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Grass Seed! WANTEDÜy BECKLEYAHICWj Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 2y Black Saíts, W'ANTEDby ]5ECKLEY&mcES: Ann Xrb'or, Lowör Town. 26 I,ieïty Alnianc for 1 845, -pORaoleby fiECKLEr & mcKS. Oct. 4, 1841. Ö-4w.AL.WAYS OIV HAN. =PÜ2J npHE subscriber has re &=.L1 _ JL moved bis Shop to Main 5C '&vFj Si reet opposite H. Beek ([f fflroT -r'8 --''ck Store, where U 3 "jSlaÈ! 'e rnay c oun(l ready to P him a cal!. ' Hnving jnst recdvad direct f rom New Yoik nn elegant stock ot' JBWBIRÏ, nnd Fancy Anieles, whicli he irrends to sell 'oKJtr (han l,as ver wn S'](1 west of' Bufialo tur lieatly P,uj Onlij. Amona wiich may be found a good assoin'i.ent of Gold and C..nimon Wmch Kïy?, Giild Fmt:or Ki.nys L-n j Bosom Pins, Gunrd Ctr-Hi Silver Ten nnd T:bUSpiMins. Spgar rru!ií,'í.-,jJuner Knives. Silver L'enftil. cases, Silver uncl Oon.mon Tlninblc, Silver Bpecuicks. Gorman, do. Stee!, do. linir lirushijs. Cloihcs. d. 'I'ooih. do. Laiher, (]o. Fine Razors Jint' Pocket Knivi -. Fir.e ñlienr? üid Scissors, 1nher }ixc.?. Rn.zór Siro).=, Wnlietts, Puis'-e. Violins and Bous. Fln:es. Vinün ind B.iss St incrs. Clanoct Rc-erie. Pcrcussion Cnps. Pocke,l Pistola. Uritnnnin Cnndleticks. Watclies-, Leucf Stn'mp Steel Pens r,,-,,' TwcmiTfí. Snuf? nnH Tobncco Buxos Fine Oomlis, Dressing, do. Side, da. Back. do', Shell, lo. KeedJ'es ond Ca?c.. Wuier l'iiints. Toy VVntclies. Ki(l D'iiis. n grent vniio.tvof Toys too numeroiis to memiori. Beudg, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes, &c. &c. Cr.orKs and Vat:hï; of" every descriptio repnired nnd warrauiud, a!so. Jewclry re;niiedon alioi t noiice. CALVIN Bí.fSS. N. B. Cash pa:d f.r OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C, B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, IS44. 28-tf.New Goods New Goods ! ! TUK tindrsigned hns just received bis siipply of Fall Goods from N. Y. Ci:y. BendetLji irst rai nsonnieiu of Sheelinge, Goiton Yarn. Pulled Cloihs, Brond Clotbs. and otber Siaple Goods. he sjust opening a eplcndid lot of Rich, Woosied üamask Sliawla, Ist quality, Brocl;a, do do Ka'oyl, do' do Cashinere, d Fiis'iionabie Cravais. Rich Bonrifit Ribbons. Fasbionablü head Lrimmings, Velvet '; ALSO. V KAUTIFUL ASSORTMErJT OK DUESS STUFF3 SCCH AS ( Qslimere D'EcKse, MusÜu BéLnine,Pa lissen nes. Robroy Plnid, Prints of every description. Plniii. blnck Alnpnci, ligurcd, black Alapaca, Plain, eolored Alapaca. fiured, col'd Alapaca, Plnid, and Chnnirenble Aliipaca. The indert,igned Itas in odcluion to a first raie assortiüctu of Stapje and Fancy Dry Goods. a lot of Tens ana CoíTee. for fdüiily use. AIso, a large lot of Gees e Teathers, Faper Haagings and Travelling Baskets. His Siock is well sniied to both city nnd coun t.ry trad e. Couniry peonle are invned to ca!! anc look and satisiy themseivea üu.l liis stock wil bear cbtripii'risori c-itlier in qunltiy or price wit} any otlier in liio weslc-m c utitiy. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jeilerson Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14, 'x?JA. ' S4tfTí-ÍE TRÜE PAIN SVJK-AGTOIJL SAIaVSJ W'.HÍCH cures ükea 'charm ai] lU'IÍNR'b} fire or water', nnd trvery externe I SORE PAJN. INFLAMMATION, ACHE-orlTCHING ever yet í'ound pon tbe human family. to which it has heen appJied. must rihv.Tvs be so'.ieh genuine from Comsioek anr Co.. oí" New Yoik or iheir auihorred. agems. All ase eatitiónec agninst an:y spurimis urticles, whicb moy alway be avoided by knowiijij he or.e yoii buy come From Conisiock &, Co . wlio are now ihe on]} proprietors antl mnnuíaciurers. Inquire for Con nel's. witich ís warraniéd to tío all i', ever woulri when callrd by nriy other nnnie, or the priceshall be réfundcd in fny case ií it does not picase. "Tcfplncè it w'iinin rfáeh óf all. the prieë ha? 'icen reduced inore than four lofo,. pnd is novt sod for 25 cents, ihe formerpríce )éiriLí tno exorbitant. T!;e 50 cent size now-coctains-.fcui limes ;is nrúch ns tiie lonner, anck-iiie 1 sizt near ten times as niucñ. No ta-nily tluit has nnv title to liuüíani!','wil! Tail to hnve ('onnel's Pnin Extractóí Oimnieni always nt haTn!. (o snve íife. a!l scars. and reduce ■il agony ('rom any b;n'n n íive nutinres, provided íhey hnve seen ii used, or will Èélieve those who have uíed it. COMSTÓCK.CO., 21. Couriirind Street. ü-5" Bésure, (he'ref-'re. and nsk for Co.vsfl's. ns niir Ute wiih Daüey's nan;e cii[-it hns beer. sio'ien. añd tlie spurious mny oppeflr wíih ih.v nntne on it. Knoiv. therefore. thít ít comes directly from Cf-ii's'.oek & Co.. or shtin rfc WM. S. & J. W. ]AY.ARD, HG A en i for -A rin Arbor. "DR. SGOOD'S ÍIBÍA. OHOXtA&GGÜE. AiMüxVG thu mosi vahiabJo quálnies di liiii medicine, is its restoriig inf.ninrc upoi cjiistituiions ínpaired and jajiuoti !y neviouf ulnciv3of billiettó fever',' or (V-ver p-hd agnef oí iy a longrésidence in those cli mates whicü produce theni. Tliere are niany c'onstitiiíinns which becoine grntíu.illy uñdermíned by n,m;nsnicl in fluenco. vii&oui e-ven a day'saciuafconlinemenl. . ín suelr cases, thó Chnhgoíhie aci !rkc a chrirm je sallow complexión, los.s oí appetitc, lan;-uor, wearióess dêptéön oC-spirits. ,-iil. other nnpleásant &ympíoms whith rentier lile n burder;'. a!J ield to this reniftdy when fait.KlulIj nscd accorcJi'ni? to t"he dÏTëetïóns of tKeaenofnpanyin'gpampliiet. It is oniirejy a vegetable prep aíation, antfmaybc taken wmIi pcrffecl s;fciyun der áll-cí.rcajnsíáridcs q( iliësjiteiu. fax sale hy . 36 W. S' .t J. W. MATNAilD, íoíé Agent, fop A nn Arbdfahd vicmiiy. THE follüwingindiSpen&nbie taniíly remediee may be fouiul at , May.vabd's Díuggis: Store, iñ Ann Albor, here ii"uc will be solo1 unlesá krowr. o be P the b'8i k;újti and no countérleit ariiclexyer' Ö'ffercd. pnitnr medicine nvariabl} procuVéd ot the orign, l'invettior or his regular siicccesor: ■ O Vo fir.n ity shoMld be a wcektpiütout thest rcrrrciH'JS.JTñ BALDÑESS. "Z tart Balm of Co'umliia. for the Ihir. which wil stop it if Trilling out. or restore iton bnld place:-, -nul on cliif'drun make it gfow rpiy, or oí. tliose Vly have lost th'ehaiV iiom ífijy cause. ALL VERMÍN tlmt iñfést'the heads oí.cjiil■Irên in school?, are preveniécl' or küled by i' ai once. Fuid s'.-.a ñame of COMSTOCK,. on it or never iry it. '-Pememher fris alicarj. PILES,' C. ; are wholly prevented. or governed f tlie" nifack lias come on. il yoti use thé oñhj mi Hays' T.inimknt, íroui Comstock & Co. AU SORES, ajid every t-hin reliev-d by )t that adinits of an outwanfapiplicatiön. Ji actëhke á chrim. Use 1 'rHEUMATISM AND LAMF:NFSS positively cüreif: al! shrivelled inusclcs'áiui limbsare resio'red. in the oíd or younpr, by xnéiiiduin Vegitibh Etixir añd Nerri and Bono Liniment - bui never without ihé:iame of Comstoík S Co. od KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -vill eradicato all WORMS iri children or adulis wiih - cer'.ainly quito nsforiishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kr.iNKS- cures cffectually Anri Arbor, FeS. 5, lf'14. -U WOOD !■ WOOB ! ! WE want some from subitribersimmediat.!?'. Oct 12. 1844.WRIGHT'S POOR H&AN'S PILLS, An excellent vegetable lamily Medicine, in U scs ol indigestión, Dyspepsin, Liver Complaints or Janndice, Ague and Feer, Opatéd; Pongiie, Sickriess at the Stomach, Sick Pleadi ache, Remittantand Inemiitt?nt Fevere,Cougb.Colds, Catarrh, &c. &c. Emirely vegetable,they areeniphnticaüv W&TURIVS JFRlJEJVn, córfducirig to healih and counteraciing diseasa' by purifying the blood, cleansing the syslem of vitiated humors, removing cbatructions, etimunnng the orgnns of secretion, mmgling witli the food nnd acting every woy in harniony witli tha syslem. For Tniinmotóry disensos irséd in coñnectíon vith thé '-Rhéumatic Plnster" they wil] be found gteotly to aid in the renioval óf diseaees' for which the Piaster is above recomtncnded, and pnnicularly nre hey calcnlated for nll derango- mentsof the Digtsbie nnd Biliury órgas, tho priinary origin of a ninltitude of diseüoes. Pricc - 25 cents and $0 cents a Box. For sole at Mosely's Bookstore. and by J. T.Stocking, Travelling Ageul for Michigan. 16-ly Cèrtiiicates. WoorsrccK, Lkkawse Co., ? Aug. 20, 143. 5 For twelve years I have been troubled with " rho. maiio afrectii.n in tny back, so thnt 1 hav liarL y ever been (ree irgm phin during the whola tinu and wiihtn twelve hours afiér t íiod ap-" pliec. some of Wright's Rhéumatic Piaster, 1 wiuf perii itly easy, and have had no pain since. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Coi.ümbia, f A'ug. 20, 1844. This may certify that Í kave used WfightV Pilis in my fumily in violent attaöks of chili and t)illioti8 ever, nnd have found therii to be ihe' bestPiÜB that I ever used, and would,reommend every iamily to keep them on Hahd. JAMES AtVARTOUT. Thomison, Geaiöa Co., ühio, ï April mui) Ï844. Í This mny certify that I have usp.d Wrighta' Ponr Mnn's Pilla and Rhéumatic Piaster in ihy practice, and would say to the public that they can rely upon thcir récommendaiion with tho nmost confidence; in short, they only need tryng to recommend themselvee. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Lórainï Co., GrtKEN, May 16. 1843. Th)3 niay certify that 1 have used Wright's 'oor jVIah's Piüs in rh practice, and find tbem: o one of. if nöt entirt-iy. the best pills riow in ïse: and would recornmend every farhily to ;ecp them on hand, egpecinlly those who liva near low, marshy land, or mili ponds, or in an unhealthy climnte. JOSHÚA BASCO3VIB, M. D. Without aídins mnie testimony of the effiency of the above mentioned medicine, we do not hestnte to say that we aré nót fraid 10 have its vir-, ues tested by the sidc of nny otliér of tbe kind' that ever has been oflered to an Américart pub-' ie, and we will let h siand npoft h'sowri riierits.For salo at IVÍosley's Bookstore, Ann Arborv By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Willian s, Jr., & Co., Siurges Prairie.Simeon Gaget, Quincy, Branch councy.A. K. Hall, . " 9 W. A. Bliss, JnmestDwn, Ind.Eli&ha Steer. Anpola, " ChcBtcr Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. V. Mann &R. Sibley, Marshall, Slich'.A. Caüender. 'r ■ E. Pncker, Battlé Créek, " C. W. Vining. Galésburgh," Cnpt. Brown. Prairieville, " D. H. Medwood. Adrián, Quackenboss, &■ More, Tccürr.seh " S. A. Rowley. .lonesville," IJ. Oilbert. Manchester, " W. H. Pntierson. " Fiarmon & CoqIí. Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Whoiesnle Agcrit ior Dt-tro:: Geo. P. Wright & Co., sole proprietors fur the Uniied Stntee, and Upper and Lower Crnada. All orders and business lettere for the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Colüihbia P. O., Jackson Co., Mich. It is for sale also at jYToaroe, Mt. Cierpens, lUtico. Pontiuc, and by Dubois &. Wright, JeiTcr-' son, Agents for the State of Michigan. KiLGORE. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25 184 IV Ten years since. I wns taken witli tbe Scroiu-" la, so that I had no relief day or night, my limbs ■beíngniíichsWelled nnd éovéred wiih Ulóess, my breasi nnd back in groat pain, and rierVes much; shnttered. Io'ppliedto different Physicians, all of whom said tKeré wns' nö help for roe, and all the remedirs I tried próved unavaiüng .until I made use of Wright's Anti Infiam. and Rhéuni. Piaster, whnh reduced the mflarhatión, heüled' the ulcers. brought the tkin (o its natural coIoïy and ïeiieved the pain. I would recommend it 10 all sitnilarly offlieted, and am sure they wiübe 3atislien after givin?' it fair trial. CATrÏARINE ALLENSWORTIT. TnoairsoK. Geauga Co'., Ohio, ? April' 20, 1843; $I cerliíy that my littlé boy put hls arríia into' boiling water, nearly to the elbcm. so iliat lhert' the dies'8'Waii taken off tbé skin ame witlvitr alter applying several remedies to no purpot-n-- ' ihe nrm becoming much swollén and thq chiid in grent pnin, í opplicd 'Wright's Aiiii Inflarh matory nnd Rheumaiic Piaster," and wiihin two hours he was perfectly ensy, md wom to sltep. Afier 10 or three dnys I, removed the piaster. onl npplied nnothcr, and when :hni wcs removed the arm wnshoaled, except a place the size of a shilling wliich wns 8oon well. I believe it to bé ihe best artiele fora burn that Can be producéd. ánd would retominend áll to keep t on hand in case oí accidenta.ÉLIZABETH BROüGHT ÓN. NEJIVOÜS DrSEASES ore greatly benefit, ted by the nee óf these nillsas Nervous Headache, . Tic Dolorotix, St. Vítus' Dancé, &c-, thcir teno'ency being to eoothe the" irriability óif tiie eystem. alloy puin. and induce quiet and repose. Thoae cfflicted with Couglis, Cold?, In- ilnenza. &c, will iind relief from theuse of iheso pilla. Esposure to' coH cíóíses tne pörég óf thé' the skin, checks perspirariori, rétnro9 the circulation, and produces varibris inflammatory dicosesi Öoesariy onó perectve i cold corbirig upon him? et him on goirig tq béd, take suffieient to opernte smartiy, and then every ni(jht,take tb produce a mild opération till tb dise3se abftfés. In casé of Woi;ms. let a lea of Pink be inken freely for 12 hours, and thon ndminister Pilis suföcient to produce a brisk calhartic operaiion. 20-3y. Ready Made Clothingü! TUF. LARGKST and best nssortnrtent of ready ninde clothing 3 er before oflered in ihis State nmv opening,' and fór' rale, Whdtesalë or Retüil, at the Clotbing Emporiurn of il6 subscribers, consisting in part of plain and fancy Beaver. Pilot, Broad Cloths ond other siyJes of Over Coatif. Tweed Caseimero, Eeaver, Pilot, Domcstic Cloth. Unión Cassimere ünd Satiuett Frockond Business Conta. Fine, IMain nnd Fnncy Cassimere, Blue nnd BInck Broad Cloth, Tweeds and oiher etylee of Pant;iloons. Plain and fancy Silk and Sük Vclvet, Wooleit Velvet Merino, Satin and Cassimere Vests, &c. &c. &c together viih' a very large stock of cummort low priöed Over Codts. Business Corib, Pantfibons and Vesis. áuíh aa bluo and blnck Flushirig. Satinet, Kentucky Joans, Comnioni Tweeds, &c. &c. Also, an extensivo assortment ol Mosiery. Stocks, Scaifs, Handkeröhiefpv ('ollarB. Lanib's Woi)l' and Merino Drawers and Sliins, Comfonér. Gfijvé?, &c. &c.all of which: will be söld very fow for Cash. They woujd' repectmlly invite nll ín warit óf rëndy made arnients tó Lall and 'examine théir stock beforo pnrcliasing efsewhere, s it haL beert selected witU great cáre in tlie Eastéf'n rhnrkets, tul manufac turcd in the lutest styles nnd inoi diirnble rhftriner.HAÍJLOCK át B.AYMÓND, Corner of .Te!Térson and" Avcnae?, Detroif. Oct. 10', 1844. 3m2S FIRST rate Ten, Sugar and Cofleor at rfe'. low'est mnrket priief,-at ixk'ia RAVMOíNOS CASH STORE, 146 JeW. Avenue, Detroit.May 20'. 4 Ashe., Asbest T'ö Rriv amount wnnrl by BF.CKT.r.Y & HICK?. Ann Arbor, Lower ToVlK 2o


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