French Commerce

-In the Moniteur f . 1 we find the official return of the coinroeree and navigntion of Franco with her colonics and foreign countries in 1859. - The total official value of the importa by sea and by land amount in round numbcrs to 3,552 millions, being 134 more than in the preceding year. The exporta in 1859 amouuted to 4,745 niillion?, or 535 millions more than in 1858. The amount of the precioug metáis imported in 1859 ?as, gold, 727 millions, and silver 210J millions and 382 millions respectively. - The French vessels employed in effecting the imports in 1859 were in nmnber 10,422, measuring together 1,628,284 tons; And the exports 8,788 vessels, of 1,473,192 tons.
Imports & Exports
Old News
Michigan Argus