The Pleuro-pneumonia
Inoculatiuu is said to have boen adopted in Belgium as a protection against this disease, with great sucooss. This roethod of treatment was adoptcd at the suggestion of Dr. Willoras, of Ilassalt, whose father is a largo oattle ownor. The Philadelphia Ponnsylvanian gives tho following acoouut of bis experimonts and tho result: "The oattlo in bis father's stables having been attacked by the discase, Dr. Willems, believing it contagious in its character, conceivod the idea of inoculation as a preventativo. He eaused a diseased animal to be killed, and from the lungs (the seat of the disease) collected the matter necessary to carry out bis purposes. In the prosecution of bis experimenta Dr. Willems began by inoculating the animal about mid-way from the ex;remity of the tail, making two incisions. In a few cases only nojinflammation resul;ed; but of 108 animáis subjected to this irocess of inoeulation, rot one was at:.acked by the disease, while out of twenty not so inoculated, seventoen were attacked and died. After these successful experiments, all calves and young animáis were subjected to the same process. "In consequence of the report of Dr. Willems to the Government a commission was instituted, at tho head of which was the famous Dr. Ferhaille, which, af:er numerous experimenta and protracted and careful investigaron, reported in favor of tbc process of inoeulation as a preventativo of the plaguo. The question, ïowovcr, as to tho duration of the effects of inoeulation, or wben reinoculation should be resorted to, they leave to be determined by future observation. Under tbo supervisión of the cominission, 5301 head of cattle were inoculated. In 4325 cases the virus took effect, resulting in inflammation, while in 976 cases no inanation occurred. Of the whole number of eases, 86 died from the offsets of inocuïation, wbilo in 478 cases tlie tail was injurod. Out of the 5300 head experimentad upon, 66 only were attacked by ibe diseaxe, and of these all reeovered. - Thoso faota would seem to indícate the complete success of inoeulation as a preventative.
Diseases - Livestock
Old News
Michigan Argus