Secure Your Store Doors

- An tempt was mede to enter and rob the Store of A. P. Mills, on Huron Street in this City, on Friday night last. A hole was bored through the back door suflioiently large to adniit a man's arm, but an iron bar fastened firraly by n staple at one end and a padlock at the olh er prevented fartlier progross. Mcrchants hould take warning by thii and 6ee that the rear doors to their stores are firmly barred JJjirglars seldom try front doors. jjE" The Sunday School connecled with the M. E. Church of this City has ncepted an invitation to joiu in a Pió Nic Festival witli the M. K. Sumlay School of Chelsea, at that place, on WVdnesday next. For all connected witli tho Sehool we undertand tho faro íot the occasion has been put t 30 cents to go and return. Cheap enough o pennit every seholar to go. ËP Tho oration of L. D. Norris, Esq., proiiouncod ut Whitmore Lnke on the 4th inst., has been publUhed,, by special ie juest of tho officers of the day, in the Ypsilanti Hrrald. Had we received a copy before makir.g up our first sido we should have jiven it a place in our columns. It is a fine production, and justillos the praise bestowed by those who heard it. SP Since our last fine weather pro valled up to Wednesday, which proved to be a rainy day, a very rainy day, and drove all the harvesters from the fields. Yesterday morning the sun cauie out hot, and the damp 4ioated atniusphere was oppressive. It was just the day for wheat to grow, and we hope the harvcêt will be ended without many súchil It is reported that a couple of Dfputy Marshals got niccly sold in aking a lrunken(?) man from the Circus on Wednesday, he proving to be a part of the show and loting a character regularly assigned him. EThatoldaodfavoritecompany, Te drntine nta ís, are now concerting it in our State, .■and weunderstand will pay our City a visit oon. Those who have heard MessrsSniith, Franklin, Watson and Lewis will be sure to ■do so again. Lrok out for their bilis. J3C" Now wheat was marketed in "Grand Rapids on the 14th inst., and in Kularaazoo on the 13th. At the latter place red óld at 90 ets., and white at $1 00. We have heard of no sales yet in this niarket. L5L" Tho Kev. Dr. Foster has reigned the Prcsidency of the Northwestern University, at Evanston, near Chicago, and the Trustees have elected as his successor Bev. E. O. Haven, D. D., formerly a Professor in the University of Michigan and now editor of Zion's Htrald, Boston, Dr. H. has not yet ignified his acceptance of the position, and it is thought by his friends that he will decline it. We should like to see the Dr. again laborer in the educaHonal field of the West. The Wood Ranokkk, or the Trappers ok So.voba. By Capt. Mayke Rei, author of the 'Soalp Hunters,' 'Rifle Rangers,' 'White Chief,"Hunters'Foats,'etc. Beautifully illustrated with original design3, engraved by N. Orr. New York: Robebt M. DeWiTT.Publisher. The former works of Capt Reíd have been Tead with such avidity that a new one from his pen almost wins a wide popularity bv the time the ink upon the sheets ie dry. The volume before ub is full of interest from the first page to the last; the plot is well laid and the working out holds the reader to the pago. It is a thrilling tale of adventure. For sale by ScnoFF & Miller . 0?" We are indebted to Soiioff & Miller for a maguificent Stereosoopic View, on glass, in looking at whioh one has to imagine that he is not looking at the original sceno rather than a shadow. Schoff fe Millkr have a large assorlment of Stereoscopes and Views, and the lovers of the b eautiful hould give them a cali. tST Mack wishes to clean out preparatory to removing to his new Store, and is offering great inducements to his customers and the general goods-buying community. See his advertisement. - ■ - - - ui in EP We have received one or two numbers of The World, the new daily paper tarted in New York a few weeks since.- It is about ths size of the Tribune, is a handomely printea sheet, and well filled with the current news of the day. It assumes to have no politici but has a decided nquint towards I republicanisra in some things, and not so ! cided in other things. lts moral tone is "pitebed" high with a commendable intent to ignore prize fight details, and such like demoralizing matter. $4 a year daily; ' weekly $3. Addresa The World, 35 Park Row, N. Y. We should like to reeoive it regularly. iy The eclipse of tbo sun, advertised to take place Tnesday morning from ! 6:28 toö:44, which was to obscure six or sevn digits of the luminary of day, didn't oma off "aooor.ling to the bilis" JVorydigit was moonstruek, but the entire sun was obscured by a cloud, convorting it into a total eclipse nstead of a partial one, but not of a kind to atisfy those who had purcha8ed tickets and smoked glass for the occasion. If the atronomical expeditions s.ent out by governraent to makc observations from favorable points on the high seas met with like obstados, the ap. propriations made for the purpose will prove f as little ue as somo made for other objects Saiuxg of Dr. Hayes' Arctic Exon HayeS Arcti0 exPedi" tion left Boston at 8:30 P. M. on SaturFo.bes. A saluto wM fired on the wnarfprev,oll8 ol „. of the vessel was changó to tho