3-:rOEtt Reduotion IN CLOCKS, WATCHES lliBillllllllllll llll'llllllll II ' 'II l'lllll Hl 'i'l l.'MIJjJI.ÜlLIJJ I ji 1 1 III AND JEWELRY. O. BliISS, HA VINO mide sur.h arajigrmfutwlth the lmpor ora. Upreparfld to sèirWutchw, nd many othc articlc, vtt Greatly Reduced Prices! Oood Silver Cylinder Watchri. $B 0 " " ' Huoting Cae, 12" " " Anchor ' Jíi.Ofl .. .. 12 0 Oold Pen's with 9llTr lloldori, 1 ( I'lntrd Ti shoona, ■ " Tabla Spoont, s0 A libíirnl discount made to Dealen. Jewelry and many othcr things in proportion. Silver and Plated Ware! He alio kep foreale the celebrated Amorioan w ato la. o is Every Wnteh wnrranted to give ntirc antitffuction II hns. ftUÓi a fine assortment of TABLE & POCKET CUTLEKA SCISSORS.ISHEARK. and BAZORS.and a vorletj o Musical Instruments, With Striuc, Hooki, and Tr lmmingi for the me BiUTÏANIA WARE. [folletj Davis & Co's Celebrated I ianos And n gret varietyof Notion too numerous to men tioD in an advertisement all f whlch will be oíd CHEAPFOROASH! Particulnr nttentlon paid to the repairlng o 'all ilnd of line watchee, tuch at making and setting Jewela, new Pinions, fitaffn, and Cylinders; ald Clncks and Jnvrelryneatly ropared and warrantcd. giro 27, centre of PAaenix Block. CALVIN BLS8I Ann Arbor, Jan, 15, (S59, IN'SÜRANCE ar. w. ü ixr i xac o , Atthcstoreof Wlno &. Agent for the fol owing tirat class Insurance CompanioB: INSURANCE COMPANY, of hartford. Cash Capital - - - $200,000 00 Cash Capital, July lst '58,419,084 66 Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of CoDway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150,000 00 Assets (Cash), . - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretident DIRECTORS. J S.WHTTNEy, L. BODMAN, W ELL1OTT ASA IIOVM,AND, D C. McGILVHAr, E D MOKGAI WAIT BE.MENT, JOSIAH ALLIS. A. HIBU'LEN W.H. DICKINSON, W. T. CLAPP, D. C. HOGERS Anu Arbor References: Dr, E. WELL8, L. JAMES. L. DODOE ENOCHJAME8. CA PT. C. S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Agent Anu Arbor, Michigan Mareh ie, GREATGI F T S AL E -ofBOOKS & JE WELH YI SCHOFF & MILLER tnordf.i;to make boom for SPRING STOOK, have detormined to scll their MISCJSLLANEOUS BOOKS - AT- PUBLISIIEK'S PRICES, And gire to Each Purchaser a Present In Taluc front 50 Centjs Up to $100. WITH EACH B00KS0LD. f% Cali oarly ftnd examine Mieir Bookj and Fresents. Ann Arbor, Uaich 3, 1860. 736tf. GRBAT EXCITEMENTÜ Th ose New GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, (South SI Ie ofthePubüe Square,) re creating a greai excitemeut, aod thoac wishing to ake their SPRING PUKCHASES, ro ia vilt-I to cali and examine Stylea and prices bcore purchasing. IVioe Chaliies f rom Is to 2s. Mwnsy BerageSy Foulards, Crape?nents} 'ialzarineSf Brilliants and Fancy Silks great variotv, and of the latest patterns. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere lawls 76iy low. A. Splendid Stock of Prints from 6 ets. per yard up. Hoop Sbirts at aone half tho upual price. ïats and Caps, Ladies and CLildron's Shoe8 ! ! timmer Clothe anil Vcstings in great variety n( Patrn, whicb I ain iireparetl to mako up and WAKRAXT KIT. A full asKortuient of )oine6tic Goode, Crockery and Groccries, 1 of which I olTor at th lowost CMb prices. 83 I "m ut to be umlcrsold . A. P. MII.I. Groccries & Frovisions. SLAWSON & GEER, TAVIXG entablislied tbemMlvosin th Orooery busi1 nc wuuld inform tlicir frirndi ant cuatomon lat thcy would bo happy to ace tbem at tbeir toro vhere thuy baveon band a Large and Choice Stock -orFamily Groccries, duuing every tbing inthe line. AUo PrOTisions of all udfl, Sugari of tbo best quality, Syrupiofall kindn, üest of CollceB, First cía Tur, Ie. ought and sold, and the bigbent price paid in Cash. He bal also on hand a constant supply of Vater Lime and Piaster of Paris, vrliich wili be sold at the lowest ratc . Th snbseribers wish It distinctly nnderatood tbat they ill not be unilorsold bj auv Htabb'sbinent in the citr BLAWÍ0.V OKEK. Arbcr AjTillS. JIO. GREAT, GREATER GREATEST BAIíGAlNS EVEROFFERED 1859. J-)jy59In th3 City, are now being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jewelry stoxO11H E StibBcrlber would uy to tbc cltlinn ol Aon Arbor ii articular, nnd tho reet of Wmbtennw Oontvlngonoral, tht hekMju" ÏMFORTED DJ RKCTLV from EUROPK. a Trewendous Stock of Watches! Ah of wbicli hn binds bimnulf to ell CHKAPER than can be bought west of New York City. Opeo Fuco Cyllndei Wntchei lrom 81 to #10 do do Lerer do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cyliudcr do do 9 to 28 Gold Wutehe from 20 to 150 1 l:avo aluo tno CELE BR AT E D AMER?CAN WATCHES, wliich I wlll Mta ttr 835. Ercry Vvntch wrrntud to j perform wcll, or tbe moaoy relundcd. ClockB, Jewelry, l'intcd Wri, Fancy Good, Gold l'cna, Musical luatruuii'uta "D'l String, Cutlcry, Ac, and in fact n varief.y of everyiiinK uaually keptby Jew elfirs cun bo bnngbtlurthe next uinety dayit at juc OWN P RICES! Peraoiie bujlng anything Rt thla wnll known estab. )niiiiif tit cr!i rely u;mi p.tting guod nxnct'y as representad, r liiriinnipy relunded. C.illenrly and secure the br.nt bargftius ever oflered in thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We aro preparod to make nny repnirs onfine or comtiniti Watchea, even to lUAkingo er ihe eutfre watch, H' neceaenry. Repnirlng ol' Clocks and Jewolry as usual. Alao the manufiicturinft ol RINGS, BROOCIÍL, ur auytliíiig de í red, lrom Cnliforuift GoM on short noticr. ICiiiiruviinf in alltts branchea exutnted with neut nees and diapatuh. J C. WATTS. Adu Arbor, Jan. S8thl85S. lïlw 1860. 1860. F 0 R TEE SUMM ER TRADE! 0URST0CK OF JS TJ 3VE TVL 33 XI G-OOS8, OF ALL KINDS, S iVo W COMPLETE. HAVIXO I.ATELY IÏECKIVED LAEGE ADDITIONS OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE "7V O Ol JS O LV S O XI. PLEASE CALL AND Ê&MJHE (SO AEOQD (P[DOLiOo C. H. MILLEN 4 CO. jf. S. - Thehighcsl marhtt price paid, IN CASHJor Wool. 740w4 HORACE WATER ST X C? L N T 333 Broadwaj-, JTcwVo'rk Fubllsher of Hítele aiiíl MuíIc Kook AND DOLER IX Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated and other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangleí?,'ClarÍ3nett8, TuningForks.Pipes andHammer, Violiu Bows, best Italian StringB, Baes Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. fi Ia. o o t 3VE ix S i o, from all the piiblishors n the U. S., Bertini'R IIitDtin's, and Modern School, and all kinds of Inntmction Books for the ahove instrumenta; Chureh Muuic Hooks; Music elegnntlr bouud; Music paper, aud all kinds of Music Vlerchandise, Att heLowest P rices, New Pianos At $175, $200, $'225, $250, and tip to $800. Secoud lïin'i Pianos frjm S25 up to $100; Now Mlodonns, $45t' SÖO, $75, $100, and up to $200; Sectmd Hand Mclodeons 'rom $30 to $80; Alexandre Organs, with five stops, $160, ninentnps, $185 and $225; thirteenutopB, $250, $275 and $300; (lft(MMiatopA,$390 and $375; A liberal discount ;o Clergymen, ChurchcK, Pabbath Pchoola, Seminarios and Teachers. Tho Trade suppüed attheii3ual trade discouDts Testliuonlals of ilie llorare Vatcrs Planos artel Mclodcons. John TTowett, of Carthage, N'ew York, who has haií onr of the HoraccWaters Pumos, writeKas fouówa: - "A friond of mine wishes nip to purchase a piano for ler. Sbe ]ikcs the on you aold rao in December, 1S5P. My piano s becoming popular in this placo, and 1 think 1 yin introduce ooe or two more; they will be moro popu ar tlian any other mako." 'We have two of Waters' Pianos in se In ourScmi. narjr, ono of which lma beon aeveroly tested for tb roe -ears. and we eau testilY to thoír good qualitv and durability."- Wood & Greftory, Monnt Carroü, TIL "H, Waterü, Esq. - 1)kak Ëir: Ilavin used oneof your iano Forten for two years past. I have fonud&it a very vperior Instrument. Aloxzo Gbay, Principal Broohïyn fírights Seminan. "Tho Pi.inn T receivi'd from you continúes to givp patsf:iction. 1 repard it as one of the best inntruuicnts in the ilaee." Jamrs I„ Clarkk, Charleston, Va. "lite Molodeon lias Rafely arrived. I feel obligad to you oryour liberal di?count." Bev. J. M. McCoRsiick, 'arqituvilleS, C. ■'The piano was duly receivcd. It cnnift in CTcellent londition, anï is very nmch admired by my nuraerou amily. Accept my tHanks for your promptuesa." - loBKRT Coorn, Wárrenkam, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano please DJ well. It in the best ono In our ounty.",- TitOMas A, Latiiam, Campbellton, G. "We are veiy nmch obliped to you for ha ving Pent Hch a fine instrument for $250. '' - Bra.vk,Held k Co., htjfalo Democrai. "The Iloraco Waters Pianos aieknonn xh among tho ery best We are cnablöd to prak of these lustraiciit.t with conlidcnce, from personal knowledpe of their xcelleut tone and durable qiiality."- iV. T. Evangelist. "We can upeak of the merits of the Horace Waters pinos from personal knowlrdge, as baing the very flut'Bt uaü:y." - Christtan Intetligencer. "Tbe Horace Waters pianos are Duilt of the best and nost thoroughly Keasoned material. We hate no doubt ïatbuyers can do as wcll,perhaps better, at this than at nv otherhoufc in the Uuion." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and melndeona challenge corapa riñon ith tho flnest made anywhore in the country."- Somt 'ournal "Iïoraco Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and ven tone, and powerful - -V. Y. Muiic&l Reo'ae. "Our friendswill find at Mr. Waters' storo the very est asfiortinont of ftfurio and of Pianos tobe foond iïi ie United States, and we urge onr sfinthern and western riends to give him ft cali whenever they go to Xyw "ork.f! - Qraham'i Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 100,000 issuetl in ten Months. Tho unprecedented salo of this book has induced the mblisher to add ome 30 HW ttUMSaild hymiis to iU prefiní size, without extra charge, except on the cheap sdlon- Among themany beautiful tunes and liymns added ay bo found: - "I ought to love my mother;" "O I'll e a good child, indeed 1 will." ThOM aad ftlght others . rom the Bell, were nung at tbc Sun-hiy School Anniverary of tho M. K. Church at the Academy of Muslo, witli jreat applause. The Bell coutains neariy 200 tunes and ïynina, and is one of tlio best collectuina ever insued. "ice 13cj $10 per hundred, postage 4c Elegant ly bound, nbossed gilt, '5c, $20 per 100 It has been iutroduced uto niany of the Public Schools. The . o 1 is published in small mimbtTs entitlod Anniersary and Sunday School Music BooUk, Ko.t. 1,2, 3, k , in order to accommodaie the million; price f 2 k, $3 per ïundrcd No. 5 will ttoonbe isaued - c o mm en cement of nother book. Alao( Itevival Mubíc llooks, N'r, 1 fcjt, rice $1 k. $2 per 100, postage lc. More tlian 300,000 opies of the above books have boen issued tho paat ghteaa mouths, aaüthc denmnd is rapidly incruasi'ubliahed br IIORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadwajr,ïï. X. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal ."Kind Word s can neverdie:" "Tho Angels told e so;" "Wilds of the WMh'1 "Thoufchtn of God;" iivd me back my Slountain Home;" Day Preüins;" [ai)dy Cock Robín;" "l'm witli thftfl still; ''Petnames;" fhero's no darilng Hkc mine;" "Saiah Jane Lee;""Kvof thee;1' llVsa leaving tlioo in Snrrow;" "Birdof pauty;" "Home of oor birtli;1' '(tírave of Rosabc-1,'1 and Vake, ladv, wake, 4' price 25c each. Instrumenta i,- ' 'Patace Uan'en, or Pining: Bird nlka 40c; "riwicging Schottischc," "Mirabel PchotRch ;" 'Thomas lïaUer's SchottWche ;' ' ' 'Piccolomini 'olka, 35 centH each. The above pieces have benut lul 'ignettee "Weimer Polka;" "Anibian Wai t:ry MjutIi," ie very last; "Vassovüipna Douiells Maxurka; "iíi:i-l; ff I'olita;" "Crinoline WuKz," and "Iiancers Qua rille," 26e each. "The Empire of Reieh's Quailrille;" a ew dance, and "Thö Hibernian Quadrille," 35c each. any of these pieces are playod by Ilaker'n celebrated v;n'-l ra with great ;ii]riisf. ñr Aiailed freo. A arge lot of Foreign Music at half price. Planos, Melodcous and Orgnns. The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeon', fnr d-pth, mrity of tone and durability, are nnurpastwl. l'rices ■ery low eeond Band PlftAonand Melodeom frota $25 to ]50. Muiic and Munical Instructions of all kinil,atthe west priees. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 llroftdway, N. V. Tkwtimoniais; - "Tlie Horace Waters Pianos aro known s among thevery best.' -Evangelist. "Wocan speak of their menta f rom pomonal knjwlage."- Christian Inttlagcncer. "Jíothingat the Fair display eU greator excellence -"- Churckman. Wateri' Píanos and Meloúeona challenge comparinon ith the finwt maiW anvwUfreln Ue country. "-Hom onrnal. UVtf