkTCH 83r I'leane cali and sec our STOVE ROOM in 2d story of New Dlock. KISDON' HENDERSON' Ann Arbor.Oct. 7, 1859. C3r O O 33 S. RICH GOODS! Clicap Goocls! ! o BAGH & PIERSON TT AVE JUST OrESED THE CHOICEST STOCK - OK- Spriug and Summer Good to be found in this City, consisting of LADIES'DRESS GOODS newest Stjles and patterns, CAREFULLY SELECTE D, purchascd chpap, and Warrant ed to Please. Also, GENTLEMEN'S GOODS, Homestics, Ptapleff, Family Groceries, &c. Consult yonr own interosts cali anp e.nrlv. BACH fc PIERSOIT 1859 1839 City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris, Grand 'River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cêc, &c. , D. DeForest, HAV1NG incresicd hi facllitie íor áaV% business and enlarged bi Yard and Stock, is prauatcd the present sea03, wiili tt e be!, largest and cheat)etonedi,tcoYerin this miriet. to !ati!ty the reaonalle expectation of all. Our motto ts not to be undersold for cash on dslivcry wül not undertaketofrighlenthepublic by saying hat iheywill getshaved 11 they buy elsewhere, for we presumo that othero wfllsellaslow asthey can itford to. A 11 kinds of Timber, Joists, ind Scantlliif.', Plnc, Whitewood, Basewood, Hem. ock, Planed and Matched Pine, "WTiitevirood th Floorlng. Planedond rough Plne and Whitewood idlng.Fenct Posts, OakandCedar Posts and Picketi of all kindi. JJtnt f atl), ani) ilUjUauooi) ptne, Ashan-t Whitowood SWnglee, 3arn Boards and Barn Floot Plank, iloekWa..iUt,and Cherry and thin stuff, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxand Body !.umber,Maple Log Tlmbcr, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of allthickneaaei,widtha andlengtba, Jtc. écc, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkindB. XSTiil f 11 slzes, &c, 4c, SASII, DOORS, & IÍL1WDS, made bjhand to order as lowas factory prlcet, on he BhortoBtnotlco by the beet of workmen, aod Best Seasoned Lumber. WWb of all dnscrlption in the abore building line jrnishedonthoshortestof noticc, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful) anda perfect atsortmcnt of the abore aud other kinds of Building Materials 3onstantly ouhandattliclowestpossiblerates Cali and be Convineed. A few rodt southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOPING, CT.B. - I amnow operating Extenslvely In thePateat Cement Roofing. City Meat IMLarket. rpEUN'DKRSIGNED, AT HIS Markpt nfi.r tl Poat J. Olfic, keop Dotutantly OO 1klu1 a lul] aorlinBl oT l-r-o---Xa. iwac-o---t-ai-4 whlchtïiey wil] always hi f-im-l in raftdlotttfl cut upon SIHT rUSTOMUtó. Su MJK8 11 lw spareil to koep heir uiarkct Clean, and Meats Sweet and patronfi may rcly upon pcttinic Iti t"--t koawts trrKAKs, ciïors, etc. , Iba t can bo foun-l in 1li-'ity. CAL, ANDTKY U& 8. 1'KlKTOR , T. WA1.KFR. iaAibur,My 4, 1880. 746m6 Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUI.T rlAVl.VO BÉÉH SÍADK IN thu eoniltloo of a Mortgage executed by John Weinmao to Wilom s. Maynard, the !24th lay of Julv, A. D. 1858, and reco.ded in' tlio Regieter'i Office In thi County of Wwh. tonaw a Líber No. 24 of Mortgages, at pgo 661, on tb 25th iay of July, A. D. 1868, at flftoon nrtrroteil past Sve opdoek, P.'M.,by wl-ichd-ritult the power of nal contained n said mortgagi becaine opftratire, aod no iuit or proceeding having beeu instituted at lair to reooTor the dobt secured by saiJ mortgage, or any part thoréof, id the sum of one hundred aud aixty.six dollars and conti, being now clalmcd to be due therwon, ïi k llt tnerefore bereby given that the Haití mortgnge wiU !"■ f"r-'-losed by a ale of the mortgaged prrminna to wil: "wlttJ lluraber eleven, trolve, thirteen and foor teen, in Block,ix%uuth, rnnge two et, aeeordhli to I lat of illiam s. Maynani'a socond adiütion in Aas Arbor,' In at.! c..ui,iy,„r g„rne part thereof, at public venrtue , :it tw C.urt n„u„,. „ tlie citr o Aiin Arbor, on the fourth day of Auku next, at noon. f K. tf. MoM„. AH ■ AVAIU,,",.. Datwl. May A. D. 1860. 745M Mortgage Foroclosure. DKFJtlTUAVLVG BKIX MADP; n the cWïftlon of a Murtg.iffe executd by Uicliael Enright to William X M5yDAnl,.la:cd thffífttH'rithday of Deciubttr,A. U. 1S58, II ml recoravd in thcotlce DfUïeBagfster if Ieelafor WiuhtenawCoucty, on Iba ovputh .Inj of Junuary, AD. 1869, at four o'clock, P. M.,n Líber No, twenty-fiWOÍ Mortgago8r at page ö4; wblcta said Mortage was dulj assigned by the said WíIIíjid S. Maynard to Ch&rle B. TbompBon, ( n felM '2tith úhy of March, A. 1).,18W, in writing sml the amt ha befn (iuly recordw. in the Office f the Rcgister of I)m1s, [9 Ubvr -5 of liortgèa at png2&4, for wliich h-tault the xwer ol'nak cuntained Ui taid Mortgage beciimc o;jcra ic a:id no suitorprncoedingsi haring leen intiüned at luw to recover the debt setured by said Mortgaire or any part thercof, and on which ther Ir jmwt olauned to hv. dne tho sum uf tliirty tfclltors and ttiat the further vim of tluve hui.dred dollar with In tin - est annually wHl htroafter become due a follows, towit: - in throe etjtial annual paymentg frcai the flf enth day of Docember, A. I , 1859. N'otice i, threfore, barébj given that the said Mortgage will bO forOcloseü by a sale of the Moortgumd preminw, to-wit: - Tot niimbor 011e (1) in block five (5) North, rangi ten (10 East, in iAwroru-e k Maynard'a addition to tho Citj of Ann Arbor, or bodm part thereof, at public Ten!ue at the frontdoor of the Cmirt Jloitsc. in the City of Add Arhor, on tho tliirtii-th day Of July nest, at ten o'clock, A. M. CÏIARLER B. THOMPSON, Asslgnee. Patd,Ann Arbor, April 5, 1860. GREAT BAB6AIKS - AT - Maynard, Stebbins & WHson's. WE HAVE AGAIX KEPI.EXISnED (CR STORE W1TIJ the tuost spleudid Stock of GOODS9 that WAS ever olTered in any one estaXitikment to the State, all of which we offer for OAO[rö OK ÏP D8 @ [LD O S as luw as can be found in the Union We want Money ! aud will mnke Great Sacrifices on Anylbiog we[have to obtaiu it, not exceptiog OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS Wo cordially invite ALL CASH CUST0MER3 to cali and examine our Goods and Prices. We also invite our Prompt Paying Customers to come and buy their supplies for the Winter. TothoO ïïahfiil ones that are afraid to cali, we say to them, takO courage without longor '.aitiog-for higher pricon, como ín, "P A % TTT3 old scoren, and tlica at such price as will nikt up all losses. It U hardly neccessary to enumérate our üuvl, for We have Everythingl A largo assortment of CARPEING, CROCKERY DRY GOODS, MEDICINES, GEOCEEIES, PAJ?TS, OILS, LIATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, &c, &c. (715tO MAYNARD, CTF.BBIXS WIION. SEWINGMACHINE. ■mji.ö.b. wrm?t TJiT K would respoctfully inform the citiiens of AXK ARVV HOK, and.'ill surrounding country, that wo haro openfl ronuis for the sale of tho followiug wcll known aiid popular iSewing Mac!nms GROVER & BAKER, WEST &W1LS0N", FOREST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & RAYMOND. Any persons 'hing to eramine our assortmont will please favor us with a cali nt our rooms, dircctly over the Gun Shop, in Thompson & Sutherland's block, from 8 to 12 a. m., and 1 10 6 p ia. C, T. W1LMOT, Á. J. FTTVnatLAXD. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Miss MASY A. HF.RBKRT will take charge of tbis Department of our business ana lo ftH kinds of FITTING AND SEWING, And give instructions in the use of Machines to suchas wishbow 01 uire a knowledge of them, ' WJLMOT&SUTHERLAND. Ann Arbor, Feb. 28, 1800. 737tf ffl. CAMPI0Ñ! o rpHE 8UBHCBTBEB HAS JL'SI RBTURNED from U JL Kast N ith fats C O O 3O S WHICH HE IS r x: t s bl nx iktud TO SELL AT THE L1 o -w O e t I HIOU, FOR CASH, at which, FIrt Hlnallty Ooodi csn be affordet] iothU city. Sly clotbs are all of tho F i n e s t QUALITT and n" I manufacture them into clothing myself , I anj cnabWd to WARRANT EVERY GARitENT I gell(to be WELL MADE, vhich tí a ítrong mriucomonl to customors to patrootze mr wtore in preference to placea where largsquantitios of half made goods arO kept for t.ic. I hv thp unn rjarom, and caq givo yon an Fine and toelt Fitting Garment as can be buugkt anyjtkeret I ti in bound to eeU - t ca sas tb3 J ap =Ö ■E -ANDBETTERjOODS, han anj othpr imitar mit ïshmeDt in thiii clt j. Your „.u is -ctLriOK. Aan íeot.), 1S59, Iflll
Dry Goods
Martin & Thompson
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Agents & Brokers
Hardware - Retail
Ridson & Henderson
Bach & Pierson
Building Supplies - Retail
City Meat Market
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Old News
Michigan Argus
O. M. Martin
C. B. Thompson
E. W. Morgan
D. DeForest
S. Proctor
T. Walker
William S. Maynard
John Weinman
Michael Enright
Charles B. Thompson
M. Campion