
IVcw Filia t ew oOODSÜ o 1). L. W00I), & CO. Ar-1 huw reooivirtg ftiid opening A Large and Beautiful ' - o i'S-t -a-p 1-e and F a n c y DRY GOODS! CROCKERY, LADIES' AXD CfflLDRFX'S SIIO.ES, fi. c. Sfc. AT TUE OLD STAD OF T. L. W00D, Thcte nods hu-c been beugld sitice th reemt decliné in riccn ik Hm Htistcni Mfrkcls and irill be sod oorrespondingly VllV.Al'. l Wc "wonld ivspr.'tfully cillSeniof Anii Arboï md the surroundingcooBlj to 'cALL AND EXAMINE Oüll GOCHOS'. As it is no troublo to show thm,and -we hopo BY FAIR AM) HONORABLE DEALING To mrrit n liberal sliiuc of thrir pqtr.ouagb. d. L. woon. Wm. o. fostki:. Wtslshlcof Public Square Aim Arbor, April 20. ltíCO. 743tí ü U LTERMAN HEAD-QÜARTEBS! THE ÜUOST CO.UI'MITB CLOTHING E1P0R1Ü1 la Michigan ! COKTAINS T11K STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN TII1S MAR K E T! OUR SPRISÜ & SUMMER EL l ís mm JPe fo?y9 everything wkich liefashion and times iemand, and can sell them cheaper than any otTier Establishment in tlie State. WE HAVE MORE THAM 1OOO liirieix Ooaí; OI'EVERY VARIETY OF FAS11IOX, SuchasSacks.HalfSacksand Frock Coat, &c, wufacturedby oursclvcs, from the best qiialitici of Unen, Cassimercsaud Marst'illc; Also a large aseortment of DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Of evai-7 aualitj, of Brown, Blue and Fancy Colorí. Wb have the LAT E S T STYLES -OFFrom the nest nattrns, rWD and fanoy, in th wide wide worW. Tbo most fastidioui can bo satisflcd oy our large and ncwly selcctcd stock of COLLARS AND SHIRTS, Of all kind. Craratn, Shirt Boioms, Handkrehief, Su rienders, Urobrclla6,Cari)tBags, Trunks, &. The rioh est Glovcs, from the flnest silk to the eofteit MounUin Kid.already to atithehand ofcvery cutomer. Yuu can fiud everything ín our establishment which the world of to the trading eoruniunity in -ÁSSCLOTH FOR CUSTOM WORK.' W hare alo the flnest French and Belgian Broad Cloth, Fancy CaSf imerc, Fancy Silk and Maraeillei Wstings, &c. We oud ako cali the attention of the Student, cspeciallv tho graduating clas, if any of them want a GO0DFÍTTING SUIT, let them como to PONDHEIM, in order to get a good fit. Thankful for past patronage to our old custozners , we invite as many new ones to como and give ur a cali. D on't fail to see Guitcrman'ê Headquartars, before go ing elsewhere. M. GUITEItMAN fc CO. AnnArbor, April 11, 1860. 743tf FBESHABRIVAL _OFISTET GOODS. -AT- STEONG'S New Chtap Gash Store. "inrAT BABÖAINB ARE OKI F.REJ1- a la:ge line of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The best of Watch Spring Steel Skirta, Five Cents a 0- O- P- . Tip Top 36 ifich Umbrellas, only 12s other 8Í2CS in proportion . A lai ge stock of Frintt very low LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTH MANTLES. STRIPED AND PLAIN SIIEETÏNGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Groceries Crockery fzc, kc. Alf-o ft large Stock of Ladics' Shoeí, A Primea 10 per cent less ihan tisual Xo trouble to thow Goods. Cll and examina, at StroDg's OHBAP CASH STORE. EXCHANGE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, B, W.MOBÜAN, Agent lor Mutual Ufia InnnmceGompany, New York. Accumiilated A.sct, .... $& ,360 ,000, the leading Llf Insurance Company in the U. S. Knicktrbockcr Life Insurance Company, New York, a first claF saje Co. - turms reasonuble. Humboldi Firc Insurance Company, Xew York. Capital, with alarcre surplus, - - $200,000. Fecria Marine tz Fire Insurance Co., Ttria 111 - fcntv i yo. 1 FiT6 Insuranc (. f. 707W Ctj-itai, - idOOjOO; Ij' WITJl TEE TIBÍES! THE OLDANd" EELIABLE Clothïng Empoiium! ! NO 3 r II (EN IX IJ L 0 CA", MAIN STREET. hftfljauf rcturncd trom tbr Ei , with a largo ïiod dwi rabie ntooh of Sl'PJNC ANU SUMMKR C O X 1B ! A'hicb lie Ii uow oflerüig at uaiuuftJfj Aniong bis Acuorinirnt raay bc fuund BROADCLOTIIS, CA.SS1MERES, D0E8EIK8, & VESTIKGS, xxxra.xxïLOx "Wear Tflifcli ha is tuHiiig and pftking to order, ïu 1h" latte! nl !-t ïlj loij togethcy with a stiptior asno ■ ■ . RBADT MADE CLOTHING! ' TRCXKS C.U'.rKr n.u;H, U41CRBt.LAS, and Gentlenien's Furnishing Goods, witli nnindrooi othot ;ul:.vle luually found in mniiln, extabkshmcnU. As ANEMPOFÍUM OF FASHIOJH, i 'p Buhlriboi-flaticrí bimself, tht bis Innj; ciricfico :.M'l ;.:-'!iornl buccpps, will iiablo hiia to gfvo the grelct ïnti factipd to ;iil ffha may trust liim ia thé wáj ofm„nuafac garmenta to orüer. O A L L. E A II L Y ! ami lfví jourorúert. WJ1. WAGNER TO HOUSEKEEPEES. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S I3kt Medical Salkratus. 1 f uiauufucttmM trom coininnn $alt, anrti.ojM All the delHeriouit matter extractad in Bacfa W f i marnier n (o produce Bread, lïiscuit, and al U -i 'kinds of Cuke, wiM.nui coulaining a partido oí fj] Saleatiu Uu-n tbe Bread t (,'nko is baked: J . hcrcli.v produciog wholesoma rcvults. Bvorj partlcle ''f Seleratus i turnad to gas, and pas i-e thsougli the Brraf) aul Bfooult büo bl ilife J íí fv '■ ''■■"'"[ nothing rouiftlns bui cfimmoti jiI' ja UU Wntfr, and Oour. You mlLrouXilj pwtélTe, ï;!tj ; Èhetaitcof tMs :i!oratus, it i c-ntiu-1% Qi ÜtTcrviit froin 'itlieL' Sftlcr&tuBi Itis p.iclioii in one pouiul papero e&chwrap IJ ;icrbrani!cfï, "B.T. B&bbltt'a Bwt Medicinal! ' ÍO áaleratusj" atso, pictuco, twisted lt-af of bread, H yJ O with ii gliiss of cllervesi'ïnjr water od the top. - í A ■ Vhènyoti paicbamoncpapw jou sliouïd pre! i ?rvf the wrapper, and tx particular to gel the L1 jnext ex.ictlv likc the tïrnt - brand as alxive. jj TO PttUdlrectioiwfornMiikïngBreaci withthisHat-IH í V?ratasáníSour Uilkor Cream Tortar. wülac f Jnakincftll kinds of l'nstrv; .ilso, fov niakingjij i Soda Water and Seidlitz Towdcrs. M 9, UAKBTOUROWN WAV w.ih L a T. 1SABBITP8 PCRE CONCEKTRATEI 'f P0TA8H. j W.irr.inífíl ilonble the trentith of ordinaryl" M'otnsh: put np in cans - 1 lb,'a lbsf 3 tbs, t rTJ ib5,and 12 Iba- with fulldiröctionafór moktng AND lan and ?oft Soap. Consumera will find tlii s Ihe ChAapest artlefe In market. r IfmubotuFod and for sale bv L3 B.T. HAIJRITT. J i R4, 66, 68, 70, & 74 Washington t., New York. fl ry A ana No oS india si. Boston. ? 4 T-!3vl Bj NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMF'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vine President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED with tbeComptrollerofthp Slnte of New York. Divi deads a rerage 40 per cont. annuallv. Cash in Bank, $ 31,365,49 Investid in seenritfas , creatd un'lrr tlic lawsof the State of N'cw York and nf the U.S., 268,870,79 Real Estáte and Fixture, No. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,4S0 04 Bonds and Mortgageo drawing 7 per et. interest 583,998.39 Notes received for 40 per cent. of premiums on life pohcies, bearing interent, 675,316. 85 Quartoriv and Semi-aunual preminms, due subseqnent to January 1, 1860 20,550.38 Tnterest accruedup to Jan. 1, 1860, 56.488.77 Rcnts accrued up to Jan .1,1 860, 1 .70S.34 Premiums on policios in hands of Agonti, C6,445.1Ö ■ $1,767,133.24 Drs Wells and Lbwitt, Medical Examiners. 743tf J. G1LBEKT SMITH, Agent. ï- HEAVY ARRiy.AL or SPRING GOODS. IAM KOW OPEN'IVG FOR THF. EAELY Spring Trado an entire new gtock, and offor for ch at low piiccs? 3OO Pieoe English & American Prints! 500 preces Summer Stvfft, Dcnims, Siripet Shirtings and 'l'ickmgt. 200 pitees Clothi, Cassimertí, Satinéis, Kenlueky Jeans, and Tweeds. 200 piects DRESS GOODS, (Ne-w S-t-y-les: 3OO JE- i- Oo- O- s 5-0-0 Ho-o-p Skirts . 200 Dozen Glovos and Hosiery. 20 Bales Sheetings. ïoo i"íOooís Paper and Common Cambrics. 200 Piecos Bleachod Goods, Linnens, and other White Goods. Sketlaud and Berhn W'ools Dress Trimmings, BONNRTS. FLOWERS, Ribbons. Kushs, and all artkles Usnally kept ia Dry Qoocls. Choice Family üroceries, S II ELF HARD WA RF, CROCKERY, &c, &c, &c, closcl ovit all JI A R I) GOODS tliin Stock will be founl particularly dfsii-able. All parliea [ircparcd to for gooda will do well to examine thie stock as I have rosiTIYELY i Arked them at much lees thee former JOHN W. MAYXAED. Aan ArOT, Mireb :7.T5'O. "io G-xGLitt Meductiou CLOCKS, VVATCHES. - MMh 'MUI II ll'lll II 'Uil 'JLli._lll.!LlH ILLL' L J ■ AND JEWELRV. o. Doxxissg, HA IN'f i m itte surh Rranjrem'-urTïith t'1'" tuoportIsr, ibprepared to sell V nichos, üd n:uy olhoi anieles, at Gvc-atly II cd red Prices! fiood Sllrar Cyllnder Wafchea. 3 W " " ; iluarng Oase, 1 2.00 Aiicbon ' ' 11.00 -i 12 00 nod Pcn'a witliSilverHoldftrs, 1 W Plated T Shoons, PB " Tftblfl Bpoons, 20 A Itbrul ditronnt made 'o Dealen. Jewciry and many other tl-ings in proi:ort!in. Sil ver and Platecl Ware ! He ui. okcepa fcralo tlic ceïobrattd Aniorioaaa "W" atcltow, Every Wtili wirrnnled to give eutiresutitfaction. He hfli, nlso, b fine assortmml of TABLE & POCKET CUTLEKA ! SCISSOKS, HUE.Utfi, nAR5,anaavfi;-t oi Musical Instruments, Wüh Strloffii Hookf, nnd Tr tmmlngf for the sntr.p BRITTANiA WARE. Ballet, Davis & Co's Gelcbraletl Pianos. And r. grent v:rii'ty of tfotloof too numeroiis (n meta tion in ar advrrl'nemcnt all ut which ill be 9o]d C1IKAPFOR0AS1I! Particular ttpntion paiil to the rrj-nirii; i-'al] kind oj line Wdtche, nuch ns mHkine nnd ftetting Jevip]3, n w I'inions, Staft's, and Cyliniiers; ala Clocki and Jiw(IryceRt1y rsparod ftnd warrnnlcd. A1? 21 y centre of Phamix Bïo(k. CALVIN ELSSI Aun Arbor, Jan, 15, fS50, ÏN'SUKANCE ir. ir. jes: ie x is: t , AttheSiorfi ofWlnps &. Kniqht-is Asjont for tliu foll owii;y tirát claas lumurincfí CoiOpantcti E3" jSC C3 3STIX INSURANCE COMPANY, of habtfoki). Cash Capital - - - $200,000 00 Cash Capital, July lst '5S,4 Lí),08í ü6 Conway Fire Iiisnrance Co,, Of Conway. Mass. Capiu-.l nkl up, - $150.000 00 Assets (, - - 209,963 12 Liabilitics. - - 16,4-10 03 D. C. Rogcrs. Jas. S WLilucy, Secretar. President. DIRECTORS. J 8.WHITNKY, L. RUDMAN, W. EL1.IOTT, AS IIOV I.ANn D . MuOILVU Vf, E D MOKGAN VVAIT BEHENT, JOSIAIl AI.I.IS A ÜBU'.LEN W.ll. nlt'KINSON, W. 't. CLAIM', Ü. C. R0GER3. Aiui Artor Rofercnccs: Dr, E. WÏH.P, L. JAMK3. L. DOIXÏK, KNOCUJAMKS. CAPT. C. S. GOODRICH, j J. W. KNIGHT. ApDt Arm Albor, MicLignn Mnrch 1?. GR E AT GIFT "SALE -ofBOO3CS & JEWELRY! SCHOFF & MILLER TN'íORDíKTO MAKE ROOM FOB Si 3? 3R. I 3ST Gr StTOCJSi, have determmed to 6?II their MISCJSLLANEOUS BOOKS -AT- PÜBLISIIER'S PK1CES, And gire to Each Purchaser a Present In Tftïuft from 50 Cents Up to $100 WITH E ACH B 0 O E SOLD. 1E&. Cali eftrly and examino heir Booka and Prcsonts. Ann Arbor, MnichS, 1880. 73Gtf. GrJEUSljaL.1? EXCITEMENT ! ! T h o s e New GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, (South Side of the Fublle Square,) are oreathig a grtat excitcment, and those wisainjj to makti tböir SPRING 1'üECHASES, are invitod lo cali and examine Stj-les and prices bofors purcliaiiug. IVice Chaliies from Is to 2s. Lawns, Bcrages, Foulards, Crapements, Balzarincs, Brilhants and Fancy Sïtks in great variety, and of the latest pattprn. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere Shawls very low. A Silendid Stock of Prints from 6 ets. per yard up. IIoop Skirt at one half tho usual price. JHats and Caps, Ladies and Cbildren's Shoes ! ! Suminor Cloths and Vesting in great variety of Patin ii.. whicli I am prepared to make up and WARRANT A FIT. A full assortruont of Domestic Goods, Crockory and Groceiïes, all of which T offc r at the lowest canh prices. K3t I am Dot to oe undf rsold . A. T. MILLS. G-roceries & Frovisions. SLAWSON & GEEK, HAVING eñtabííshcd theraaelvesin tho Grocory business woulfl inform thetr friends and cuatomors tbat fcthey woulci be happy tosee thom at their store, where tiiey haveun hand a Large and Choice Stock -orFamily Groceries, ineludmg evcry thing 'm'thclme. AlsoProvisiousof all kinds, Sugars of the best qualitv, Srups of all kind?. Best of Codees, First cUse Teaseto. produce bought and soM. and the hiphest price paid in Cxh. He ban nu luuii u coustaut supply of Water Lime and Piaster of Paris, which will bc soldatthe lowest rato . The Eubsertbers wishit diatinctly unrlerstood tbal thfty will not be undersold by any establishment in the ci+y &ÏU1VB0.N & GEER. " Aror Ap"l I5j 1859. &REAT, GHEAT13K GI?; BAi;í.víKy kvíüU(jí'T].-:iíi-:i) 1 859. A í 859, Iu 1 1 1 i 5 C i 1 3' , iii-e. úow beíñg óSérëd ut tli ClIlíAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & J o XK7 elry StorerpH'" 9übíCI Ihor wouldsuy lo the ciü.f;is ni Aun AiL bor li nnrticuljtr, and the ni of Wmhietaaw n p-in-r!, lliat hohiiajiíat IttPOH'fBD DI KKi.ri.'i ronj t;uaopL. Trcmeiuions Stock of Watclies! Al. of Ufe ll hindihimsnlf to (el! CHli.U'Kft thnn cen bo bonchl vmt of New York '"y. Open Fuco Cylüider Wutche Iroin ÍS to é- 1 ' ■ do du Lever do Ao H to x;i Ihinüng C'iHt Ido do ' t to Bdo do Gslludcjr do do 0 to !í. Oold Wntchro fruía -Ü lo 160 I 1 are al:-o tr.t; CELEBRATED AME W. CAN WAT CHES, which I vvül üfii ttr J7Í. Evf?ryvntch d to perforiu well, orillo mtfney rrfm. Oiuck) .1 eVclry, Platea Wafe, [■'■::'■'.' Eftofet Oold Vli, Music] iiibtrutttniíla airl ;?trirfr, Cutlery, til. auJlnfactni .. yílilrq uaimlly ïrcptby Jew ülhtecáñ bfïbnukcfonhi; n-xt uin.i dsy at y.iur OÏÏN I' E 1 C E S ! Pereoii bujing anytliing nt tliia vroll knovin cstsbIJJIirai; ni can rely won getting goods exaet'y os rep irspiit-cl, ortboiiiün.'y relunded. Cdfearty and su cure the bost Ijnrgains ever offend in Ctty. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We nre pivpftrod to makr any re:r.iri oí fino or com moti Watches, oveii toinkÍDgc er ilie intro vrntop, I" BBCenaiy. Itcpuiring ot Clockí Hni Jewolry s lisunl. Alio thu manulactuririR ol lüNG?, BROOrlIH, or üUythinir d:8redf í'rodi Cnl;f 'iJÚrt (oíd on short notica. Engravlpff i ftlllu Ironcheaexetiiited wiiii neut UL'as nnd dispat' li. J C. WAT. Aun Arbcr, O, B8th"T8M 7Uw Something Wortli Readiiig! fcliolfirMnier, A RKAOAIN ON f."ANI, ni 1 1: -ir .-.M s8nd, (Thre Íjl Doorn N u rtbof Frmklln House,) wlth the molt complete tiRd Extensivo Assort mont -ÖFBooks and Stationeryf Wall and Wnulow Papers, Oil Paiated, and Gold Boideied Sliacles, Cur tain Boilers, Tassels, Cords, AND A TÍIOUSAND AND ÖNE THINGS In thclr line, KNÏIliRI.Y l'OO NUMí-ROUgTO .MKNTION. which thíyiulrKP their fricnds,ai.d tbo public genei'nlly, tu CAXjXi Sc 3E33CJLV.3VtI3XT33 ]3eforc Pürchasiug lílsewbere, n thev jatter tlienjBelrr6llit thplr Styles nnd l'ricfi (Vinnol í'ail tn prov satiafticïory. Ann Arbor Muy 1, If59. H O tt A G 35 W AT E R S , A O E N T 3 .1 :i II r o a d v a y , N c w Y o"r k Piíbllslur oritlujc auO 5IiíHlE SooSí AM IX Pianos, Jlelodeons, Alexandro Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebratod andother Guitars, Violins, Tunor Viols, ViolfnoeJlofl, Accordeons, Fi atinas, Flutes, Files, TranglesClari.inctts, Tuning Forks, Pipes and I lammer, Violin Bows, best Italian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stoole, and covers, and all kinda of Musical Instruments. JS Ix o o t 3VX xx S i c, from all the puMlriiarfl in the U. S., Bertini's Uunlin's, and Moiïern School, and all kinil of Instrncíinn Bookfl for the abovo instrumonts; Church lluwic liooks; Uaflld elegantlj bound; Jlusic paper, an! all kind.s of Bfutflo Merchandise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, 225, $:!50, an-l p to $800. SfrOQpd Hand Píanos from $25 up to $160; Now Molofleons, Sl",' $6Q, 975,9)00, and un to S200; Seeond Hand ielodéons from $30 io $80; -Uexamire Orgftns, wlth fivo stops, $160, nine stops, $185 and $225; thïrtc-en stops, $250, $275 and $300; Gfteen stops. $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churohèg, Bal ' -:,h Schools, Feminru-jt's and Teachers. The Trad'e supptied at the usual trade diacounifl Testimoniáis of the Hornee Waters Planos Ki;t.[ lUelofleon.:. John Hewett, of Carthagc, New York, who has had one of thfl HoraccWÜtCM Pianos, ifrtCbs&s follows: - "A friend of mino wishes me to purebase a piano for hor. Sho likes the one yon sold rao in Deccmbrr, 1S66. My piano is becoraing popular in thifl place, and I think I caá introduce one or two more; Ihey wiil be more popular than any other mnko." 'TVo have two of Waters' Pianoa iu use in ourSamlnary, one of which has been severely tosted for tlirey yoara. and we can teslify to thoir pfood quality and durabiüty." - Wood & Gregory, Monn CnrroU, 1U. 'H, Waters, Em. - Dkak Sik: líaving used oneof your Piano Fortes {ut two ytars past. 1 have fonud it a very superior Instrument. Ai.nszo Geay, Principal Brooklyn ffritfhts Semirtary. "The Piano I received from yon continúes to give satisfaction, 1 regard it as one of the best n&trumcnts in the place.11 James L, Clarkk, Charleston, Va. The Melodeon has safelv arried. I foei obligoito you fory nur liberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCoRMick, YarqutsvilltS, C''The piano was duly reoefred. Itcamn in excellent condition, and is very much admirad bymy ntuti'Tou ftimilr Accopt my Utanka for your proniptucss." - ROBffia Coopeb, Wdrrctkamt Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano ploaaei us well. It is the bost one in our county.",- TuoMaa LlTHAK, CampbelUon, Ga. "We are vrry mueh oïiÜRed to you for havinpr sent sttch. a fine instrument für $250." - Bbank,Held e Co., BuJfaJa Democrat. 'The Horace Waters Pianos are known aa imong thp very best We are enrvbled to speak of these Instrumenta with ennfidence, from personal knowledgo of thir excellent tone nnd dotafeta uunüty." - .V. Y. Evangelist. "We can spsok of the raerits of the Horace Waters pianos from personal knowledgO, as baing the very fínet qiiAli :y.' - Ckristian Int et tijeneer. "The Horace Waters pianoB are nuilt of the bost and most thoroughly seasoned material. We ha-re no doubt thatbuyers cando as wcll,pprhaps botter, at this than at auy othcriiou5ö in the Üoioo. - Advocate and Journal. WaUTö' nanos and imjlodponR challengo comparison wUM the Dueat made any where in the ouutry."- Homo Journal "Horace Watera' Piano Portcfi are of AiU. rich and eren tone, acdpuwerful-.iV. 7. Musical ReweK. (iOur fríends wil! find al Mr. Witters' store the very best assortment of Muslo and of Pianos to be fouml iu the Unüed Staten, and we urge our Routhern and 7estern friends to give him a cali whenever thcy go to New York.1'- Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadvay N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 100,000 issued In ten Months. The unprecedented aio of bootc has Indaeedtha publiüherto addsoino i0 aeji tunesftadAjnuistoitci proeent sizc, without extra charge, except on the choap edïUon1 Among the many beautiful tunos andhymns added may be found: - "I ought to love my mother;" "O Til bo a good child, indeed I will.'' These and eight others from the Bell,were Rung Rt the Sunday School Anniver sary of the E. Church at the Academy of Music, wiili great applïiuse. The lk'll contains neariy 200 tunes and hymns, anl is one of the best collections eTerlssura. Prico 13c; $10 per hundred, postado 4c Klegantly buund, eraboseed gilt, Üöc, $20 per 100 It ha.-j been iatroduced intomanyof the Public Schools. The ie": i publlshodi in smal! numbers entitled Anniversaryand Sunday School Music Books, 1, '2, 3, h 4, in order to accm:nodate the million; pricc $2 & $3 per hundred No. 6 will noon be issued - comraencement of ftnother book. Also, Revival Music Books, No. 1 & , price $1 & $2 per 100, postage 1c. More than 300,000 copies of the above books have been isauefl the past eightecn raonths, aud the demand is rapidly increasing. Publifihed by HORACK WATKRS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N Y. Publised by Horace Wateis No. 333 BroatUvay, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wo nis can neverdie;'1 "The Angels toM mn BO;)f "Wilds of the Wpst;:' ílThoughts oí God;'1 1 Givo ine back my Moimtain Homo;" "Day ïïrealnB;" "Dandy Cock Uobin;" "I'm with thee sti]l;"Petnames;" LVThere's no darilug like mine;" "Saiah Jane Iec;" "Ever of thee;" "I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Birdof Beauty;" "Home of ovir birth;" ':Orave cf Rosabcl," and 'Wake, lady, wake, 4' price 25c each. ' Instrcmextai, - ' Talaco Garc'en, or Pinging Bird Polka,' 40c; "Swingin Schottische;" "Mirabel Pchottisch;" 'Thomas Baker's Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cent each. Th o abovepiece.s havo beautiful Viguettco "Wclmer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cryjlftrch," the very lat ; "Vassoviarna Doniells Maurka; "Rea-1: njr Folka;" "Crinolino Wahz," and "LanccrB' Qua drille,"2Öc each. "The Empire of Reich'B Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibcrnian Quadrille," 35c each. Many of these pieces are played by Baker's celebrntéd orchest ra with great applnise.y Mailed free. A large lot of Foreign llubic al half price. Pianos, Bfelodcons and Organs, The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodoon", fr depth, purity of tone and durabtlity, are unsurpassed. Prices very low Socond Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $iï5 to $150. Music and Musical Instructions of all kin Is, at the lowest pHowd HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Brnadwrty, N. V. Tkstimo.ylais; - "The Horace Waters Pianos are known asamong the very bost.' -Evangelist. 'We tan speak of their merite froin personal knowlodge." - Christian Tnielvigcncer. '&othlng at the l'air displayed greater exoellence -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloúeona "-ha11en;?ecompanppa witli tliu ftaotl itiade Rnywheroin the country." - Home .hmrnal. " 719tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i 2NT 22 vsr NEW STORE!! Itf o -ve X'"1 i x" xxx O New Furniturc. SIAETIN & THOMPSON, SUCCfcaSOR TO O. BU. MAETIN, HAVE JCST Ol'KNIíP IS TIIKlItncw nd E I c ' ti n t VV a c-lt o o ni KAST SID8OF MAIN' STREET, A COJ1 PLKTE STOCK OF 110SEW00D; MAllOGANY and SETS OK l'ARLOR FURNITUlll 1 N G L U D I N G Sofas, a-Tetes, Maliogany 110SE-W00D, BLACK WAL1SUT, Plain and Marble Topped O [1 GQ TT S E TA O1LI1O, ROSEWOOÜ, MAIKlGANY, BLACK WALNUT, F ANC Y and COTTAGI5 CHAIRSj, &o., &c, &c, &c. .■L JBLt SSS t 9 El e g a n l MIK R O Ii S , Bureaus, Secret a ries. B e d-R oom Sets, 1NCLÜDIXG LATEST STYLES, -ofOF TEE EEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Old Poïks," O- R "YOUNG MAERIED PEOPLE" W-A-XT T.O F URN' I-S-H PARLOR, BOUDOIR, 8ITTING KOO3I, OE KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loiiger go to Detroit or elsewhero To Find ALARGE ASSOETMENT PURNITURE MUST BE BOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold : A- T VERY LOW PKICES! J(Ö" Lot evi-ry mnn and his wife or going to be wife, COME AND SEE. Thcyalso have a HEARSE ÜARRIAGE, Wo aro always ready to attcnd to the burial of tlie dead in the City and adjoining countrr. Warc-Roomi cast sido"1 of Main Street, botween Wnshiugton and Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O. M MARTIN. C. B. THOMPSON; General Land Agency PERRONS wanting íarruB, or resldíínret In ornM Ann Arbor, can by calling on me teloct ironi u Jibt ofover 1OO Farms For Salet Ot v&rloue Bizca trom 3, te 1300acrcfeach;(aome ■ goodaaanyinthis Connty.) Morthan 5O Dweling: Houses athlftCity.from Iwo hundred to fourthousani'do ar oach; and over 2OO BCJILDING LOTS! Arnonpthefftrms aro the lïiibopeïflrra, 1300 ncres, the I'ottor farm, in Green Oak; the Placefarm, au j 48 ï acres, the Blandón and Jenks ihrms, in Webster; thrt StubSfl, Michael Clancy, Newton Beegan, and Fallfthst fnrme, in Ann Arbor; J.Kir.gsloy'4 farm, in I'ittsflcTd' the Match nnd f lick Urirm in tho Patrick Clayu farm in Freedom; W. S. Davkon, Iï. Q. Bakers nud Buck'e farms in Sylv'an . Mustnf tboae and many otbers can be dlvided to euit purohaaers B W.MO.1GA. AnnAiboJ, Jan. lit, 1656 èj CO u-w - 23 X_a O O 2SLKE r J 1 A RDWAlïE STOK E '. ! ! WJ-y. ■ ' iir. Arn:s::oxoKTi!K rr:i.ic VV 'to uur ftiuck -4 ■ . at jc .m. ü'jzL'SL'it 'Ttmr j. q% ks s ree e " w j&z: és 9 IRON, STEEL, NA1LS, TIK, COPPEIl, & SHEET IKON WARE, CHAIN AND CISTEiLX PUMPS, PAliNTS, 01 LS, GLASS, BBITANNiA WARE, j6c, &c5 Xrc, cêc. ■ . ry hiu'l of Hardware and House FurnisMng A ïl T.orts will be soi'J as CIIEAP as at aü'j ofhor Establishment ïa Arirhag-un, flTé Sáj v' livvi. gut the Best Assortmcnt of Cooking P AR LO R A NB l'LATE S3?O'V EB IET TÏIÏQ STATÏ3, And will sellthem Choaper tlian Til E CUE AP EST, Pteam cali tsA te All ttluds of tin ware krit on haad. Particular altcntioDpaid to all kiuds of Which will bc done wlth NEATNESS KNDDISPLTCB. Plcws calUn.l ttt our STOVK ROOM ia 2d story of New Elock. RISDON & HEKBERCON. Ann Arbor,Oot. 7, 1859. GOOD. - ■(■,- UICH GOODS! CbeapGoods? ! BACH & PIEE30N T TAVE Jfèsl OrENLP TUF. CIIOICEST STOCK - OF- Spring and Summcr Good to be found in this City, consiting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS newest Stylcs and j:ííf?rnff CAlíEFULLY SELECTE D, puixhaso-i cbfftp. &b4 Warranted to Please, AlsO GEjn'TLEMEN'S GOODS, Domcfitios, Staj -?f, Family Goceries, &c. Coasult your own iitercsts cali np eavly. BACH & PIERSOJÍ 1809 1859 City Gheap Lumber Sash, Door s Blinda, Plaste? Paris, Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, &c, dce. , D. DeForest, H AVINO increascd LU facilitics lor doing busines nnd enlrged hi Yard and Htock.i pro paied the presont casan, wilh Itc bes;, lnrjjcst and chearestíeneoneflgtuckeTCrin this mirhl, to satiety the reasonablfl exDeutations )! 11. Oui motto 1 not to beundero!d lor cash on dsÜTcry I will not undertnketo frigblcnthe public bysaylng that ihcywill getahavedit they buy eliowhore, for we pruume that othero illsellaslow ae they cn All kinds of ïimtoer, Joists, nd 3cuntling, Pino, Whitewood, Basswood, Hem. pipjCi Plaued and Matched Piae, "Whitewood Ash Klooring.Plonedind rouffh Pineand VVhitcwood lding,Fenci T06U, OikandCudar FoatB and I'ickct oi all kind3. Jtnt í'atl), aníi lUljitcxwooïr %, .n Ptne, Ashau Whitewood Shinglei, Barn Boards and Barn Plooi Plank, Bloei Wa. jtit, and Cherry and tuin stuft', Wagon nud BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Box and Body Lumber, Mnplo Log Timbor, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of all:hickuesses,vi'idlhá andlengtha, Jtc. &.C., Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinde. 7STa,lSi f all sizes, Ac, &c, iSASH, DOORS, efe BL1NBS, ' matlt' by hand to order as low as iactory prices, on the hortcstnotlcc by the bcstof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bult of nll dosjiiplion in the nbove building line furni!hodonthohortrBtof notice, for We have fflill Ciitting Regtdarly. A ful! and n perfect assortment oftUo abovc and otherUnde of Building Materals Constantly ouhand althi lowtpossible ratea Cali and be Convinced. A few rods southfrom, R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. R OOFING, N.B. - I amaow operating Extensively lu the Patent Cement Roofing. City Me at Market. TÏEUNDERSlGïfED, AT HiSMarket near the Poat X Office, keep constantly on haml a f uil aBsortmeot of which they will tftir&yfl be found in reaffiáQBSto cut opos SUIT CUSTOMËBS. Xo pains will b epared to keep tbeir mark t Clean, and M e a ts Swcet anl patrons may rt!y upon gotting the be3t rn)AfiTR TLakï. chof, fir . T!.ai -;m he found in the City. (VT AXDTKY US. F. TROÍTOK T. W.MKKIi. Ann Arbor.Msj4, 1S60. 745m8 by ."m i] ini] :- . -■ ■ ■ ■■■'■■. i ii iw, nn ' "■ ■ll'lr af 'A -■- 1, ■■ ■ ■ - ■■■': ui ih ■ ' " ■ , - BI "f ij ' :■■'. Mid I".. lutj ■ ■ ' i. .::■..!.- SI ïatW rn ni OT ■■- '.' :. ■ I ;■ ! j x 1 .1 ■' 'l'ilsi's nr(] ■ :j..t-.i'i ■■ n ■( noort" KI ■ :;. '.I r.-i!M MW:i, in Blink i: ' '' t,_oi):iig ■„ ■ . ■ 'iijtnui in Ai n a K v.' Lu ld .■■u!:M."r -.ut"1 part Ihareof, at pub■ ■ ■: "1 OI(, .11 h, ■ Wul IHXt, ut ". wm s. UAVM llü, Uurtgag. i. irr, Atl'r. I, Hij ,. n. IBfi. 7'.U Mortgage Porecloetire V.YM ' I MAVIXG DKKli MA!']: in 'lh' coii'litii.n f . liftn-iitliilar of Dfcwiilwr, A. I). 1S59, ' . ■: :...:■ vrl',.v evriith 1ay uf .I;:nuir-. & D.lööy, at fo'.ir iiTi i ,li, r. M.,-, i. i..t Xo. lwon:y-fiTo,.( Bortgj ffc, ;it vp 'lii: liicii s..i.i Morlyflgc va 'Ji-ÏJ aMiupí I tlio i1 U'illuim s. li.iviiai'l lo Charlea H. Thrnnp. vn. ■ n ':i" Jf.lh d.iv ofUsmb, A. ]. . lfi(i,in wrid'nguii.i tin1 ii duljr iccü'icl iii tlio í.'iiicc f tlic 1{6)íter of i'i-i-.i.. tnUbfriSol Slnrtguftes :it iRe26J, foc irllicll 'liMulI lhi' .nu.-r uf i l.-iinvl i W Morl■ ■■ :■ ' pcaroc o;Kraiivc a-i'l no suit or procvnilg harilig teil i:. .'.'.n-i-il .U Ui rectvi-r Ihe dtbt sccurcA ; ii.i Mul-laagc r any p:ul thon.'uf. nul on which thers i now Ha;wi i iu H' .Iimt tlu aum oflhirly dullaTB m: tBat ', : r 1 irtbir .-.innjf Uiive liui Jruil d'jlhr willi int, i st :iii:j::;lv ill ïiereaitr iHMSomfi doe ail foKows, tft. ,..:■ ; ; -. .■■ i-,i:il ftnnuál nyhirata írom tlie tif rntli i'.iy .■!]■,. -ii, l..-r. A. D , 186!. Nolicoia, theri;..r, i.'-iiiv aveu thiit the nid Sfortgage will bo for.■ o] Ultf' M"itv':i'.'i'il pi I Illlaal , to-wit: - i-iit il ;i i -i! (1; in !'Uck fiv.s (5) Norlh, ranyc ten (J) Kirtt, i:i t kwroacë k M&ymrú't ddttíoii to tho City a Ann arb "'■ thewof, at pabilo tcuIuo at finiit il.or ol lbo CotHTt Houaé, ü) tho City of Ann irlor, uit tho tliírfietíi 'ïartrof JuUw lifxt, at Cao u'clook, A. kt. CHARMS B. THOMPSOS, Aaaignn. Dated, 'ni Ai -!i.m , A,nl 5, 1S60. GREATBARGATfS - AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. 0 Wl: iuvèAgaix i;i-:n.KMsin:i) uürstoius with Ui tuósi p'ïBd Stock of E3r E O 3OS, (hai WAS ever ofTorcï in any onc eetHbli.-hmMii ia the .Stat( all uf wjjich we oiïer íor OAO[K] -@& P & O ÜD O ü as iow as can !j; (iiuqd In tlio t'uiou We vant Money ! (ïreal Sacriiiccs on Anyiliiiig re 'i ■ -i lo c'jiain it, uot cx.ciiui OLD XOTES AKD ACCOUNTt' We cordially tarHÁ ALL CASH CUSTOMEKS tocallami examine our üoods &nd Trices. We Ui ihVitê our Prompt Paying Customers kl cqbu and buy their supplios for tboWiuter. loihon Itashful ones are afrai.ï to cali, ro J to thein, tak SEXiXj Your "7C7 ÜES--Tf without Iouger wnitingfor highor priew, come In, old scoreR, and then -at such prtees as will ni .ke tin pil lrii, H U hardlf riL'cceísary to euumciaieour Good3, for Wc have Everything! A large aasortment of CAHPEING, CROCKERY DRY GOOjUS, MEDICINES, GEOCERIES, PAINTS, OILS LIAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &c,, &c. (TlMf) MAYMAKD, STEBBINS k WILSON. SEWINGMACHINE. IXr Ewould rciipoctfully ioform tho citizen of AN.V AK Vf BOR anil mII surrounding country, tliat wo háv opeucd rooms for the sale of tho following well kaoir aud popular Sowintf Machines GROVER & BAKER, AVEST &WILSON, FOREST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & -. RAYMOND. Auj persous wlshing to examine our assnrtment will plcaso favor us withacallat our rooms, diiectly orer th (■uu Shop, in Thompson &Sutherlaud'B block, from 8 to 12 a. mM autl 1 vo 6 p mC. T. WIUIOT, A. J. SITMFRLAXD. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. MlssMARY A. HERBRRT will take charge of this Department of our business aud do all kinds of FITTING AND SEWING, And givö instructions in the uso of Machiuos to nuchai wjshbDBo; uir akuowledge of them. WILMOT k SUTI1ERLAND. Ann Arbor, Feb. 28, 1S90. 737tf M. CAMPION. rpiIE SUBSCRIBES HAS JUST UETCRNED from th X Kast with bis Gi O O D S WH1CH HE IS d e t e n xwx i 3?r B i TO BELL AT THE Ij o -ver o s I IT IOE, FOR GASH, At which, KirtQ,ual!ty Coods in be afTorded Istbtf city. My t-lotbs are all of the Pinest QUALITT &ni a t manufacture tbm toto olothing mysclf, I n enablcd to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT Isul1}to be WELL MADE, wbich ftstron?inducemtni tociistomers to patronize vnj store in preferenoe to pl)ic4t wherc large quantities of lialf marte goods are kept for sale. I'have the LAtBBt fashioxs, nd can givo you as Fine andvclt Fitting Garmentr as Mtt be bovfkt anywkcret 1 ara bound to sell 0cz ar jDt msz a m jej mm. - AND- BETTER GOODS, than any other similar esisblishracnt in this f!tj. Your cu&tom n inot retptctfully iuvite4. M. CAMPION, AnnArborvSeDt. 30. 1W. l.-TH
D. L. Wood & Co.
Dry Goods
M. Guiterman & Co.
Strong's Cheap Cash Store
Insurance - Fire
Wines & Knight
Schoff & Miller
Slawson & Geer
Martin & Thompson
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Hardware - Retail
Risdon & Henderson
Bach & Pierson
Lumber - Retail
City Meat Market
Mortgage Foreclosure
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Wilmot & Sutherland
Old News
Michigan Argus
E. W. Morgan
William Wagner
John W. Maynard
Calvin Bliss
J. W. Knight
A. P. Mills
J. C. Watts
O. M. Martin
C. B. Thompson
D. DeForest
S. Proctor
T. Walker
William S. Maynard
Michael Enright
Charles B. Thompson
M. Campion