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National Horse Show

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-Prepara tions are busily going lorward for the approaching exlnbition of thc Xational Horse Association, which our readers and the public generally will remember is a inonth earlier this season tliun laet, to wit: on the llth, 12th, I3th and 14th of September. The Secretary, Mr. G. EL Kidder informs U8 that he is daily in the receipt of letters i'rom all parts of the country for nforraation, &c, and that aome twenty entries of horsos for the exhibition have alroady been made. New stalls are being added, and other improvemor.ts are being made. From present appearances thcre will be alarger number of visitors here at the ensuing fair than the year before, and tho attractions will be greatly increased. The Association will inakeauuouncomonts in a few days. - Jíalamazuo Telegraph, Juhj 12.