Be Temperate

Aq increase ol mtemperance is a e.ommon, though it can hardly be said to be necessary attendant oí a Presidental election Many wlio are at other timos steady and industriólas get drawn ofif by the excitement irom their regular pureuits, and feul a desire for drink, and thus contract a pornicious habit. Young men attending political meetings and barroom jubilntions ; office seekers, and others of large or 6mall ambition, are ever ready to "treat;" the crowd becomes hilarious, and swallow strychnino and rot-gut by wholesale. These practices breed a habit, which in many cases continue through life. If our tipplern, irom those who are regular and msiy be moderate drinkers, to thoso who are past praying tor, would Jmt review their secret history, we doribt not many of them would trace the commenoement of the vice to the excitement of a poütical campaign. While it is too much to expect that the campaign will be conducied without an increased consumption of ardent spirits, mnuh good may be done "nd much evil a verted by prudeut cautions from tathera, mothers, sisters, sweetheirts and friends, and by prudent men refraining from setting those bad examples to which they are too much given. Everybody should be patriotic, but thoy ought to try to be so without making fools of themselves. - Ypsilanti Herabl.
Elections - President
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