
RISDO.N & HEÑDEKSON tAJ CO - a; ï: ww - ■KT3 T . tf"fc tf"" TKC" '■ JfcS JL_Ji V-# V- JbSk ■ NEW HARDWAKE STOEE ! ! ! WE WTOULD CAI.I. TI1E ATTENT10N OF THE PUBLIC to our stock of 2E3E JSk. H. ■ W .L AL 32 s rae cu ■ w" jh3 mm 9 IKON, STEEL, NAILS, TIN, oorrEK,& sheet IKON WARE, CnAIN AND CISTERN PUMPS, PAIJNTS, 01 LS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, CÊC, &C, &C, ÊC. And cvi-y kind of Hardware and House Furnishing AU ork will be sold asCliKAl' as at aay other Establiliment in Michigan, We eay wc have got the Best Assoitmcnt of Cooking PAULO R A ND l'LATE STOV ESS I3XT TUIS STATE, And will sell them Ch&aper tlian THE CHEAPLST, Plèaw óftfl and 8 us. AU kiñdn oftlriwftrfl kept on Iiand. Particular atíoution paid to all kinds of j CE O2 %k ca SSi OS; Which will bodonc wlth NEATNESS KNDDlSPkTCH y Plcane cali nd ee our STOVE ROOM In 2d story f Now R1SD0S & HKNDEKSOX Aim Artior. Oct. 7, 1859. C3r O O X S - RICH GOODS! ChcapGoods! 0 BACH & PIER30N TTAVE JCST ORNES THE OHOICEST STOCK - OF- Spriüg and Summer Good to be found in thi City, consisting of LADIESDRESS GOODS CAREFULLY SELECTED purchascd obop. ar.' Warranted to Please. Also, GENTLEMEN 'S GOODS, Domestics, Staptos, Family Gocerios, &c. Consult your own intcrcsts cali anp carly. BACH & PIERSON 1859 ÏBSO City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris, Grand ttiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, cêc, cêc. . D. DePorest, HAVIN'G Increased hi facüliticB lor doing buainees and enlarged his Yard and itocli,ifl propared the present acasos, with tt e bes:, largett and cheai est eoeoniííl stock evcrin tbi mirlet to aatial'y the reaeonabln expec-talion if all. Our motto 1 notto be under.old lor cash ondalivery I will not undertakctofrighleiithepubllc bysaylng that theywili yetshnvod il thy buy elsewhere, for we presume that olher willsellaílow asthey cun All Jiinds of Tiraber, Joists, and Soantllng, Pine, Whltewood, BaiBWOod, Hem. [ock, Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood Ash Flooring.Planedindrou?h Pineand Whitewood siding,Fenct l'oste, OakandCedar Poets andPickcts 01 all" kinds. pint failj, ani iHIjtttïDooiï ÍC'.:;IJ rtnn, Ashani Whitewood Shingles, Barn Boaids and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekWa.uUt.andCherry and thin stuft', Wagon ond BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxand Body Lumber, Maple l,og Timbcr, ilickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of a!lthickne8Bee,widtha audlengtlip.ic. Sec, Piaster Paris, and Piaster of allktndí. ISTa-ilSí of all sizos, c, &c, SASIL DOOliS, & BLLNDS, made by hand to order as low aa facto ry prices, on the horteatnotice by the bestof workmen, and Best Seasoid Lumber. Bills ofal) descrlptlon iRh above building line furniiheriontheshortcetof notice, for We have Mills CuUing Regularly. A full anda perfect assortment of the above and other kinds of Building Materüals Constnntly on hand at thilowest possiblc rates Caïl and be Convinced. A few rods southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mkh. ROOFIN Cr. N.B.- I amnow operating Extensively in the Patent Cement Roofing. City Meat Market. rp"f:UN'nrRSIGNED, AT HISM.n-ketnear the Post X 7)Dic, kt'cji constantly on hand a full assortmout of 3B-ar-O-a.--Ja. Me-a-t-a-j whicli thcy will lways be found n ronduiuss to cut npon SÜIT CUSTOMERS. No imiss will be íjiared to keep lu'ir market Clean, and Meats Sweet and patrons may n-'v "Pon güttinc the host ROisrs nriKs cuop, etc ,hat oanbc found inthenfy. (Al,, ANDTkvus. ï.v:sr AnnAror,May 4, 1860. 745m Mortgage Fore lusure. BLT HXVINü BfïN MADE !N th condlltm Q ., Í.. ■' i bl John V ui .1 r i lo Wil' lam R. Ma Hl j of Joly, 4. i II ■ reco ' ï i ' ■ ■ - i - ' ■ ' ■ ■"'? "f h ■ es, al p k'" Ml. fn th ■-.Vi. :.,,,,! Julv, i IV 1868. al OfU-cii minotea i'M l . i . .vi.icli drfoult the power .f nli cuntjtiiiL-il in uairt mortjcngp bi ''''. nd uo uit Or .r crttl n,; 11 , u. ]v;i n ; ilu;-' i :.:!■' w !■. r :". pari . ;.,■ iiundre I - doï!ai and tlmtv t"ur -'-ntJ, bctog now ol&Hncd to bp duo thèreo. lheiefre ! '■'. Jfiwn Ul1 '!n. ..iii.l uiortgnjc v.iii i„. iv..-..v;„.,,., i,y h tale f uiorlgagcd premuna i„ Mt; :, twi-lve. tbirtivii ainl fmir ., i:i I ■ ■ '■' accordMg Ui a 'nu oi Wiüiiim s. Uaynard'a wcond aodltion in Aun . ,„■ gome prt Uieraor, at pubir rrndue, at thoCourt llüiisc i" tlie eny oí Aon Aibur, w the fourtb dajr of August njt, al ümj. r. W. ItoROAir, Alt'y. ■:■■ . Ma; A. D. 1S60. MM Mortgagö foreclosure. DKK.wn ii.',V!S(; HI"KN MADK In tbe condUion of a ■■uted by Miclmcl Knriifl't to William S ■ iheflílconthdnyofDccenibor, A. D. I8S8, ■ I Uic Hegintd1 or U: lor WaHii tv, on ;lic serattb day of Jtnoanr; A.D. ïSö'J, itrouri : . :u MbcrN'o. Ucntyliv,i'l Muitg. k'cs. iii ]:■ 264; wliich mi ! Mortgage wa il"ly aasfgaed ij üi. ■■:!■.: n'iUkun B. M.nnapl to Charle H. TliorapKm, ( n the 26th duj of Marcli, A. D.,1860, in writing alul ■ li i" lj tn duly reconled in the Office ef the Kegton 1, In Ubtr.üS of M()rtggea at pag2M, fuc Lefault the power of salé oontaiood iu buil Mort a and: nftïuitorprooeediBgs havlng . at lawto recovpr the debt aeeured bjr or any paHtAereof, and on wbioh thora i iiiv.v t-!;i :r I to 1" duo the sum "f tliirt y dill.arií an'l tliat thi ftarther sumofthrea bui tlrl il"ll:ir.t rlth intt'Stannually will bMeAfteic beooroodneaa foi'nwa, towit - ;„ three equal anaual pavmenta Trom tho nfrntli dar of December, A. D , 185. Notico is, theref„n- herebyeirentbal il' said Mortgügo will be foreoi the Uorteaged premisca, to-w.t:-e(l)jntilóokfif(o)NoTtb,niintea{10) Ut,i:i Uwronceii MayoardB additioo to the City ol Ann Arbor. or ome paft ttóMbf, at public vcmluo at Lhofront . !.url House, in tlie City of Ann in the Ihiuk-tli day of July next, t ton o'clook, CHARLES 1. THOMPSON, Assiuce. Dati-d, Ann Arbor, April 5, 1860. GREAT BÊSGMNS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. T17K BAVEAGAIN RF.n.KNISHlil) OCUTORE W1TI1 Tl tiie most splcodid Stool uf GOO DO S thal AV'AS over oflerod in any ont cstablithmwit ia the State, all of wbicti we offer fot OA@K1 OÍS P K @ O 03 O 1 as luw as can bc fouml Ín the Uaïon We want Money ! mul wÜI pukfl Greal Sacril'iccs 011 Anyiliing we haTo to obtaio it, not fxcrptiog OLÜ NOTES AND ACCOUNTS ALL CASH CUSTOMERS torallnnii examine our Gooda and Prls. We alM ixti ito uur Prompt Paying Customers to etVrio .in'l bny their rupplics for tho Winior. TotboSf l'.H-:liful 0XM8 ilmi uw ulr.iiil tv c;ill, we niy to tin in, Uk courage SE8T iT ■ Your "VUES-A.1' without loiigcr waitiügfor hïghor ricoA, come iu, oM scoit, !■! thén nt sacb pricw r will ni -ko up all Iohm, It is hardly ueccooííary to enumérate our GüPdf, for We have Everything! A lavgc asyortmeut of CAÜPEING, CKOCKERÏ DRY GOODS, MEDICINES, GHOCERIES, PAINTS, O1LS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE NOT1ONS. &c, &c.; &c. Oz&ELIL RO Odg Qi)O2 (755tO MAYNAÜD, STEBlil.V.S & WILSON. SEWING MACHINE. W" E TÓuM respcctfully infovm tho citiienu of AN'.N" AR i Lio]i, andAll sunounding Cuunlry, ttiat wo bav opepèd rooms forthe r tho following well tni and popular Seiviug Machines GKOVEK & BAKEE, WEST &WILSON, FOREST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & RAYMOND. Aay pei-Kon.1 iviaïiing Co examine our assortmem wil] ploaso iavor u with acallat our rooms, dirftctly over tho GuoShoj), m Thompson k Sulhorland's block,"from 8 to 1 'i a. in., amj 1 lo 6 p m. C. T. W1LMOT, A. j. SUTÏIrTRL.Nr. LADIES' DEPAKTMENT. MImMAHY A. HERBFRT wiU take charge ol thi Ueiwirtmcntofour business anrt do all kinds of FITTING AND SEWING. And pvc inetructions in tho se of Machines to nuchaa wnhboii o) uire a knowledge ol theni. WILMOT i SITHKRUNP. Ann Arbor, Fob. 28,1800. 737U W. CA MP 10 N. fpHE PCnyCRIBER HAS JÜOT RETURKED frora tht JL Kat witii his o o x s WH1GH HE IS I El T E n 3MC I TJ U l TO SELL AT TIIE Ij o -vsr o a t I H. ICE , FOR CASH, at which, First Quallty Goods can lo allorded uthla city. Iy cloths aro all of the Finest QÜALITTT aníl as I manufacture them iuto clothing mjRoJf , I am e na blea tw WARRANT EVERY GARMENT til, to b WELL MAVE, which iiï a stront; inducement ocutomei's to patronizc my store ionroforence to placea vrhere largB quanfltiea of half made goods aro kept forsnte. I havo the latbst fashions, and cmx giveyou as Fine and veil Fitting Garment as ran b bov#kt anywKtrc, I ara bound to sell C3 JT-3K -BH3 J9Í. SP mz R. - AND- BETTER GOODS, han any othel similar ontablishmcnt in this city. Your custom is mot resppctfully invitad. M. CAMPION. Ann.Vrbor.Scpt. 30. 18J9. lyTH
Risdon & Henderson
Hardware - Retail
Dry Goods
Bach & Pierson
Lumber - Retail
City Meat Market
Mortgage Foreclosure
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Wilmot & Sutherland
Old News
Michigan Argus
D. DeForest
John Weinman
William S. Maynard
Charles B. Thompson
M. Campion