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THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. Bia JAMES OLAHKE'3 Cclefornted lYmalc Pilis. PEOTECTED ÖïISjI tlirïBf BY KOYAL ' JPE?a5J[pS?' PATENT Preparcifrom a prescripción of Sir ,T. Ciarle, il L., Physiclan Extraordtnart te the Qtetm. Tbift invsjujible medicine is unfmling in the cure of al! llidtB iiaiuful and dangerou difif aei to which the femnlB oinptitution ia subject It modernten Ril exina and re movoa all oLmtructionF, and a ped_v cure maj b relied on. TO . AKKIKI) I, M)11CM H is peculiariy fiuited. It will, in a ihort tiui, brlng on tiio monthly periofi with rflgularity. Kach UotijH, prioe Onft Dollar, har tfan Govoromut Btaiup of Groat BríUin, to prevent counterfeita. Thêic Ptllt tkomld nul bc (i;i by ftmeUt ênrinf tkê FIKST TURBE IUONTHS of Prtgn,ncy,a$ tktf art ntre to trimf " Mitcarriagc, bt tU anjf ttklr time Hef ar af. 9 In 11 cae of Nerroun and Spinll AfTection, Pdic In tb Back aad Linit, Fatigue oa light eurtlon, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hvnterics, and Whiti, the I'ill wffl eftoct a cure wheu all othor means hare (ailed, and iiUhougb a potrerful remedy, do uot contAia iroo, oalonM] aiittmcDjf or any thiog taurtful te the eonntitatien. f uil directinu aeoompanj each package. Sole Agent for the Cnittd SUtei and Canada, JOB IÍOSES, (Lat I. C. Baldwin ft 0o,1 Kocheetor, IÍ T -41,00 and 6 potUge tampa encloaed to any aa Agtos wil) inmre a botUe of tk l'ill bj rctnn r Pol,v Vy c. r.KÏNVÜ.I.E, Ann Albor, and bj Orugt'ists 'ncvvrT tnwn ___ MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILBOAD. 18C0. HUMMKR ARRANGEMENT. ÍRCO. Irmis nuw run on this road, Pucdaya cxo.epted, as Ix-uvo Toledo ror Chicago at 10 25 A M.,nn 1 0 26 P. M. Detroit ' 7..Í0 " " 7.40 ' ArriviiiK in Oii'-ngo from Toledo and Detroit at .S,IO P. M. and 8:00 A. H. Arrinat Dftroit from Toledo , at T:0.'i A. M. , 0:50 1'. M.,anl 11:00. A. II. Arrivc in Uclroit from Chicago a! Ci.60 r. M. , nnd 7.05 A. M. JrvIvtinTotado [rom Cbicaja tfO r. it and 4.60 A. M und :; 4" P. M. I eavo Afirinn for JaclRon at ' Juüksoti for Adiiau at r,,l0 A. M , and 1,80 P. M. CON'NECTION'J. At Tni.F.un- Wilh Cleveland & Toledo Rail Itoail, witli IVabtull VnlU-y Kail liond. AT Diítuoit - With Grand Trunk Railway, ith íiroat fTesisra Kaflwajr, nlao, with tlio Detroit andMilwnukee, Kaiiroad At New AUU5T t Siira R. R. COPSnin- With Tniina for lafayelte, New ATbaiiyscd Louluville. At üiÍicaoo- Wilh Chicago and Kook Inland, Calen, Miln-ankct1, Chicftío, línrlington and Ouiney - Nnrth West Railwiiv - Chicago, Alton arnl St. Loaú, Iilicoifl CentraF, an.l to al! l'oints West and South. JOC Train.e nrcrun by Clitraso time, which U20 min utes tilower thtln Pelroit linto. è- WoodrufFl Patent Slet-ping Cars aicompany tbc N'ight ïniins on tbi Route. &&- N'o cliaugo ofcarK between Detroit, Adrián and Chicago. iS, Fatent Ventilators and Dustcrs are asadon all Sunnnor Trains. ft& Titne and Kare the same R by any olher Ralï Roaü Route. JN'O. P. CAMPUKIJ.. Qsne-1 Superintendent. BOÖT -a:;dS1IOE MAKER'S STEIKE. THE JOURS WILL (iKT ÏIIEIK IKK'E FOR ÏHKIR work and Boots &. Miocs will le liigh r! Wil] have to pny more for your goods. l HAVE JÜSÏ PURCHASED ANEXTENSI VE STOCK OF mO(Q)T Ê & Oin]@IIO9 many of tliem, on account of the"1 LARCÏ SUITLY IN MARKET! PER CASE LESS THAN It Oost to Makc Thcm irnl phnll Sell them till I have to Pay noie Cor them at the EXTREMELY LOW PH1CES namefl bolow. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3,50 Calf Boots, for $2,50 ' 4,50 Fren cb CalfSnperfine, 3,50 " 3,50 American Cal f donble soled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2,50 Suiumer, 2,00 " 3,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best quality for 2,75 GAITERS. Ladies' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37 è " 75 " Gaiterb for 50 " 1,25" Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies' best quality of Gaiters with and without heelsfrotnl,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boots and Congress Gaiters from 80 to 1,00 Men's, Boys', Misses' aud Children's, of every desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and íÑitchels ! All the abovp goodfi and many othors, will be aol3,at MUCH LESS PBICJSS than have Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. Wm. S. SAUNDERS. Ann Arbtir, Marcli 20, 1500. 73?m3 Bonnets ! Bonnets ! Bonnots ! 'pHE SUBSCIÜBER IIAS A LARGE.tock of e-Uk and V E J, V E T BONNETS, of late stylcf , tbat hewill sell at cost nil less L-e-s-s T-h-a-n C-O-S-T-, to slotje them out. Prices ranfie fi'in o.vk lo TEN DOLLARS. tS ra" nd ea them. at tilo New Detroit Store, Kxr.hange Blook, ■:. .V. BTKOHG. IÖË ï ÏOE ! ÏOËÏÏCJEf! miIE SUBSCRIBIR is preparert to turnish Famillei nnd X allpersonfi wi.shing it ou short notice. Will 4elivr to families, 10 lbs. per day at 1 per monlli Iargcr quantitirn at 30 CENTS per 100 POUNDS. All orien Iflft th Thompson & Soa will he thaukfullv received iwnl jiromjitly everuted. CLEMENT R. THOMPfc'OX. Ann Aibor, April 24, 18C0. 3mT4 Howard Association, PhiJadolphia. A Tifnrvolent. instUutwn establishtd by sprdal wment, for thê relief qf the Sick and Vtereuead, affiicted -iih l'irit'cnt and Epidemie Diêtneê, nnd cxperuilhj for On Cure of Dtitauu ajlke tollo! Orgttnt, J'Lipcnsnnj fret tn patUnn til all partí i) ft ft e UnÜÊd Staten, Al. I' Al I1.K lil-. l'OiiTSi. ii.spi'rrnuKirrlMi'.'i.ut'i.ldflif'r Piscases cjf the. Sexual Orjtans, and on the NEW HKMKlilliS emyed, wnt to thp ;tillic(il in sealed cnvelope of chitrge. Two or tbree Stamps fèi posta6 b ill be ocptablp. Dr. .1, ÍK.1UJN HOUliHTON, ctli pr.n n'tl AiSooirtion. N.i 2,touth Nmthítrcet Pliil idclphla-, la, fWrl