Flint And Peek Marquette Railway Company.--at The Annual Election

at Flint, held on the Cth inst., the following were chosen Direetors: Capt. E. B. Ward, C. A. Trowbridge, Detroit; George M. Dewey, A. J. Ross, A Crossman, Benj. Piersou, J. 15. Hamilton, Flint; Morgan L. Drake, Pontiac; A. I). Faulkner, New York. At a subsequent meeting meeting of Director?, Capt. E. B. Ward, of Detroit, was chosen President; A. T, Crossman, Treasurcr; Morgan L. Drake, Secretary. It gives us great pleasure to announce that work has been resumed on the Fliut and Pero Marquette Railway, between this city and Flint. The iron for the first 20 miles has been purehased and shipped, and the track-layera will commenco work to-day. Half a mile of track per day will bc laid until the first twenty miles are laid. Negotiations are pending, which will no doubt bc successt'ul, for iron for the remaiDder of the track to Flint, which is all graded to receive it, - Last Saginaw Courier, Juli V2th.
Flint and Pere Marquette Railway Company
Old News
Michigan Argus