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asttmgtoo, July . It ha been finally docided to give Mr. "Winslow, Administrat.on Demoerat of NortU Carolina, the mission to Sardinia. Judge Staiilny, the District Attorney at Cinciimati, wlio remained in the convention to whicli ho was sent, audrefused to follow Cushiug aud the rest of the seceders, is to be removed to-morrov or Monday. Ilill, who holds a simikir District Attorneyship in Nórth Carolina, and like Stanley,did not go out, sliares bis fate. The represeiitatives of the Great Eastern hold a conference hero to-day witn Borne merchante of Norfolk, Va., who are cnpfir to obtain a visit of the Leviathan at tllilt port. The Adniinistration bas determinod to transport the California paper mail by ruoans of revcnue cutters co-operuting ■with the Panama Railroád Co. Secretary Cobb bas offered to furnish the Postofiice Department with the revenue cutter Ilurriet Lane as ono of theso steamers. Anotber autliority statcs that it is understood that an arrangement was concludod yostertlay between the PostinasterGencral and Com. Vanderbilt, by which the niai!:i are to be sbipped from New York to California thrce times a montb uutil the 4th of Mrurh next. The mails for tbc Pacifio will be despatched from this port by the steauier ■whifih fails on Wednesday nest. The board of Medical oihcers will assemble at Baltimore on the 2Oth of September, for tbc examination of assistant fturgeons for promotion or of sucli candidates for appointment for the Medical Btaff ofthe Anny as may be invited to present themselves. ïliere are now three vacancies in the grade of assiataut Surgeons. Ellis B. Schnabel eutered the Conttitution office this morning and assaulted Gen. Bowman with a stick, wijle the latter was sitting in his chair. One of the clerks in the office effectively came to the reseue, when Schnabel made a hasty retreat. Iramediate steps werc taken for Sehnabel's arrest. The reason for the assault was the publication in ycsterday's Constitución, of an article reflectiug on the eonduct of Schnabel. Edward Frencb, In te assistant superintendent of the treasury extensión, under indictment for erabezzlement, dicd here this morning. Ilid triul was to have taken place to-day. The Constittttwn, to-day, annonnees Wm. H. Brown as editor aud proprictoi-, Mr. Bowman having, in pvirsnance of the arrangements which have been ín progress for some time, transforred to him all his proprietary interest in tbat jouraat. Mr. Breckiurldge has formally accepted the nomiration for the L'residency. Elia letter will bo published ïuesday. The programme ot' the Breckinridge and Lane demonstration to-nigat includea a serenade to and an address froin President Buchauau. Mr. Pryor spoke two hours in Piiocnix Hall, last pight, defining his positiun in regard to the Presideney. He duclared his preference for Bi'eckjnridjre and Lane ovor the other ctiididatea. The building wiuscmwded, and the apphmse great. r Ten ste;iiriers-of'G,000 tons each, iho Freach navy, are to bc built in London.