Democratic Rally At Ypsilanti

Tho Dcinocruts of Ypsilanti havo ealled a tn:iss rutification moe! ing, to bo held on Tuesday evening noxt, and : have invited tho Demócrata of Ann Arbor and the Burrounding country to particípate with thom. Hon Chas. E. Btuaht and ET.on.Gio. V. NT L.vthiop are atmounced as epeakers. We hope that a larga number of our jllow Demócrata will go down, as a special truin is to bo provided ior tlie occasion. ly" The World, itself au advocate of hangiog, says ot the recent exocutioD of Hicks, on Bedloes teland, Nw York Bay : !iïhe stolid bearing of the convict, mukiiig turn ahnost a hero in the indiscriminating eyus of thousands; tho cchu of the occasion, of which ho was the central object: and, perhaps inoro thaa anything, tho hardening iadnlgdDoeoi brutal ouriosíty, will coníinn a hundred crimináis whore it will deter one. All that publicity wliich gives notoriety onoonrages crime. Distincti'in evon ia wicked:ie3s is ilear to the human heart." That samo objection huid good against privato hanging matches. The World has only to read of the mobs that surround gallowa enoloures, inount house tops to peer into jail yard, and read the details of such private entertainment furnished by somc fortúnate one bohind the sceno, to be convincod of this. The World should think of this. L3L The Detroit Adrertiser an nounces, apparently with greut siitisfaction, that "SjasBfe JSF. Qahnt, of Dowagiae, a well known democratie politician," has declared lor C"'.KIN. RIDQE, If w tnïstake not, this Gannt was an old whig, then an abolitionist, then a ropublican, and was nevor identified with the democratio party. HU son formerly published the Tribune, the republican organ at Dowagiae. but getting into a family quarrel a clique journal was siarted, and young Gannt ro moved lus establishment to Mackinaw and started a now paper which received the patronage of the Bingham and Wisser administrations. If "old Ganxt'1 goes for BiiKCKiNiuDan he is only doing what the maas of the republicaus of the State will do - if tliey vote as they talk. ZSr The Congressional Convention for this district has been called to meet at the Court House, in this City, on Thursday, August 9th. To this convention the üolegates have already been elected from Jackson, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties, and the convention to elect delégate from Wayne county is called for the -Ith of August. We hope that the convention when it comes together will take a full survey of the fiold, and then nominate tho man best qualifiod for tho place, and who can get the most votes; and not the man who can get votes bocauso of qualkies that do not fit hiui for the posi tion. Give us the man for the place, and his election inay almost be considered certain. ,22L" Tho republicans of the Third Congressional Convontion have nominatcd Francis W. Kellogg - bettor kuown aa "Spread Eagle Kellogg" - as a candidate for re electiou; a nomination which would never have been made save in the face of a large majority. - The republican Congressional tickot is now complete, as follows; lst dist. Bradley F. Granqbr; 2d. Fbrnando C. Bkaman; 3d Fuancis W. Kellogg; 4th. Roland E. Trowbridqe. - 1 i - - L5T Since Buchínan has doclared or Hiibckinridge, the republicans are all warm admirara of tho "old public unotipnary," and if the Houso were u ow in session we should expect to soe the Covode roport and censuro rosolutions expungcd. ffg" líon. John P. Halï, of New Hampshiro, hassuod the Boston Couri' er for libel, claimiüg damages to the amount oí $10,000. Mr. Hale had better take the "sober second thought," withdraw the suit, and lot his character tako care of itsolf. If tho charges were falso time will exposé them; and if true it is foolish to allow them to be proved in Court. Libel suits are seldom paying investments, espocially those brought by authors and politicians. _ K" Andrew Smith, a membor of the late New York Legislatura, has been arrestod in New York City, on a charge of forgery. It might as well bo-forgery as such damnable corruption as many of his associatos havo beon chargod as guilty of. E3f" President Buchanan doclared, in his recont speeech from the stops of the ''white houso," that neither Doualas or Breckinridgie had been regularly nominated, from which we may infer thatboing an adyocate of regular nominittiooa hc uill support Lincolx now as ho did in 1858. Japanese Gratitude. - The Japaneso officials placed S20.000 in the hands of Mr. Belmont, to be distributed among the pólice of Washington, Baltimore, Philadolphia and New York, in proportion to the number of tho force and thoir stay in each City. Tho several departmonts recoivod as follows: Washington, 82,650 ; Baltimore, $300; Philadelphia 83,300; New York $13,750. This ia paying liberally for being made a show of. U The City of New York appropriated 830,000 to entertain tho Japaneso ; tho bilis foot up to $100,000, and Jt is more than presumed that soinebody has made a nice littlo speculation, provided tho City pays tho difiéranse. !■ i ■ i -n ■ i i jrcy" It is insinuated that our statistical neighbor of the Journal is ac tively canvassing the county to procure the nominatioi) of Judgo of Probate for - himself. IW President Buchanan bnving an nounuud n lus lato serenado speech that "t is probable that tbis is the lust politica! speech that I shall ever make," Fornoy's Press saya : " Shoulil the annoUDcement bo verified, it will be without exception, the moBt gratifying intelligcnce tho country has rucuived from thal quarter, tho last three years." S&" Hioks, couvictcd of piracy, for lobbing Uio schooner E. A Johnson in New York Jiay, some montl) sinoo, was lm ng on Friday last. Beforo his esecu ' tioh he confesaèd to the erimo, and also to murdering the Captain and two hands, and to othur revolting crimes. Ilis career of crimu, il' his confessions aro true, t has seldoni been excellcd, t In New York, on the llth inst, Junies Kerrigan, Cleik of ono of the Pólice Courts, attempted to shoot Alderman Genet for an allcgod assaull apon his sister and botrothod. If the charges made agaia&t the Alderman aro true, it is almost a pity thut Kerrigan had not carried out his design. SSf It is announcud that Hon. L. D. Campbell, of Ohio, one of tho most ranting of republicana, has declarod against Lincoln. It is almost to be hoped that he is not going for DouoLAS, {5P1 lix-President Pikroe, folio wiog tho load of Caleü Cusnixo and Jiff Davis, who darnned his adniiiiii,tration( has proclaimod himself in favor oí Breckixiudcib. Hu injured the party al! he ooiild during his own aduiini-itratlon. and his seocssiou will work no great inysfr 'tiüw.