A French King For Ireland

lui: followino; ure extrmírs (rom the pamplilet' MacM tluni Boid'ínjlande," just publiahed in lrs : "Wlmt, m Uw, is i lio nnity oí Italy toberoxcept t!i; indispensable complement of lir untagi)Hm ngainst us ? WeH. i' t Iv the rulu n di plora aoy :is war ti) ropei m ittuok by un attack, how ivilv to tlwt ' "The Briiish i.-lainN prnieoted by their )dw(.t!'ii! Butst, íinye no reason to loar, lika iis, a foreiya oo:iltion ; it i, therefore, y the interior thutwe tnust think t.iking ihein, "Doea that inore that we pretend that t is iiocaiwary to deatroy their power ? On ttio eoiitravy, ve desire thnt it may inonsiwe, on con Jiiiou of Beeing it divided. ' Let na understand ono another ; tho English power, euch as it W, OflDDOt dovclop itsclf or even subsist except bv oppression, wbile o a state ol conioderation it would lind itsclf a natural couuterpoiso in case sho should persist in pursuing hor syatetn of iniquities ; in place oí which, by remaining on the deíonsive, elie inight, without causing umbrago t other statos, think ol extonding herself indefinitoly, and for oxamplo, occupy herself advantagoously, in concert .. with Franoe, Russia aud Germany, with tho definite regulation of the eastern qacstion. "llere wo are, theo, logically lod to thie conclusMn ; " The Britannic Confederation is peaco. What is to be done to obtain it? ;EnL?land herself has taken the pains to reach ít to us. "In fact, by making1 the Romagna voto in spite of their aovereign ; by protecting manifestly, if not oüicially, tho expcdition to Siuily, she has declared to all : "Peoplo who aru badly goverued have the right to wíthdraw themselves {rom the laws which govern thora, by votes and even by insurrection. "Well, then ! let us place Ireland in presonce of the Romagna and of Sicily. "Oertainly wo are lar from approving the mannev in which thuse two couutries havo been treated ; but there is not a man whose judgment morits any consideration who dous not find their condition enviable in comparison with the first. "What more natural, thareforo, than to seo Oatbolic and persocuted Ireland manifest her impatience oí Protestant and tyrannic England. " Let her manifostit,, then, and England, who advises Austria to cede Venicc for a sum of money, will have to ratify the vote ander penalty of say ing to Europe, 'My lavr is iny good pleasure.' ''In any case, thero is wanting at this moment in Ireland but one man, and this man Providonce seems to have especially marked out. "This man has valiantly gained his spurs in Algeriu, at the Malakoff bastion, in the plains of Lombardy, and, if need be, he vvould not be embarrassèd to cut out a crown for hirnself ou the plains of green Erin. "This man is one of those whom a people are always happy to meet, and whom Kings willingly siilute with a titío of brother, - this man is MacMahon."
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