Infidelity And Shooting

We are informe d Ihat, on me evemng of tbe 3d inst,, Orndorff, oommigsion merebnit mt Waraw, having souiu suspicion tbat all was not right witli lus wife. noticod h through the window readtog somo fctters, wliich alie deposited in a drtwer on bis coming ni. He pretended not to notico it, but after thoy had vetired ho mado sorae excuso for getting un, and rcad tbo letters, ïhey provecí to 'bo from one Robcrt Sterling, a ebrk till lately in the storo of Johnson & llunt Hia worst Hurpickma wara ooüíirmed. In tho letter he profeaeod tbat ho was tho father of one of her ohSdreo, and urged her to elope witb him. Orndorff, taking his pisto], passed dowu to a saloon, wheiv ho knew Sterling was apt to spend his oveuings to a lato hourAs he approacbed Sterling, who sat play. ing dominóes, Sterling turned to sea who wa coming, wben OrndoríF hot him in the moutb, the ball passing out tbrougb his iicck, and cutting his tonguc nearly mit. Sterling rose to escape, wben Orndorff shot him agaiu, making only a flesh wound in bis sido, and again shooting, making only a slight wound on tho liip. Sterling started to go out, wben afourtb shot was fired, which missed. Sterling iained the stroet, and was ohased by Orndorff nearly around the square, wben Sterling wont up stairs and loekod tbe door, which bis pursuer began to kick down, declaring ho would kill hitn. Some friends arrived and told him Sterling was dead - but this did not avail, as Orndorff said he knew better. He was, howevor taken away and arrested. But he has tho lettors iu bis possession, and suys be is sorry that he has got to do thc tragieal work over again.
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