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TTew Advertisernents. School Library Notice. ALL PERSONS haTing u thnr possoffsions Bookfl bc(onging to the School librar of this City are requcRtt'ii to rot -rn theni to the Library iimneriiatclv. Ani-.ii f the DDining volumen are MotU-v's Dutcb llepu'blic, ;ui l utitur vulunble works. E. B. rOXP.I.ibrarinn. Ann Albor, July 26, IStTO3wï58 NOTIC E . WHERF.ASMYWIFK l'AWl.INA (TOWI., hu left ïny hodaint board without jimt c;iubp or provocntion, thercfore I horebj ForbM all pngw tnuting hw on my account, ns 1 -II pj no debta of her contráctil)); this date. MARTIN CI(OWU SUém, Jul 28, isoo, MOTIOE. VTOrKF is HEREBY glrcir thnt tl subnerfben will IX awlu appUoaUon to ttoCirultCoiu-t fortheCountl of Washtonn-, to l.c lu-U ut tlic Coort Hou,, in thé Cityuf Ann Arliur n ü.ii.l CoOBtj dn Ibe 4th Tueiilv ol" Ootober next, attlic inpniníí of aid Court , or a Ditmnarna baiing'tn bo had to vace cortnin triicU anl Crniw m.l Sfautti' Addltlon to tho Village of ypeilinti, Cpaoty "f (Vuhtenaw ,inl state of Mlohigaá, to wit : All the foor rnl Mrect lyintr li'twn-n ftrifl eontiguou io Iota ñrt ;uiil mx. ;ih'l lot elffhtocn, and the uortherly half of nmalDMr of s.-uii aiMfrf. The AlUv itwron lüts twt'iity tro and turnlv ihnv, all [' Sbutts1 .in rt :tml so innrh nf the public retad on the southorly rnl of sjiil Ail'lition ast Jic-n coiltfgüoiia to lot twentv .,cl,t ; Alo, om.ucb'ol Ihcalloy as lien roiiti.rynus Ui lots thiw Mtd tour aml lot Ave in iii, aldition JASOJS CKOSS, MAKTINI'S U Plltn.:. JA.'. I!. tMiK, Attctn. TOSwS, July Mi, lbdO. L O 8 T , OBIÍ Tfttn Imrt.. bftwi-co t: e of f. PitlHKUr. in r:o. tri. f !l]i(,Vv. I ■■■ i.l i.i:ie r.-:i lainfng rr'iu :6to ."■ in IV rr all I i.-M. The Umie ■■ . !■ III Uy n-nnM o; bril; ma at rhi SU.rünf A. P Mil!-. Aun Arü ir, -Jui l"ih 1880. f k : s 1 1 nsH. O"- HOR0H X. IHI8H - T ui liulllflHiinJ ftlMI'ii -:.-:.-. rao-tvin 'i! . ■ -I:m' .i.. I FriilLiv in. .ruin-; nf i-.u-h wiek, fr lAke Michigan White "i-:i mid Mackiuaw Tnnri. V:ir nrated in ■ , .-., i,.r. [,-,■ ; ., ,„. Ann ArijMi-, jniv is, isco'. ïuTsï J . IJ E IV (ï E L RERPECTFCLLY Infarmi his forawr potrón, umi lh initabltan t of Anu Arbor In gpovral, tbnt h wtll ia■ttniflt'tehofcre aMia od the Ptono, Violin, (Juitar, in Tin.r,uiKh Kjw-, singiiiir: niitt nln. in Germán urnguage, at lito nhoo temía rt r n.-eil t chnrge. : rivi; thp les in hi iwii heuse, er in tliolmitf-s of hii aehnlan. Kutnne4 In ilwelliu in Ihf rear of tïie Stor ifltflv oceupied inf ml sSjuinlng rwldwtt ofj. F. Rovc, Iwn lio m.-.y be Mn from T to S A M., froro U to 1 "nn.l 8 t.. 7 i'. M. 7.'7ni HOÍFOBTHE MEW Tremcndous Sacrifico ! 29,000 WOJEITH -OFÜRYG00DS! - TO BE S0LD ! REGARDLESS OF N L W Y O R K C O S T ! t Woi t,n rwMctAillj uuontraee to the citiwns oi OíxmI OM Wftshtenjiw nl adjoinitig counties, that he ia now bbOdfio omp of thft nuwt anl largeat stor sin Mirliiiïim, at tlic pouth west rurner o: Mainanfl Liberty Ptfetfs, Ann Arbor, and in Hftpnninpd ti cl e out hb immense Ht"ck of gotxis of all kinds, at anjr Secrifioe for Guh, pnptnitorj to ri'movinff to his New au ! SAcIoufl Apirinii'iitfi. ËDinag ctuiclulfll to niake a granil opeaiQg ujth au entirp new utoc.k in mj now storj titis rail. I will srll forthe NEXT 30 DAYB, all Undi Of r?v5"J(f ir fr r T (5 J Dj L=i-)s) ij vfcy Lli) g Cjkalttff, DclaineSf Popí in s. BLACK A W I F A N C V .1 71 MOST ANY PRICE! I can st. Also ShOM, of f-vorr doscription at jour uwn pric] bo go not hare-liuadud auy !onger, but yo to .M A( K 'S GEBAT CLOSLYG OUT SALE! And have jroor "patea" cuvereil for a shilling aart unw.ard. OF ALL DESCEIPTIONS! mi: I..VRGEST STOCK ever brotight (o this place, and At Prices to Suit the poorest Family As asuallj DbMptt Ulan cid liefound at ary ollior en luljlia.MiwiH in this eoontj, and IX SilOKT KVFRY THIMG usually founil in my lrgc anJatlractivo st.ick, nt A GHEAT RATE OF REDUCTION ! Farmers, Mechanica, Lawycrs ard Doclort, and the rest nf mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! Prop jiolilics nnd rush in en matte to C. MACK'S Groat i-ldsni uut Atie, whero Six Shilling will pass for a Dollar all iay lonK. l'nmo One. Tumo All! I mean wÜkt I sav 1 am dolcr.nined to sell ollall niy present stock ofKoods at a great sacrificc FOR CASH! Bofore removiug to mj NEW AND ELEGANT STORE. WTlr I .inü.'iratcrfniovingwith an entiro now st.iu!. of gotMlSj ou tilt.' ürstd.iy of .u-mluM-. C. MACK. Aun Albor, .Iiiiy 'Jtli, 1S60. 7o7tf WATCHËS C3-I"VJBTsT -A.TTT'-A.Z" 1 A GIFT valucd from tiro fattu to onc? liundrwl .lollarn C3HVBKT with evcry Itook koM at rtail priesa. At least oiie Watch (ÍUARAN TJEJBD to every tweive books! imiiici-iurnfs ara níTcn-d by the SUFFOLK EXCHANGE CO. 116 Washington street, Boston, The most extensivo and the most liberal Gift concern In exiütenco. SEiD FOR A CATALOGUE. '. Tliose who havo p.atronfeod otlior (Üf Hnuscs are parlicularly nquétea to aoqualnt themnlTAa with nur tpims. Our liidbeeitténti nre unrivallcd, apd put all othen in the sbade. The followingaresomeof tho Oift.s to intrehuen of ooks: Rvgiish Lkvkr Gold Watuif, Hi-ntint. QaJBS. Patent " ( m t Ladics ' 't open face. Detached Lever Silvcr Wftefaaa, Hunting Canes. Iepine Silver Watchcs, opeo face. Golil Líckcts, various sizos. Jjidics and Gent.s' Gold Chains, various stjlen. lidJSë' and Gents Gold Sleeve Buttons aad Studa, all patterns. Gentê' Bosom Pins, new and rich stjles. Gold I'fjicils aud Pens. Gold WatchKeys and Belt Pin. A gicat variety of'Ladici1 Jewelrj, PÜU and Kar Drops, oomprising all tho niyles now worn, such aa Carneo, Mosaic, Gold Stonp, Iav, Florontin. &c, &c. , &c . Gold Iïracelota(oll8tjles. Thp XAst of Books comprirs ft groai assortraent of Btftfldard works in every dopartmeut of liter ture, interesting to the young aml o ld. I)o not Cil to aend for a a catalogue. Catalogues maíled frc to any add.eas - pply to 'SÜFFOLK EXCHANGE C01TFNY, 116 Washington street, Boston. C. w. Ei.DHiDtiK, Imanr, 3w't57 Marshal's Salo. Circuit Oom t of the U. S. 1 District of Michigan, ƒ ' BV ViKl'CE Of n lixccution, keued out of the Circuit Court of theCnitc-dSUtos for UlO District of.Mi.hi:an, hearing dato the third dav third day ofjuly, A. D 85fi; wherfin Willinm A. Smlth, WiIII„m Slcelc, Jr.,aud ra Sniith.Jr., are I'laiiitiir5, and Marshall I. M orrül nnd .11.111 r IÍ. sluuv. aio deiendant,directed ftad dehverod 0 the M.irnhal of saiö diütrict, he thi aiil Marnhul br lís Deputy, I.. 1). Walling, lid on the fifth day of July A. ). 1896, levy opón thf followiuR doscribod lanj'ii or remis, wit. The sonth-west quartor of Soction No. " ''n.andthesouth Bfty acre from off tlie eaut ïalfofthe north-east quarter of section Nu. niiictccn; nd the east half of the north-wct quartcr of cctiim o. seventeen, aud the south cast quartcr of the nouthcst quartcr of Section No. f ight: all ín towotwoKouth I' rane fuur east, containing in n II thrpp hundred and ilrty acres of land more or les. Notice i heiebv givcn liil bv rirtue of nald levjr I shall sell at Public Auction r ven, !uf ai i hu frontdoor of the Court House u the ity of Ann Arl or, in paid Dtotrtet, on Saturdny, the flr.t nyoisèpwmber, A.D.,1880, at 1-2 o'clock, noen, M lid day, all of the abow desrribed lands or, preflalSM oa 1 nuieii (hereof as majr bc neccssary-to-rïïtify Hail ix rtlon mgethor witli all cepts thercon. '. S. BAGQ, l'. .. Marshal. lly N. R NTE, D.putr. Dated, Ann Arhor, July IS, 1800. 767td "■. sV. SI TT XB2 JE T'O rXCIIANC.E forTown Ldt in Ann Ai W. Kith er wiHiout dwollingB, nr for iuipn.vcd land wilhin fivo niks of the city- a c,uanlity of jirsiric nnd thlibrrM .iii.l, lying wilhin one inile of the Dubaqne and ï'neiffo. viliniul, in -oimty (.1 tirnudy. lowa, and nenr ti a ■"l. ror fiuihfi infurnialion aadress bj mail, K. s. KKTHIilC, 4vTi5 Coinmerco, O.ikland County, Iich, Ayer's Agüe Cure.