
CSriOvt jE?.ec5&.X3.cticsii. CLOCKS, WATCHES. KBjBiitrwwniniimiiiiwiimiBonBHiBnmions1. AND JEWELRY. O. 23XiXS3!3, HAVINCmmlü enrU nr,i:;m'Utw[li tb Iniporl en. bprcpirra to scll Watchet, and muj othcr im tictes, at Greatlv Reduccd Piices! Oood Silrer Cylinder Wntchc?. 88 tlO " " Í' UutitingCaia, 13.00 ■' " Aiahora ' ' L6.00 ■■ .. ■. 19.00 flold Pn1 wlth Slhrar Uoldnr, 1.0U iMntcd Ten SboOOI P8 " TbleSiioons, L00 A libernl discount made to Deuler. Jtwelry und many othcr tilinga in proportfon. Silver and Plated Ware! He nl'okcrpf" rcrealti the. ofllebrfttod -A.ixxox"oíi3LX Vv atoho os, Every Vtcïi w ■ irrnnlrd to givo entirciatidt'actionHe ha, alan, a fi:f naí-ortmrnt i TAB LE & POCKET CUTLERA ! SCISSOKS, SHEA&fl, and RAZORS.and anriet; of Musical Instruments, Wlth Btrlngs, Ilooks, und Tr Immiffgs ior the snrae BUITTANIA WARE. llallet, Davis & Co's Celebralcil Pianos. And a grent vnrjotyof Notion too numeroufl to mcu tion in ai; adviTt'stmrnt. al] of wblch w ill te sold CnEAP FOR 0A8HI Particular nttention pnid to the repairinp o'all kind o! tino watches, surh n ïnaltiitc and setting Jfïwols, ncw Pituoiift, Htaflfl, nnd Cyltndön; ala" Clocks ntid JíiwelrynRatly rejitired and wnrrftiited No 27, centre of Pkuenix Bloth, CAI. VIN BLSSI Ami Arhor. Jan, 1.. (8(9, IN'STJRANCE j. "w. jtt int x xi re , AttheStoriMilWlno & Asnt for the foll uwing tirst clati KosttranoeCompaiiiea: INSURANCE C0MPANY, of haktfori). Cash Capital - - - $200,000 00 Cash Capital, July lst '58,4lí)084 6G Conway FIrc Insurance Co., Of Coriway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 26Ü.963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,4-10 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . President. DIRECTORS. i S.WHITNRY, L. T5ODMAN, W ELI.1OTT, ASA HOM I,NI, D C. McfilI.Vli.4V, K D MORGAN WAIT HKMENT. JOSIAII ALI.IS. A. II [Kil' I.IÍN W. H. DICKINSON, W. ï. CLAI'P, D. C. UUG'BRS. Aun Arljor Rcfcrenccs: Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMKS. L. DODGK, ENOCIIJAMKS. CAPT. C. S. GOOUIÍ1CIJ, { J. W. KNIGHT, pent Ann Arbor, Michigan Mareh 18. GBEATGIF T sTlË -ofBOOKS&JErELHY! SCHOFF & MILLEli TNjORDERTO MAKE ROOM FOK have Jetermmed to soll their MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS - AT- P U B L 1 S II E U'S P E I C ES, A ad give to Each Purchaser a Present In valuf from dOCente Up to $100. WITE E AC E B 0 0 K 8 OLD. fif, Cali wu"]y mu' ojsmíne íheir Books and Irseuts. Ann Ai Ijor, Mul cli 3, 1800. 730tf. GHBAT EXCITEMExNT ! ! T h o s e Hew GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STOE E, (South Side of the Publle Square,) ar? creating a groas excitcmeut, %xA those wifhiDg to make thcir SPRING PUECUASES, re invited to 11 and ciaralno Stjles nd priofs bofore purchasing. Nïce Chaliies from Is to 2s. Laicns, Berages, Foulards, Crapements, Bulzarines, Brilhants and Fancy ÍSilks in geil varietj, ad of the Intest pattfrul. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere Shawls vorj Iott. A Splendid Stock of Prints from 6 ets. per yard up. Hoop Sbirts at ouo half tho usual pricc. Ilats and Caps, Ladies and Cbildren's Shoes ! ! Summor Clottia anti Vostings in great vavloty of Tatlerns, which I ain prqmrcd to makc up aml WAKRAXI A KIT. A full assortment of Doraestic Goods, Crockery and Groceries, all of which otTer at the lowcst cash priecs. 1& I am uot to be uti'i''iuli' . A. V. MUXS. Groceries & Frovisions. SLAWSON & GEEE, HA VING estftblishod thomsolvcsin the Grocery busineüfi would inform their friemU nd onstoann tbftt jtheywouM be hnppy toueothom at their store, where tbflf liaveoa hand a Large and Choice Stock -OFFamily Groceries, inoluding evcry thing inïthelmo. AlBoProTisionsof all kimilp , Sugars of tbo best quality, Sjrups of all kinds, Best of ÜoffMOj Kirt claBfi TwiBftc. FïlM: PH.OPTTOT! bought and sold, and the liighest pricepa(d in Guh. Ho bas also on hand a cunstaut supply of Water Lime and Piaster of Paris, which will bo sold at the lowcst rato . Theub(MribflfR wiphít diiitíncíly undortood that they will not be underld by any establishment in tlie city 8LAW8ON & C.KER. Arbor April 15, 1850. G SEAT, GRE ATER GEE ATEST BARG áílNS EVEROFFERED 1859. JPO lu tliisCity, aro uow being offered ut tha CHEAP,CLOCK,WATOII, & Joxvelry JS1;oxo11HE Subscribir woulrUny t" tho cilizftnsol Ann Arlur in particular, an.l tbs rt:.= t of Wabtnaw CnuntT In general, fhat Heb Juat ÏMI'OUIED Dl KECTLÏ Ir.mi KCKOPK.h Ttemeadoas Stock of Watchen! Ali of whirh hn blnda himaelf to ell CHEAPKK thnu cas'be bongbtwtesl of New York City. Open Face Cyliiider Waicliea trom 8S to ?10 do ilii Lever do do 8 to SI Ilumina Cksb Ho do do '4 M -: do do Cylindcr do do 9 to ae Gold Watabea from 'JU lu 15 1 Lava :il';u tne CELE BR ATE D AMERÏ CAN WAÏC HES, wbicb I wlll eeil Itr 83i. Every Vvatch warranted to perl'oi'in well, or the nhnwy irlunded. Clocise, Jewelry, Pinlod War, Faney G.;, OuM Pen, Musical laatruuicuta "' ï?irig, Cutlcry, &r, and in fact a varlety of everytblDS unutilly keptby Jewelfira can bu houghtfortíie uuxt ninety daya at yiur O W N l'EICES! Persons bnyfng anything t thio well known establiatitne ut can rrly upou goitiug goods oxnct'y as representad, orthom;iiit'y niuntVii. (Tal) early and 80cure the bcsi bitrgaina ever oftured in ihif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wc nrd pri'parnd to rank any rep (drs oafint: or cotnniüii Watche, even to nwklngo er iho enttre wateli, ii aso i-nry. Repairinf of Clocks m d Jewelry as iisunl. Alio the munafacturini ni RINGS, BROOCHS, or mything dfiflirod, ('rom CaliínJtia Gold on short tíotice. Engravipc in alliu branches exeentcd witb neat ness and dispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 2tUh1659. 7Hw Something Worth Reading! gchoifXMiller, AKK AGA1N ON r:AND,atthjirld and, (Throc pnoraNortbof ïranklin Hous,) wlth the most runiplütëand Extensivo Assortment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wall and Window Papers, Oil Paiöted, aiid Gold Boidered Shades, Curtain Hollers, Tassels, Cords, AMD A TIIOUSAND AND ONE THINGS fn Ihelr line, ENT1KELY TOO KUMKROCS TO MENT10N, whlch thayinlvite thelr friends, ar.d the public gcnerally, to Beforo Purchasing Elsewhere, as they flatter themselreethat thoir Ptylee and Pricii r.itnnot fnil to provo satisfuctory. Ann Arbor May J, 185. ÍÍ U RACE WA'rtTR S , AGENT 333 Broadwaj-, NcwYo'rk l'ttbiisïicr of 31uilc mul AIuslc iiool.s AMi ñauan ix Pianos, Molodeons, Alexandre Organa Oigan Accordeons, Mnrtin's celobratod and other Guitars, Violins, Tunor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flotee, Fifes, Triangle?,'ClarÍ3nottp,Tuning Forks , Pipes andllammera, Violin Bows, bestltalian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stool?, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS lx O O t 1VX ia. S i Of From nll tho publifihcrs iu the Ir. S., lïertini's Quntln'a, auii Hodarn School, and all kinds of .InatmcOB lïuok? for the abmi! intium.ufs; Church Mugic Bookri; Music "fleiranlly bounJ; Music puper, aii'i all LiiuU of Mualc Márcliandlso, A t t heLowest Friccs. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $225. S250, awt up tr $800. Seooad iujostcoDa $25up.to160; e Helodeons, $45, S00, $75, $10if and up to $200; Becond Hand Mohi.leoni? frr;m t'-ÏQ to $S0; AloxHndre(.irgansf witli (ive stops, $160, ninestop, $185 and $226; Uilrteen etopa, $-'50, $27S and $3üO; fiftcon Btopf , $320 and $3ï5; A liberal discount to ClerfO'men, Cliurches, Sftbb&th School, Seniitiaries and Teachars. ïhe Traáe u pp lied at the usual tr.ode disenunfs Testimoniáis of tlte Iloraco "Water Platios MUÍ MclOtltOHri. John Hewett, of OuihftffA] New York, who has hacl one of the HoraccWatera nanos, wriíesas follows: - liA ï of mine iriahösmQ topurchanea piano for her. Bhe tikes the one you iold mo in Occembor, 1S5G. Sly piano i becominf? popular in íhis placo, and I thiok I can introduce one or two more; ihcy will be more popular khan any other mafce." lïïe have two of Waters' Pianos in use ín ourfVmi. nary, one of whiob has been sovorely tcstcd for thrce years. and we can tfstify to thetr gpod quaJUy and durability." - S'o)l k (rcroVy, M o unt Carrol tt Tl!. itH, Waters, Eaq. - Dkar t=in: Baring aken one of jönr Piano Fortes for tvo yeais past. I have fonctd itavery superior Instrument. Aton,0 Gbay, Principal Rrookiyn Hei#hts Seminary. "The Piano I ce&ited from jon onHinüet to iüfact!on 1 reglkrd it as one of the bestinstrumeuts in the place.' JamfsIm Ci.arke, Charleston, Va. "The Ifelodeon ban ufely anivcd. I feej oblii? t' yvi fory our liboral dïpeouut." Kev. J. }. ÏIcCoRMick, YargnesvilleS, C. "The pi.ino was duly received. Tt cara in excellent condïtioii, and in vtrry mach nttmirod bv my numerouB family, Accept my tliunks for yom! promptuess." - ItoBKKT Coorv., Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano plsajei ua well. It Ifl tne bes one ín our conntj,"- Taoxafl A. Latham, CampbelUon, Ga. 'We arn very mnch obKged to you forliaing sent gHch a fino hununont for $50." - BkanKjIÍeld & Co., Bu-jf aio DcmocreU. "The llorare Waters Piano are kimwn anamnnn the vcry bet We are èxiabied to ]ak of thÁe Enstruments with oonfidence, from personal knowledffe of thefr excellent tone and durable quality.'- N. Y. Evangelist. "We can epeak of ttíenaerits of tho Hornee W:trs pianos from ])frsiiiril knowlodge, as ling the vcry Uuest quali-y." - Christian Intelligenter. "The Horace Waters piano are ouiltof the bost juid mot (horouEhlv tioasoned niuteriol. e ]ic no doubt tliatbuyer can de as wcfl.perbAps beftpV, at thifl than at any otherliouso in the Union.' - Advocate and Journal. Waters1 pianos and meloaeons challeugo comparlson with the Quest mado anyuheio ín the country. ' - Home Journal "Ilorace Waters' Pinno Portea arp of fulï, rich and even tono, and pqwerftü - Y. Musical Rev'ew. "Our friendfl will flnd at Mr. Watera.' store tho vcry best assortment of Music and of Pianos to bo found in the United Btates,and we urge our soutuern and friends to give hifli a cali wlu-never thcy go to New York." - Grakam's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabba th S ch ooi B e 1 J, lOO.OOO Issucd Ín ten Months. TltQ unprecedented sale of this book bas induced the pablisher Co add ome 80 new (unenand hymna toiLs prespnt size, without extra oharge, except on the cheaj) edition- Among themany beautiful tunes and hymns uddod mav bo found: - "I ougbt to lovc my mother;" "O I'U be & good child, indt-cd I will." These and eight others from tliettcl.,were Hung at tho Sunday Sehool Aiiniversarv of tlio M. E. Church at the Academy of Music, irith p-eat applause. The Iíell cortains neariy 200 tunes and hymii, and is one of the bost cnllrctions ererissned. Frice 10c; $10 per hundred, postale 4c Eaégantly bound, embossel gilt, 5c, $20 per 100 It has been intruduced into many of the Public Schools. TIn : o i in pttbUahed in amal] numbon ontitled Anni▼ersary andT5undy 'School Music Books,.Nat, 1,2, 8, & 4, in ortlcr to acoommodate the m'dlion; prloe Í2 & $3 pot hiinilud No. 5 will Boonbe issued - ppmmdncemeni of uiotber book Alo, Revival Music Books, No. 1 A: , price $1 & $2 por 100, pos'tágfl le. More than G00.00O copios of the above books have been Ulftued the past eightecn inonthfi, and tho demaiid srapidly iucreasingl'ublishod by HORACE WATEBS, Agent, 1 888 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Waters Bio. 333 Broadway, New York. Vjooal "Kind Word s ca ii noverSfej" "The Angels told me bo;" "Wilds of the West;" Thougbtí of God;" 'Givo me back my Mouutain Home;" "Day Preanis;" i(Dandy Oock Robín;" 'Tm wlth thee still; "Peí ñames;'1 t'Thereís no darilng like miue;" "Sftiah JaneLc'-.' . er of thee;1' 'Fán leavingtheo in Sorrow;" "Bírd of lii-auty :" "Home of our birthj'1 "GraTO of Rosabel," and 'Wiiko, lady, wajto..1 piioe 26c. ■ ich 1 iNsrurMKVTAi.. - ' Garden, or Pfngtng Tíird Polka 40c; Bwingliig Schottisclie;" (lHirobel Bchottifich;" 'Tltomas Baker 's SohottiBohe;}} 'PieooloTnlni Polka, 85 cents each. Tho above pieces have benutiful Vignettee "Welmcr Polka;" "Arabi;in Wm cry Mkrch," the very last; "Vassovianna. Donialls Mn.ur!wi; 'Ri :i',.iBg Polka;" "Ci'inoiine Waltz," and "Lanoers' Qua drillc,',' üöc cacb. "The Km pi re of Ryïch's Quadrille;'' a new dance, and "Tho Hlbernlan Qaaflrüle,'1 SSoefteh, Many of these nieoefl are played by Baker's celebrated orchest ra with great applruHe.fl AïaUed fiee. A lai'gelot of Forelgn liane ai half price. Pianos, ïllelodcons aud Organs. Thi Horaee Waters Pianos and Uélodeo&s for dppth, purity of tone and durability, are nUütirpfl sed. Prlcea vry low Seoond Hand Planos and Jlelodeons from $'25 to SJ50. Music and .Musical Instructiou-s of atl kinds, at the lowest prtoeM UüllACE WATERS, "So. 333 Broftdw.iv, NT. Y. Timtimoxiai;- "Tli Horaee Waters Planos are known ai among üievery beat.1 - Evanelixt.. "We van speak of their nifrila froin personal knuwledge." - Ckrittian Intrlagcncer. "Nothing at tlie Fair dlsplayed greater excellence -"- Churchman, Waters1 Pinnos and Bfelodooni thallcn;;frcominrison with tin.' Qnest made anywhorein the country." - Home Jonrnal. 71i'tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. me h . es j: bl NEW STORE!! KT O -vr jF I i Tin New Fur uituro. MARTIN & THOMPSON, succkbsohs to O. M. MARTIN, TTAVI'. JUST OPEHKD IN TIIKIRiX'W unil Elegant War e-R ooms KAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, A COM TLETE STOOK OF KOSEWOOD, MAHOGAHY and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped ROSEWÖÓD, MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &o., &c, &c, &o. a 3C ase c 9 El e g a n t M'IRRQRS, Bureaus, Secretarie, B e d-B, oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofOF THE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fa et they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Old Folks," O-R "YOUNG MAERIED PEOPLE" TT-A-X-T T-0 rC R-N I-SS PARLOE, BOUDOIR, SITT1NG ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO Ionger go to Detroit or lsewhere To Fiud ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-lx-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE BOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold : A- T VERY LOÏÏ FRICES! Ict evorv mnn and his wife or goiDg to be wife, COME AND SEtí. TheyalRO have a HEARSE ÜARRIAGE, We ftro always roaily to attent! to tlie btirinl of tho dead Ín the City and adjoining country. W;irc-Kooms eafit sido1 of Main Street, bel wevn Washington and Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O, AL MARTIN. C. B. THOMPSON; General Land Agency PERSONS wanting farma, or residencesln oroM Ann Arbor, can by calling on int' tolect trom a Jiat of over 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvarlous slzea lrom 3, te 1300 acrefoach; (lume ai good asan y nthis (onnty.) Morethan 5O Dwriiii;1 Housea iuthisCityromtwo hundred to fourthouBanddoarseach ; and over 2OO &CJIL.DING LOTS t Amongtbefarras are the lïUhopaiarm, 1300 acre?, tho Potter farm, in Green Oak; the Placefarm, au3 4ri)'acree, the Blandón and Jonks farms, in Webster; th BtDbba, Michael Clancy, Newton Beeg:nnf and Fnllahai farms, in Ann Arbor; J. Kfngafcy'4 farm, in the üatch and Hick iarma in Lodij the PatrickClayufarm in Freedom; W. S. .Davit-on, B. G. Baker and Buck's farms lnSvlvVn. Most nf these and many otbors can be divlded to tuit % y.UOXOAN. AnnArboJ, Jan. 1, 1830 63
Life Insurance
Schoff & Miller
Shoes - Retail & Repair
A. P. Mills' Cheap Cash Store
Dry Goods
Slawson & Geer
Martin & Thompson
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
C. Bliss
J. W. Knight
J. C. Watts
O. M. Martin
C. B. Thompson
E. W. Morgan