The Late Gale

â– Loss of 170 Litis. - An expedition dospatclied lrom Great Yarmouth to search for the eleven fishing luggera belonging totliat port, has returned without any tidings of thein, and thev and their crews are now givi up for lost Fonr luggers and two cuttors bclonging to Lowefl toft are aliso missing. Tho loss of life in conncection with tho Yarmouth boats is about 120, and the Lowestoft boats had also 50 men on bo rd, so tliat in all 170 poor fellows havo periihed. - Many of them ore married men, and have lefi their wives and families destiture. The boats ara supposed to have been lost ncar the low Uutch coast, and to have been capsized in a sudden squall; thoso which succeeded in gaining the open sea rode out the galo, and have long sinco coiiie into port. - Late English Paper.
Accidents - Water
Old News
Michigan Argus