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It baving been generally understowt Üiat Ex-Uuited States Fcuator Diekinson would oppose Mr. üouglas on account ofwhat ia termed bis "tutter sovoreignty views,"" Ex-Unitcd i: tutes Scnntor Footo of Teuiiessoo, in a. recent speech at Nashviile, used the following languugo: Fellow Citi7b,s: I know a lluLj, personally, of this non-interventiou principio,, whioh I havo BH deemcd it mméurj herotúfore to cení auriioato. Early iu t'na month of December, 1847, few djra before I had first taken my aeat ín tho Senate for tho State of Alisiiisippi, Mr. DiekiBsan broaght to me f,r consideratioa tha resolutions whieh I hoW in my hand, a: d asked my adviee ns to tho expediency of introduoing thcin iu (fa Seiuuc. I wili thom": Resolved. Thai. trUe V.icy nmii,,. the govemu.cnl cfiheün.ted fcuus lu trenirth.'a lis pótltioal relations npon tlii. Continent l.y tuean!icxLion of sueh eüiHigaom tornt ott as n:y c m,hice to tbat end saj una Im instly ObUuieJ, aud tliat nu Uier in sucli cni]-6ltion. nor in tin Territori1 organizutiuu tliereof, cun ny conjition b eonttutioBally imponed, o uistil utions pr-.vuled for or estnblislio i. neixuUten with the rigbtê ut tbpopl.J.reuf. lo luim n ,tM So?rr.-i.'n Stal, with I.N powtn an I prníicg s of iL original Blomlcn , f tl,e Conkdcnu-y keioveJ TL.' a boyen Dient from twritory bclongme to tl.. United States, tlio pri„cirl,s of llgov.rú ment u on uhioh our fedwatiye ystem roU v.UU: best promota, tho tnie spirit un 1 menüing oi tlie Oonstilütion be utserrud ml tho Ooafaderncy ttrengtlMMd by l.;iV nlf m qu(UuM iM-.:c.'n.i .g the domstic polier tliercm to tlit Lgisiurur.' c'h.sli by th nJple thir of - Cony G.'oi , vjl S ji 21. I considcred them maiurolv, approvott of them waiuily, and promised to support them, ïf introducid, fe, a week or two he brought them forward aocoi-dingly I shall i:ever forget tlie ecooe which thn. oecuned. Mr. Caihuuu rose from Lis lus seat nmnediittdy, advancsd to thi. Seore tary's table, where hc read the mm lutions whieh had been uííji.d, md bt-j!íoned to me to joiii him. Ou duiug so ho expresad his surprise uud dissatisfaction with Mr. Dii'kuisort on accoaut of bis inti-oclucmg resolutions vjiich he undertaofc to deiKHiuee as worse than the WiUim t Proviso. líe eveu thieatened to attack tliem most Öercely wheuever broiiriit up forcjDsideration in the Sentí I eadeavored earnestly to dissu.ido him from doiug so, but finding him íaácxibi propote i to Ga'!. Casi to unitu with mo i Oickintón iwt to press Kt reaolutions to a votp.nppn hoiidüif.' mi nugry eoíliñiou betnrbea him.solr'i.ul Mr. Ca'.uóiiü in the cvent of his d-jing so. Ucu. lintd me n p,.rs;i;idhig Mr. Diukin.+j:i lBOt to insist on huving tlic aetiou of tfea tíenato upon his resolntion. Mr.JRiekinson agrecd very prompttV to our request, but said hc feit bound to make a speech in support of his resolution in order to put himself right with hisown constHuents, after wLich lie promised to allow his resolutions to bc coin;:i:tted to the table of thé Sonate, there to remain permanently. I hold ti10 excellent speech of Mr. D:el;snsou in support of tho_?e i-csolutions now in my haai, witl-i which all present are düubtless iamiliar. It is the ftrrt formal parliamentary declaration of the now eelebrated doctrine of non-iuteiTentioa. If, as Mr. Ewinginformed g a few days sinoe, Mr. Dickinson has now abandoued his own politieal offspring, and has becomo an advocate of Congresiional protic.i n, I can o:ily regret tbis 1 uir.-ntable dcreliotion from principie, comuiitted, as it would sefiin, undcr circumstances of a nature ealouíatcd to awakon tho iuot profonnd surprise aiul inortifioation.