Hildreth's Patent Gang Plow

FOR SALE AT MANCHESTER. MICH , BY 33 . 33 ■ 3VX O H 3B Y GENE XI A. Ij .V. 3EI 3M T Washtenaw and the nrljoining Oounties. Sald Gang haTe a high putatlon abroïd- ny o dmtring Turthor Inorrontlon wllljlLiia n.i tai Circular. f thiií doos n-it satiiify tho.se (lesiring tü ijurcliase, thny can soo tlioni tf.ite'l upou their üwn i?rwm.-t;s bj uotHing lio Onentl Agent . Also for al the ImproTvd Scotch or Highlundcr Plow, The (limai Iron Bttn Ptow, HiMreth'l rtcnl Graln till, w liirh iiu-asiirew tbo land sown, atnl controls Irod tv ruUillff and (jwtrlng the ttieth, - Iniproved Geni Tul iviitvrs, Curn Mille foi Grinding Feed - one ís owried by Hfiiry (joodyt-ai, of FilviJuhi. Ali.jthu Empire Threshing Machine, witli Iron Him-üo I'owcr, .1 1'cct Cylinders, SLraw-carriiT, and all complete, for :_0J anti toasporUtioD, ftn we tb rorld to mpitn with it fot Ens of Diaft and the tíaviug of Uriiin. #i" Kor furt her naiticularg acu l'ajnphlets. E. B. MOREY, General Agent, 756w6 Iiincbostcr, Micliignn.
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E. B. Morey