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HAMv HOTB, L.A.O WAUKAM, SPECIE AND EXCHAÍSGE QÜOTATIONS. Ciirefullj' Retlwd aad Cometed evory tak. fRATRSlCURRFJsT AT lihT Banking House of D. Preston & Co , '■Z Woixlwar! At?. , Detroit July 9, 1660. BANK KOT]. Ketroit City Hmkj, -..--■ Par. Cantda, (all Bolvent BaofciO " K. EncUnd aml N'. Tork, (Solnat limik) - - " N'mv JeTM7 ii.iil DdHwart', ..--' Ohio, Kentaoky and Virginia, .---' I'a , all nntos par nt l'iltsbu.-!i "r l'liilmlalplila, - " kink oftiwStetaof Imfluia, UNCUIUtJ.Nï FTTNDS. lliuois, Wiscoiifii, Mifs.'in añil lom ons n I 'j THb ■ " " Hlltng 1 lo 1'4' " V. Carolina, S. ('arolitm and I-ouiriiana, - 'l " QdlaM Stock Nolvs, IK " TcMinessot', ...-.-5 Oeorgia, - 2 and 6 " Hnitcd States Post Offipp Scrip, - u Bask ofEnglanil Note. L, - 82 llaiikuf Tttuimoh, Mlehigui. - - - 75 dis ExcliaiiKf Itank of I). Hall Co. . - - - " OÜB RATE.S 1)U UILI.S OV KX('HAN(ili. iluvinj;. Selling. On N6w rork and Boston, }í )í On Waahingtonj %■ On BulTalo, a On l'levelaQ'l H Oa Cincinnati V Ou Chicago, ic, dis. for tlOílor upwarda. GOLD AND SILVKR. Buylng. Selling. Am. Gold, lol of $100 or upwarda, American Silver, 1 LAND WAIU1AXTS. Buyinj. Eolling. 40 Aon Wabkaxts 41 4fi R0 70 8(1 v,n ■ 93 106 löo " l'-22 140 Iïevovolutionary Scrip, (por aert1,) 80 ctn. 90 ets. PREMIUM GOINS. SII.VKR COINS, GOU) COIXS. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 05 Sovereigns, 4 84 and i S4 Vïexican Dollars 1 04 20 Francs 3 8;: ■'ive Vvnnr PieCM 96 25 Franc 4 lift -"renen t'rowns 1 ) 10 Francs 1 M ierman (l 1 05 5 Francs 85 Vussiau Thalwi 69 'IVn Thaler Piecea 7 80 uil, Iers 38 X Thaler Piceos 7 8fi inglish Silver, (shilling Ten ('uiUlor Pieces 4 0 23c) L1 60 Ppaniph DoubWus 16 00 OM Am. Ilülf Polls. 1 08 Patriot 16 -V) üti lotKol' $100 ap I California Gold $1Q 6d wiinl.i, 1 Y'c. additional $.V.s and 20s ld. Qold Dost, $16 to $16 50 per oz. 0íff Rpnnlah ebanga $1 15 per oc. or 22 conti for quarters, 11 for shilling, 5 for sixpeucvs. Ou Iota of 0 o, and apward. $1 18 per os. DAVID PRESTON fc CO., Bnnkers. T Woodward Ato., Detroit. Office hours,from8, A, M., to 5, P. M. SPÏËCT-A L1STOTICES . , isL' o. :r. h Pafsenger traína now lea ve the so vera 1 Station in thU County,as follows. G 0 1 X G WEST. Mail Ex, Marshal Ac Nljht Ex ypnilantl, 8. SO a. m. 6.35 p. m. 9.10 y. m. Aun Arbor, 9.10 " " 7.00" " U.íiO " '. Doctor, 0.35 ' " 7.80 " " 9.55 " " Chttlwa, 9.50" l 7. 55 " 10.10 A. M G Ü 1 N G KAST. Erenmg Ex, Marshall Ac. Mil Ex. Chelsea, 5.15 a. m. 8.15 a. m. 4.36 P.H.. toxter, 5.30" " 8.40 " M 4.50 " ' Ann Arbor, 5.55 (í 9.10 " u 5.15 '■ ' VpftU&nti, 6.15 " " g.40 " 5.5 " ' SAVE YOTJR HORSES. "We take great pleanttro in recomraendihg the Mexican kiufitang Liuiraetit M ft valuabln and inUiepensIble articlo for Sprain.1, Sores, Pcratchea or Galls on Hurties. Our men hav used it for severe Burns, Druiso, Boi6) StifF .loints and Kheuinatic Pain.s, and all say it acts like magie: We use no other Liniment. J. W. HKWITT, Foreman tor American, Ilarnden's arnl Wells, Fargo S: Co, 's F.xpress." "(ent!.kmi;.:_I had a negro worth $1,260 who took cold f rom a bad hart, anl ivas u.eless for over one year. I had tried everything Í could hear of without benefit, tnitil 1 used the Mustang Liuuioiit. It lias perfectly eured him, and I can now take the above prico for him. Respectfully yours, JAMES HORRANTE. Every Planter, Teamster, and Family phould have thi8 nvaluablo article. Sold by all respectable dealers ere rywhere. BARXS&TARK, Proprietor, Xew York. 4w7ö5 MRS. WINSLOW. An experienced DOCWand female physician, has a Soothing Syrup for childreu, teothlng, which grtmtly facilitateR th( procesn of teething by softeuing the runn, reducing all in flammation - wïll allay all pain, and is Hine to regúlate Uu ; bowels. Depend npon it, motl-ers. it will give rest to yourselvss, and.relief and lioalth to your iitfants. Perfectly sHfein all cases. See advertisement in another column. A5-Tho Grcat Benefactor of hl h Unr- Tfte Great Healer of Mankind! Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis, Th whole World United! Sick People think! After tohich act, You'd scarce expect, at this late day, Wit li startlingcuresa book to fill; Th is is the case, tliemillion say, With thecureH of llerrick's Pili. They come froin I-iast, and Xoith, aml West, And wlth glad tidingB the papen flll, BecaiiMe they are the cheapest, safest, bent, ■ And superior to others in Herrick'ü Pili. From BooU, and Plants, andFlower thpy're; They always cure- they uever kill Thoufiands now in their gravus were laíd, Were it nol for Herrick's Pilis. Eaeh Pili wiíh sugar ír coated o'er- A rare dincovery of matchless skill, Tliciilike was never soenhefore, Until itappeared in Herrick's Pili. For Ttari h'i worksd to heal the aick, With joy elatebitt bonom filis: For tens of thotuands now rejoico At the roajfïc Powers of Herrick's Pillfl. LW HERRICK'S MATCHLHSSVKGKTABLE FAMI1A' PILLS have inundated the world with thfir pdpularity. Over fivc inillion of boxesare usedannualy, giving employment to Righty-five men and woinen to put them up, Their corea are numberod by thouaanda - their praiweb on the tonuM "f all, Qtizena of Washtonaw Co-, and elsowhere, have you eer used themfPni up in EngHah, SpaniHh, Germán, nd French directions. Large family boxe, 25 centsl Five boxus for $1. Söld overywhoro. Sce advertisement on 3d pago Tiif.IjO.npos STKREa'ïcoi'ic CoiirASY's business hawincreased to such an extent that they have decmodit nee essary to cstablish a depot in Xew York for the supply of stereoscopic goodw to the trade generally. They have arrangedtoforward to their Managers every week a case of goodfi that fihall contain all new subjects as well au first-cIasM standard pictures and they will thon be eua bied to offera complete assortment of stock of unequalod character, at prices considcrably lowcr than those of any other house, It mustbe evident to dealers in stereo scopic good.s that they will be consultiug thtir own interests by doing businesn at the New York Branch of tho LoxdonSterboscopic Compant, as at IIíadqüarters. Orders can be sent to Tubo. Lbsskv, manager, ÍÍ34 Broa way, N'ew York. Stcreoscopes of all kinds and prices frorn fifty conts upwards. Views and groups from $1 ,0 per doien upwards Iy715 Importan, t to Femnles. Dr, C H E E S JETa N ' ê PILliS PtSFAMXB nv Con.VEurs L. Chkesemax, h. d.( New York City. Thecombinationof ingredients in these Pilis are th result of a long and extensive practico. They are mild i thcir operatioit, and certaiu in correct ng all irregular ties, Painful Monauiations, remnvng all obittructfoni whether from cold or otbcrwisc, hoaaaobe, pain in th ide, palpataiion of the heart, milite, all nervoiiH afTec tkms, hysterics, rtigue, pain In the back and lijn lm, &c diaturbed sleep, whiiliarisesfrom iuterruj[ition of uut ure TO MARRIFDLAWKS, Dr. Cheeseman's Pilis are invaluable, as tb wi bringon tlie raonthly period with rcgularity. LaffiM wh have bflAD disappointed intlieiise of othea Pilis c;m plac tlic utmost confidonco iu Dr. Cheeseman's PilU duiug al they represent to do. JT O T I C M . Therc ia one condition oj the female itysinn in wkiehtl Pils cannot be taken without producing a VECVLIA RESULT. The condition referred tois PREONASCY- Ou rcsult, MÏSCAIIRIAGE. Swh is the irresistoblê ten dency of the medicine to restore the acxual functions t a normal condition, that evin the reproductiv power o nature cannot resist it. Warranted purelv vegetable, and free from anythin injurious, Kxplicitdirections, wbich thould be read,ac eompany cach box, Sent hy mail on encloiting $1 t Du CoHN-ems 1.. GamKBMAXf Box 4,531, Post Office NV York City, #&■ Sold by ouc Druggist in every towo in the Unite States. -TLft R. K HÜTCHING8, GBSJEUX ACKVT WOB TUF üttTTBD StATF.% jVo, 14, Broadway, New ïorh, L& To whOHl all Whnlflsalo order shotild bo addrowp Sold in Ann Arbor, by Maï.nmrd, Stebbiss Jt WnjBOJl and G, Grkxvillb, 736yL THE PEORÍA MAEINE & FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of Um BEAF1E8T, BATBSI üad BEST Injuranc Co'p. in Inpurrn on rMamablfl fTm,nnila wavs pay pioiniitly Theie ís nu totltr Fire Innurum. THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. Slll JAAIE8 OLARKE'S Cclcbrated Feinale Pilis. PEOTECTED @jJ2ï L E T S E R f BY EOYAL E PATENT Preparad from a prcteription of Sir J. Ciarle, JU D., Physician Extraordinary the Queeit. TiiiH invaluabl medicine Li unfailing In the cure of all th')e jiainful and dangerou diseajiei to which the famale c mtdHution is iubject It moderat all exceHs and rmovei all obatructiOBA, and a tpeedr cur muy b rfcUed on. TO MAKIMKP I. U1KM It Ui peculiarlj uitL It will,' In a hort tin, bring on ia monthly perioil wtth riularit. Kuch liutUe, priae On Dollar, baan tb Oovartiawat St&wp of Qreat Britaio, to prevent countrfita. Th ft Ptllt tkouU nat bt Itktn by ftmmhl émting tkt FIKST THRtK MONTH S Prtgnmntf, m tkéf on ture to bring M Mitcvriagt, but mt y ttkër ttmt tkef r Kif e. In all Mi of Vurrotm and Sninal AlTsctiam, Pain In tke Bock and LtmlM, Fatigue od Illght eiertion, Palpito tion of tua Haart, Hjtric, and Whit, the I'Ut wlll effect a cor when au othor mui han IkileJ, and hlthough s powerful nmdj, do not eontaln Iron, alom] antimrny, or any tliing hurtfnl to the oonatitutitin. fuU dinreUoo Keompatj Mik packag. Sol Agant fcr tb Unitd Statu and Canada, JOB HO8ES, (Uto I. C. Bldwiu ir,i Rosheator, N. V -41,00 and pot Um anetoMd to any ha put, wOl kmm a bottta of Ik Hll b retor ir Boli l,y G. QKKNV1LLÏ, Ann Arbor, aml liy Drug, istu ii'cTt'ry tnwn , MICHIGAN" SOUTÏIERN & NOBIHEKN PTOIAKA KAH.ROA1). jtaflB]sBiiaaLagj-g 1H0. HMin AERANGiafflNT. 18C0. Inin, now run on thi ro.l, Pucday eloeptíí, U f"L',TTSe Toldo for Chicago at 10.25 A M. , ?,", ?■ Ar'rivinB'to1'""" ''"'11 " Dct'Oi' "' 8'' '' MArívoTitroH from TuWlo, at 7:05 A.M. , I:H P. MÁr"ve 'inVtroli from Chicago at C.50 P. M. , and 1 .05 Arfnvo in Toledo from Chicago 4,30 V. M. and 4.50 A. M. and S.40 I'. M. Iavp Adrián for.Iaokoii at ,,.„,, „ ' Jackion for A.lrinu at 5,00 A. II., and 1,30 I'. M. CONNSCnONS. At TOMDO- WHh ricvt'lancl s Tolcoo mii uraiu, mui WÏi2?Lw4BSiid Tnn.kR.ii, . -m. rt Wentern Kailway, alo, with ie Drtrmt an.lMtlwaukoe, tNw ihast & Salem B. R.CKWH1TO- WlöxTrtóu for lafayotte, Nfw Albany .ml k""-, , At CiMckOO- With ChlOMO and Boek Iulnn.i, Calr-nn, MHwauke, Chicago, Burlington aml Quincj- Nor WMt Kiiilway- Chicago, Alten an.l St. Louii, Ilhno.s Vntial, and to all Polntl West nl South. . Tralnl are run hy Chicago time, whxh h 20 minuto lower than Detroit time. Wooilrulïs l'atent Sleoiing ('ars acenmoany tlie Nijiht TrainH onthisRouto. Ho change „f oar betweon Detroit, Aunan and tSr'patent Ventilators and üiutsrs are ul on nl! InmolW Trains. . .. - Tim and Faro the ame as by nny other lian 'jNO. D. CAMPnfXL, Gene-al Supcrintondcnt. -ANDSIIOE MAKER'S STEIKE. THE JOURS W1I.L ET THEIR PRH'E FOlt THEIR work and Uootá & Slioes wlll be higUsr! Will have to pay more for your goods. i HAVE JÜST PURCHASED AN EXTENSI VE STOCK OF raauy of thom, on account of thft LARGE STJPPLY IN MARKET! PER CASE LESS THJN It Oost to Make Them and liall Sell them till I have to Pay more for them at the EXTREMELY hOW PRICES immel below. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3.50 Calf Boots, for f2,50 '' 4,50 Frencb Calf Superfine, 3,50 " 3,50 American Calf doublé soled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2,50 Summer, 2,00 " 3,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best_quality for 2,75 GAITERS. Ladies' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37 " 75 " Gaiterb for 50 " 1,25 " Gaiters for 1,01 Ladies' beft qnality of Gaitera wit! and without beelsfrotnl,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boot and Congress Gaiters from 80 to 1,00 Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children's of every desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and iatchels All the abovo goodsnd many other, will b sold, a MÜCH LESS PRICES th&n hare Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor Wm. S. SAÜNDERS. Ann Arbor, Mareh 20, Ut. 73(tm.T mmm.M war ms: 'Mram 9 Bonnets ! Bonnets ! Bonnets rpHE SUHSCRIBER HAR A LARGE stock of Slik and V E L V E T BONNETS of late itjlw, that hewiU sell at cost nnd eB L-e-s-s T-h-a-n C-O-S-T-, to lose them out. Frites ranfie from onk to TEN DOLLARS. tr%. Calland e them. at the New Betroit Store Exchange Bloc.k, W. N. 8TKONU. ICEI ICE! ICE! ICE rPHE SUnsCRIRKR i prepared to furnish Familion an X allprBon wishing it on hort notico. Will delive to families, 10 lbs. per day al $1 per montl Lat-ger quantitiB at 30 CENTS per 100 POUNDS. All ordt'Pfi left with Thompson & ion will be thankfnll ret-eived aul promntly esecutod. CLEMKNT R. THOMPSON. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1800. 3m74 Howard Association, Püiladelphia. A Benn-'olent Tnttitvtion entablished hy special ejtdmrmen for the rtlitf of the Stek and DigtvBaeed, ajïïicted mt Vtruh.nX and Epidemie Viacaset, and tsprnally for th Curé of Distases of the Sexual Organn Dispcntary fr to paiievs tn all parts of the United Stater, 7ALÜABLEBEPORT8on8prmtorThoB,andothefrM nasos o( tho Sexual Orpans, and on thNÉW RËUKDU eroyed, pent to thf ïfflictfd in eealod envelope?, fi' of charge. ïwo or threi stampa for poftagfl bc will b AfMtpDR. ,i,?KlinviO['i;Hl('N, A,-t ing Ba mob Howird Association, No 2ttoutb Nintli ttn+x, Phl adelphia.. I'u,