
New F i mi íMcw uOOÜS ! ! 1). I, WOOD, & CO. AiT iww roccWiiig iml opening A Harge and Beautiful - OF- SI a p-l-o a-n-d Fa-n-c-y DRY GO O DS! CUOCKKKY, LADIES' AND cun.DiiEys siioks, f6. p. . AT THE OLD STASD OF 1). 1, WOOD. - roo ham ken lought iñiee tire reemi decline mprien m the Eaüern Markett umi a-ill be sohl eorrwpondingty cm: Al'. We'-would rosj.cctfully citizeneof Aun Arbor and thé siirnmiKling cimnty to CALL AXI) EXAMINE OUR GOUDS ! A it LI nu troublc to sliow thoni.aiul wc hope BY FAIR ASI) HONORABLE DF.ALING To in. rit, ft liberal shnrc of thoir pntronnge. D. h. WOOD. W. G. KOSTER. West sirle of Public SijUnrë Ann Arbor, April 20. 1860. 743tf G U 1TE11MAN IIEAD QÜAEÏERS! THE MOST COMPLETE CLOTHING EMPOFQUM In Michigan I COKTAINS TUK STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN T E 1 S M A R K E T! OUR SPRING & 8UMHER G ELO UB "IEO ÜS TT? l'eep everytMng which thefadhion and times demand, and can sell them cheaper tMn any otlwr Establishment in the, . State. TCF. HAVE MORE THAX 1OOO jLixiOxx Ooa."fc OF EVERÏ VAMETY OF FASUION, Sucli n Par.ks, Half ?acks añil Frock Coatí, c., mnnufac.tuii-.lby i.uisolvos, from tlio bost quaUtiei ui Linon, Ca8imcrcsnd JlarSMlle; Also a Uigê atsurtmcut of DRESS AND FKOCK COATS, Of vtry qualitr,ofBrown,Blue and Kancy Colorí. We have tho LAT E S T S TYL E S -OFFrom Uu flnCBt pattenw, plain and fancv. in tt wlde itid WürM. The most fwUdioua can be satuficd by our larga and newly nleoua stocü 01 COLLAKS AND SHIBTS, Of all i'mUn. CraTats, Phirt nosoms,Handkerohipfs, Suipenden,trmbrBii,OnetBag, Trunks,fe. The rich ist Glovoa, from tho BnestKilk to the softert Mountaia Kid , already to atithe hand of every custom-r. You can OndovorythlnginourestabliKhmcut nhicn the world ofto tbc trading comrauuity in =: ML c rmr 3ff: m ma s-AND- CLOTH FOR CUSTOM WORK ! We have also the flnest Freuch andBelgianBroad Cloth, Fnncv Tan-imeres, Fancv Silk and Maraeillea Vestings, iic. ■" 'o ""''' I0 0U 1iic attenlion of the Studonts, cs])ecinllythf!radualingelasi,if any of thrm want a GOODFÏTTtNG SUIT. let them come to FON 1)11 f.1. M, in ordir to i;et a good fit. Thankful Tor past patronage to our oldciislrnnera. -" invite as many new ouo to come ftnd give aa a cali. D ou't fail to sec Guitermau's He.-.rlquartern, bcfore go ing Uewhere. M. QÜITERiÍAN & tö. Ann Albor, April 11, 1800. 748tf PRËSH AFRIVAL -OF2STE"W GOODS, -AT- S T II O N G ' S New Cheap Cash Store. f-fBEAT BAKGAINS ARE OFFERED- la:ge liue of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The bost of Watch Spring Steel Skirt, Five Cents a H- 0- O- P- . Tip Top 36 inch Umbrcllas,only 12s otlior ."izes in proportion. Abigostock of Prints very low LACE AND STELLA S1IAWLS, LACE AND CLOTII MANTLES. ÖÏKIPED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBKOIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Grocories Crockery Sn., kc. Aleo a large Stock of Lailies' Shoes, At Pnces 10jer cent less tlian usual No trouble to ahow Coudu. CV11 anü examine, at Strong'a CHEAP CASII STORE. EXCHANOE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, E"V. MOBGAN, Agent lor . Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York. AccumukiU'ilAPuets, - - - " $5,300,000, the leading Ufe Insurancr Companj Efi the L'. S. KnickerbookeT Ufé Insúrance Company, New York, n fn-st cluss soft 0o, - terina reasonable. Homboldi lnsurauce C'ompany, New York. Capitel, wiiíi a larpre surplus, - $'00,000. Pèoru Marine k Kire Insurance Co., I'ooria 111. hotv i o 1 Fhrc ínsurtmee Ct)S. 7O7tf '.,, :. :, - $500,000; Ui' W1TJ1 THE TIMES! THE OLDAnF RELIABLE GIcthing Emporium! ! NO. 3 P II (EN IX BLO CIC, MAIN STREET. hiinjust returncnï fpiu the KflNtcru CfHetj wlth ft largo n:i'l (h-fltiable tock uf SPRING AND SI7MMER O O 3O J. ! whtol) lie is ntw iifïi'iii!. at unuAua.lly LO?F P3EHCBS! Awong li ís Aasortment mftv bc found IïROAÜOLOTHS, 0ASS1MERES, D0ESKIN6, & YESTINGS, of all (leseriiitiotw, wpi-cially for vhfcli he ís ctitting and makmg to order, in Ihlntfst anf! btol styics. logéther wrtto superior Mêortmeni of UFAD Y MADE CL0TE1NG! TRUNK8 CABPEX BAGS, (JMBEEIiAS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with nuaneroUB otlipr art'.clcs oauallj founil tn Ëtmilar cstabhtíhiHi-'iiLs. As ANEMP0B1ÜM OFFASÜIOA, t e BubstHbttt flat tors hlmdolf, bis long Xpttlenc Amlgvucrnl BiUic ftble bini to givc the greatwt f=:ttt.faction to all whu may trust hiin in tiic way of in.inunfacmrfaig gormante to order. CALL EARLY! and lrvc jour order. WM. WAONER ÏO nOUSEKEEPLUS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medioal Salebatus. I Ib manufacturen from commou alt, anlilJ i preparo') entlrely dlQcreptfrom olher Haleratus. yU All the dclotertoua matter extracted in such alm f a manaer as to prodboe Braad, lïiscuit, and all J Utt kinds of Cake, without eontaining a partido of íji Saleratui whon the Bread or Cake ia baked; J thereby proünclng wholosome resulta. Kvcvj ■ parÈiclé of 8aIeratuU turned to gas, and paa u it's Uiroogli the Brad and Biaouit vrbile bakbut, 3 f Í toUööquootly Dothing remains butcomnion Sail U U ";iti'r, aml Klmir. You wil] rra'lilv perceive, b.v U the taste of thiu Süleratus, that it is eniirch ;Q lUfferont from otberSaleratos. d it is packed lo one pouud papen, aoIi wrap iw i nerbrandod, "B.T. Kabbittn Bost Medicinal U CÏG Saleratu8;"alo, picture, twlsted teaf "f broed, a VO with a glas of cflorvosciog water on the top - 1 Whcn you purchate one paper you sliout.l .re jk Hfrvc the mrappOTj nw bt; particular Ut get the r oost cxactly like tlip brand as above. M 7O I"ul I dlrflctiooJi for maltingHreail irïth this a I vJ ,'ratuR and Sour ïlilk or Creaib Tartar, willac o.ompauy oach packac; also, dlrecuoni for Jft uaakuuaU kinds f Paitrj: alao, for mak iug ÏJ; Soda Water and Soidlitz l'owtlers. 2 MAKBTOÜR0WN SOAP wrth U IB. T. HAHKllT'H I'URE CONOENTRATEDj L POTAS1I. I Jt Warrant1?'! rtoublo tho itrenfftb of ordinary A Potasb: put up ia cau - 1 11), 2 lbs, S Ibs. ■' M Ibs, and J'2 Ihs - wirh full dïrectionsfor nvikinc r AND Hárd and Soft Soap. Consumera will Oud this K tlic cheapoat artielo in market. r Manuf&ctoted aod fov ealc by H B.T. BABBITT, j 64,66,0S, 70, &74 WnBliinirton 5t., Now Vork, PJ ry i and No 38 ïndia st, Botton. 2 4 743) ï NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860,81,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vtce President, PLINY FEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with the Comntroflerof tho State of Nctt York. DiyiilcudB average 40 per cent. anuually. ASSET8. Owhin Ruik, 31,855,49 lüveistt'íl in sccuritioB, croatod undcr tho lawsof Uu State of New York aud of the U. 8., 258,870,70 ltral K.ttate and I'iitures, Nos. 112ndll4 BnadwM 132,480 04 Bonds and Mortgaffe drawing 7 per et. interest 583,903.39 Notee rocoived for 40 per cent. of premiums on Hfe policios, bearing inteir-t, 675,310.85 Quark-rly and Semi-nnnual premiums, due KUbsequentto January 1, 1SB0, 20,550.38 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1 , 18B0, 30.488.77 Hcuts accrueduptoJan. 1, 1860, l,70.34 l'remiumB ou poiicieB in hands of AgfmU, 26,445.19 $1,767,183.24 Dn Wells and Lewttt, Medical ExaminerB. 743tf J. G1LBEI5T S.MITH, Agent. HEAVY ARRIVAL OF . SPRING GOO DS. IAH KOW OPENING FOEt THE EARLY Spring TradO 'na entlro new Stock, and offer for cash at low trices, SOO Pieooi English & American Prints ! 500 pieces Summer Stvffg, Denims, Stripet Shirtivgs and Tickvngi, 200 pieces CloÜis, Cassimeres, Satinéis, Kentucky Jeans, and Tioeeds. 200 piecei DRESS GOODS, (Ne-w S-t-y-l-e-t-. 5OO Ia- i- O- o- e- s 5-0 0 Ho-op S-k-i-r-ts-. 200 Lozen Gloves and Hosiory. 20 Bales Sheetíngs. 1OO Pleoes Paper and Common Cambrics. 200 Pioces Bleached Goods, Linnens, and other White Goods. Shetlaud and Berlín Wooh Dress Tnmmings, BONNRTS. FLOWERS, Ribbons, Rushes, and all ar tifies usually kept in Xiy Qood m. Choice Family Groceries, S II ELF HAKDWA R F, CliOCKERY, &c, &c, &c, Having clused out all HARD GOODS tliin Stock will be fouad particularly dc-nrable. All [■iiiiiuH prt'parvd to fir goodl wili do wcll lo examine thissiock as I have POaTIVELY itarkcd thciu at much Ives thcu fonacr profits. JOHN W. MAYNARD. Aun Arbor, üarch 27,lSfO. 74o