Woman's Love

-In youtli, it seems to me, that we vromen ars too much attract ted by the glitter of intelleetual gifts, or of the tinsel appearance of them. We must fauey a íuau to be more than a good, true man, before we can give liiin the love of our imaginations. The chance is that we live to ünd him somewhat less. - When we have gained experience we learn to value chiefly that before despisod, golid gold of goodness. Siinplicity, truthfulncss, stoadfastness, are the qualities that win our hearts. The girl worshippcd Bome imaginary hero, the wonian worships only God, and loves some good man, not after the mauner of the girl's passion, but with quiet, enduring, houschold love. Household love! dear words! love that knows DO jar and fret, but is rest and peace. This is not the love of dramatist8, poets, and novelists, because it is too sacred, its depth defies ezpres6Íon, its quiet truth is impossible of representation, its perfection mocks at the imperfection of language. It is the next holiest to love of God. - Bcatrice lïitigfon
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