Texas School Fund

-Texas lias tho noblcst school fond ot any otate in the Uniou. The State G'azette says : lts aggregatc amouut is nearly thrco ruillionsof dollars. Two millions grows out of the United States fund received under theboundary treaty. In addition, this is increased by one tenth the annual revermes of the State. Andbnsides this, eaoh county has four leagues of land devoted by the State for the us3 of cominon schools, and nine tenths of the rcperved lauds in the tracts donated to railroad companies, the other tenth bc;„g appropriated to the Univcrsity finid. The whole University fund is now estimated at one million dollars, composed of this tenth of the land reservation, aud fifty leagues of land, of which sales have been made to the amouut of 8200,000, with a donatiou of $100,000 from U. S. bonds.
Old News
Michigan Argus