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The Zouaves Of The Revolution

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Theru were iouavcs in the war of ludcpendence. The extract of a lettert written by a young soldier in the Connceticut arniy, to liis parents, wliich follows, statea the faet; "Jttar Patenta. - Our company arrived licre last night very late, hungry and tircd. Training is n good cal harder thM oM Squire Feil tol 11 of. If he'd marohed fourteen miles a day for three dayg, aud carried his prog, besidos father'a old French war fusee, I ealculato he'd not been so encouraging to us boys. I don't find fault, mind; I only wish to let you kaow taat we are not on a May party. "At Milfurd tavern we were joined by two coinpauies of aoldiera frora NW Haven, and a company of 'queer fellowa,' as Jakenalls tbem, fiom the southern colonies. The are riflemen, and are ooinmmded by Co'.onel Gres p. They dou't i;so any bedi, as we do, but sleep right ou the ground, all in a row. like the Iudians do. But their antics in military evorciseg are of the curiousest kind. - They load and fire their rifles lying flat on their bellies. Aftcr that tliey tangió thenMülves all up in a knot, and look just like a porcupiue, with their guns sticking out all over thetn. But tho wondermost part of their actious is their hitting a iurirk. Any one of them can liit a amall potato at forty rods distauce. You never saw anything liko it. When we get to camp I will writo more abuut these riflemon, who would amuse the girla if they could seo them out their antica." Tho company described in this letter is also alluded to in Moore's Diary of th& llevolution, as follows: 'August 7, 1775. On Friday orauing Last arrived at Lancastor, Penn., on tlieir way to the Amerioan camp, Gaptai:i Crasip's company of rlfleoiiii, cons'sting of one hundred and thirty activo brave young fellows, maDy of whom havo beun in tlie late expedition under Lord DurHBore, against the Indiana. Thoy bear in their bodies visib'e marks of their pr wess, and show scara and wouud which would do honor to Homer'g Iliad, They show yon, to use the poet's words- 'Wlicri theg r oba'tly bied at ereiy roiul" "One of the warriors in particular shows tlie cicatrices of four bullet holes through his body. These men have beea brad in the wouds to h.irdsliips and dangera from iufancy. They appsar as if they were entiroly unaoquainted with, aud had nevr feit the passion of foar. With their rifles ín their hands, they aasume a kind ot' omnipotence over their eneinics. Ono cannot much wonder at this when' we mention a fuct which can be fully attjsted by several of tho reputable porfois who were eyo w t ïossos of it. Two brothers in the company took a pieco of board, flvo niches broad and soveval inches long, with a bit of white paper, abmtt the sizo of a dollar, nailed in the oontre, and while one of them supportad th'w boird i e'peiK'ioular betwoen his knees, the other at a diátniv e of upwards of sixty yards, and without any kind of rest-, sint o:ght ballets ihoueh it successivelv, and spared a brother's thigh, Anotlier of the company held a barrel stavo perpandioularljr in bis bauds, with ono edgo close to his side, wbilo ODe of Lis oomrades, at tbe sime distante, and iu tbe manner befbro mentioncd, shot several bullctg tbrough it, without any appra::ens'ou ;f daiigero:i eithor side. ïbespectitüi'ó appearing to bo amazod at these faots, vvere tolJ t'nat tliere weru upwardi of fi:'!v persons in th shit: company win.) could do the s imo tking - tJat there was not ono whi could uot plug niiifteeu bulleti out of twe ity, as they terniedit, witliin ati inch of the bead of a tiupenny uail. Iu sliort, to ovince tbc coufidence thoy pos3i?ssed in their destority with thc30 kinds of aruiSj suido of ihem proposcd to stand with apples on their ma.ds, whilo otliers1, at. the saine distante, uadertook to boot them off but the people ivlv saw tlio uther exporiincDts doclineJ to ba witneases of this. 1 At night a great fire was tindled avound a pola planted in the Oourt Houso square, w'.icrc the oompany, with the captain at thc'r head, all nakod to tho waist, and painted likc gavages, exeept tlie captain, w'.io was iu au ludían sliirt, indulge:! a :ist concourse of pc ple with a perfect pxhibition of a war-danco, and all tho mar.oouvres of Indiana, holding couucil going to war, eircumventing their enemies by defiles, arabuacades, attacking, acalping, &3. It is said by tbosc who are judges tbat no representatiou coulil posaibly o.inic ncarer the original. The, eaptain's expertness and agiiity, in particular, iu these experiment, astonisked every lieliolder. This niorning tbcy will aot out on their mar.-li for Cambridge.'11