Breckinridge Repudiated In His

Jwjt Home, - J he Nioholasville (Ky.) Democrat published in Mr. Breckinridgc's owu district, hoists the flag of Douglas and Johnson. Tho editor says : "It lias been, and is now, our fixed and determined purposc to support the man 'or President who fairly and justly obtained the nomination. While wc adnire and love Mr. Breckinridgc, we cannot forsako the modicum of nationality ;bat yet remaius to the Democracy to iromote bis interest to the detriment of Lat party whose recent rupture bas cast sucb a gloom over our land and nation. We love the Union. We will nevcr íuowingly take a position tliat will array one section of the Union against auother. Mr. Breckinridge did not receivc the vote of Kcntucky in Convention, and he will not receive it in November next. If be aeoepts the nomination froin the handful of delegatcs who secedcd at Baltiinore, t will militatc against tho success of Mr. Douglas while it insures bis own ovcrwhelining defeat At a time likc the sresent, when the greatest harmony is neudcd to insure suceess, it is suicidal to attempt a victory with a divided front."