T 4ew Advertisements. TO RENT. A HOUSE AN'I) LOT, woll situnteil, to rent. Kii-inirr at this OflW. 31, O S T , OV THE IRth inat., botween tho roaWcnc of J. Á. l'nHlKMl, in Sci", an'l tliiíCity, n bead pvirso contaioing from $-.' to 30in rairnl Gold. D Brfei irill bu Hberally rcirardeil by leavlag tho same at tne Store of A. l' MiU. Ano Albor, July l'Hh 1860. ' FRESH F1SH. ut sutii. Thinii i licir sirp, i rtMlnng, (in 'l'uTí'lay ui FrWJ ii'iii":i "I cacl eek, inib Lakfi Mu-higan Whitr i isli aul Mackiuaw 'l'ruut. Wari iiit"i In prime order. Try thetn. Ana Arbor, July x, 1BW. -"VÖT .1 . It E N U KL RESP] I II I I.I V i.if..rmi hia formar pntrom, nn.1 tho inlinbitanl of Adu Arbor iugcnrnl, tlmt !.■ vriii Intruel cIicIbi ; h .i il,,, fuiw, Vinlin, Cuitar. In Tborougli llu, Singlnp: nnd aM. m Uia (iermui Languaga, atlhi ■ me tenn be ated tnelinrge. ir., will tomona in hlfl vb bouM, w In tbehouMa of bis Bcholan. Raskteni In iwplllnt In ld ■ reu oTthe Store Uiely coupled ,y and aityoinlng miden o( 3.T. Ttojve, wlicrc hi. iMHj ii un Dram 7 toN.V tf.,from 12 lo I ml ■ _'"?i'. ■■'■ 7Tm8 Hü! FOR THE PJÊW STORE . Tremendous Sacrifico Z 20,000 WOJRTH -orOTAÍPÍLtl ARO FAMO D11Y GOODS! TO BE SOLD f REGARDLESS OF NEW YORK COST! W01 roiiectfuUy nnaouimce to the eitizens of ii"ui! uiit WashWoaw and adjoining couBtta), that he ín now building nnouf tlie most elegant and largdit itorvf in Michigan, at tbe nouth west corner o 1 Matnaml Liberty Strcftíí, Ann Arbor, and U detennfned to clcse out bil immi'iise stock of goods of all kinds, at mijt Sjicrilice lor 'afOi, prejtaratory to removing to biA New anl Sjtaciou: AliarlinonU. H;tvmg cuncladed to make grand upeuiug with an cutiré new titock in in y ncw itoro thie fall. I will soll forthe XKXT 30 DA VS, all kind of Challics, Delaihci, Poplint. BLACK AND FANCÏ AT MOST ANY PR1CE! I can get. Atso P1km?r, Hats uf ovpry ilencription t your own prlcO] so ro nut haic-h.iiltil auv louKOr, but ao to KAOK'S GREAT CL0SING OUT SALE! An-í bare jrooi "patos" cvere(i for a ahilliug aml up word. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS! TUK LARGBJT STOCK crer brought lo tbis place, ami At Prices to Suit the poorest Family Ah usual!' cheajjer tlia can be found at anj other etabllshment In this county, and 1 SHOKT EVKRYT1ÍJNG oauaJJy found in inj large and attractirc stock, at A GREAT RAT E OF REDUCTION I Farmers, Mechanics, Laioyers and Doctort, and the rest of mankind, LOOK TO YOÜR INTERESTS ! Drop politics and rush 'm en massc to C. MACK'3 Gro&t Gtosïng-Ottt Sale, whero Six Shilling will pats for a Dollar all lay Img. Come One, Come AU! I mean what I iy. I am detorminctl t HU olí all iny present stock of goods ut .1 gruiit sacritice FOR CASH! Bofore romoving to iny NEW AND ELEGANT STORE. Where T fti.ticip.ite rnnnving with an ontiro new lock of giKKls, ou the BnN 'lay Of September. C. MACK. Ann Arbor, July 9th, 1860. Iblit WATCHES A GIFT valiiG'l from two (lollarn to one hun-lre-l dolían OIVENT with ovcry Uook sold at retail prices. At least one Watch (iUARATf TEJ5D to every twelve books! l'hcse imlucpments ire offertd by tlie SUFF0LK EXCHANGE CO. 116 Washington street, Boston, The moot Oktendve and the most liberal Gift concern in f-xittiice. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE! IbOM srho h;ivy }iritrntiil ethet (ift BOOMS ÊÊ% partk-ularlr requestod to acquaint themnolven with our tonos. or inducementi are unrivalled, aud put al! Dthers in the ahftdtt. The rullowiog aroKOineof tho Gifti to purchaswrS of books: Esoiish Utkb Oofcn Watoob, Htnmm Casus. Tateut " " " Lalies " " " open face. Iretached Lvm Silver M'atche, Hunting Vak. Lcjiine Silvor Wa tubes, open fuco. Gold I-ocbets, rarious nizen. Iridies and GeutA1 GoldChainii, vartous ntyle.. Lftdieil and Gold Slocve Buttoiw and Stud, alt patterns. Gents' Bt)S4)m Ping, new and rich styles. Gold Pencibi and l'cns. Gold Watch Keys and Belt Pb. A groat varicty of Iidies' Jowelry, Fins and EarProps, contprisiug all tho stylca noir worn, such Carneo, Mosaic, Gold Stouc, IJiva, Florentitie, &o.t &C. , &Q . Gold Uiacelets, all styles, TIn' List of Books comprimes a great ansortroont of standard works in every dopartment of litemture, interwtiog to thu young and old. Do not fail to nenil for & a CAtaMgui'. Catalogues ma i led free to any - A]ily to & UI FOLK EXCITANGE C0MFNY, 116 "Washington street, Boston. C. V. Kuhip, Treuurer. 8w757 Marsh al 's Sale, Circuit Cooil of xhc ü. S. ) District of Michigan. jWl BY VIRTÜE of an Execution, issned out of the Circuit Com tof tho United SUtes for the District of Michigan, beariiiR date the third day third day of July, A. B. 1850; whercin William A. Smith, WilIiaraSteele, Jr.( and Ira Sinith, Jr, are l'laintiffs, and Marshall' I. Cornil and Gardner II. Shaw, are defendantfilirected and dehverM to tbe Marshal of said district, he the said Marshal by his Doputy, L. D. Walling, did on the lïfth day of July, A. D. 1856, levy upon the followlng described ]and.i or premisos, viz. Tho Routh-wost quarter of Section N'o. seventeen, and tho south fifty acres froin off the east half of the north-eat qtinrter of section No. niutteen; and the east half of the north-wcst quarter of eectton No. seventeen, and thesouth-eaüt quartcr of the southwest quarter of Section No. eight; all in town two south of range four wit, containing in .ill three hundred and thirty acres of bind more or less. Notice is heirby given thatby virtue of naid levy 1 shall &e at Public Auction or vendue at the front door of the Court Ijfous in tha City of Ann Arlor, in said Dietrict, on Saturay, the firit day of September, A.D.,1860, at 12 o'clock, noon, of said day,nll of the above describod landít or premisos or o muoh thercof a? may bo necessary to satisfy aid iecution tngether with all costs thereon. J. R. BAGG, U. F. Blarsbal. By N. B. NYE, Doputy. Patcd, Ann Arhor, July 18, 1S00. 767t1 Chancery Sulc. IN pnxaiUDoe aad by virtue Ot a DMree of thn Circuit Ooari for the county of ffuhteuW) in Chancery, mado Julv 13th, A. 1. 1859, ín a case in daid Court between WilHan Hulbert, Complaiuaut, and Ixyal Tower Hebby Ann Tower, Daniel Kellfijrg, and Justin Kellogg, Defendants, I shall nell at public tendue at the Court HouiM in the City of Ann Arbor, on tho !5th day of August noxt, at noon, the south üixty-seven aud one lifth acres of the south i-ast quarter, and also th Kouth ono-flfth of the southtvent quartor of section No. tbirt y-.-ix, in Township No. tbree south uf range five east. lmg in Ijodi, in said county, exeept bouj onefourifa of an acre deeded to Russel Briggst and ui? nr dOMled to Stophen Andrun, üated, July lOth, A.D 18flO C. H. VAXCI.F.VE, 75(itd Circuit Court Conimiftfuoncr. TO EKCHAKfiE fjr Town tots in Abu Arbor, with or without dweilingH, or for iwproved land within five mUMdl Iba - n ivuantity of pratTio and timberel luid, lytog it)iin one Hiile of the Dubuque and I'acilTe llailrnad , in the county oi (Jrundy,. Iowa, and ncar to a depot. or further infoiciation address by mail, R, S KKTHUM, 4w55 Comroerce, OakUtnd Couniy, Mich, Ayer's Agüe Cure..
Dry Goods
Courts - Federal
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Michigan Argus
C. Mack
William A. Smith
William Steele Jr.
Ira Smith Jr.
Marshal I. Morrill
Gardner H. Shaw
L. D. Walling
William Hulbert
Loyal Tower
Debby Ann Tower
Daniel Kellogg
Stephen Andrus
E. S. Ketcham