Classified Ad

,.n ,- ■ ..,,,,.,„.„ i..í,.-.;n),:u the Tl„. l ol Mainaud liaron Street, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, Vutrni.-c ..11 Hi ron Street, opposite the I nokhn. 'bxhü b„ pond BlitoraJici lublislier. TKBJIS, St,5O A YEAK Ii ADVANCE ADVERT1SING. 12 or Us '. un 'vi f ;,i -i .Xa; flli'I 25 neiiti lertion thereai'ter, [cas tliu '1r''e tnonUis. Ouc square 3 months ..L3 Quarter col. 1 yo ■-)? Uue do 6 do 5 Half col'mu Bmo" 18 Ouc lo ljreat I Half do Ij" ? (m'H'Mtnu glOne 1 ''■"'" Ivo du 1 year 12 One do ' J o" íí- Adfertlsemont ínaccompanW by written or verbal direcüoM wiUbe puWWwí nntil ntortd oux, añil cbargcil uccordinf?lv. Uní tóTrttoemento, Inseption, 50 cents per íulio -ii-cntíper f"'1" for fach subsequent inaertíon. Wta' noonen.en b ortded toan adi ertwoment the whula ifi be cíjoiícJ U nanil? as for iirst msertion. JOB IlílÍrTI3SrC3-paillhlets, Hand-büls, (.'ircularí, Cards, Hall Tickets, aní ttln'i' varifftiea ol Plain and Kancy Job Prlntiog, fwcaicd witk iromptntss, aud in ike BEST ütyle. BOOK BIJNDIHO, Connecif'. Mffth i1i' Office i a Book Bindery in ol of a eoöipleiW workmftn. County Recuiás, LeUgeis, Jouruals, tuut all kimU of Blank liooks ma du t o order, and of the ;ock. Faaiiiilet9 a mi Periodiouls buuuU in a ueat and diabla taanoer, at Detroit prices. Kntraane toBiudery tliroiigh ikgus üffice.
Michigan Argus
Old News
Michigan Argus
Elihu B. Pond