That "popularity At Home."
In our last issue vo refurred to a statcment made by the Detroit Advertmr to provo "Judgc Gdaxger's popularily at homo.1' Not having at that time the "documenta" at hand) we confiuod our remarks to the eleotiori of 1856, in wliich year Granguh was elected Judge of Probate by a majority mucli sihaller than was teoeived by the otber candidatos on the sime ticket. Ia r.latiou to the ele of 1852. in whieh year Mr Gkan'oer was the democratie candida te for Clerfc, the Adcertiser sa}-?: "Mr. Granger was not the only Demociat dofeated whon he ran for County Olerk several years ago Tvo other candidates on the sruno ticket were also defeaied. His opponeut, Mr. MoMahon, was one of the strongest men in the Whig party, and polled a very large Irish vote, in addition to the Whig voto of the county. In his own town, and the townships adjoiaiog his residenco, Mr. Granjror was very largely ahead of his ticket, and was boaten ia the county y only L'iiO majority.'' Now for tho figures. The following majorittea were giveu in this County that year: For Democratie Electora 310 " M.'Clellaad, for Ojvernor. :3S4 " Uave Stuart, for Oongrss, 93 " X. R Nye, for Sheriff. 324 " C Josün, for Probate Judge, 4Ü3 " X. Mosher, for Register, 218 " McMahon, whig, over Granjer, Olerk, 2 20 J' Walker, whig, íor Proa. Atty , 90 " Ynncleve, whig, for Cir. Ct. Oom. 57 Tho Adcertiser is right; "Gran;er was not the only denioerat defcated.:' But, thon, Guasger was defeated by a majority of 220, and his two unfortunate democratie colleagues the one by 90, aud the other by only 57; a considerable diifercnee when majórities are to test "p'm ilarity at home." And, let us give auother fact. The saine year an aboütion or free-soil ticket was run, the various candidatos on whieh received from 400 to G09 votes. The candidato for Clerk on this third ticket reeeived 50G votos; but no third candidates were run for Proseeuting Attorney or Circuit Court Corouiissioncr, aud with the third party for tl'c whi{ candidatos to draw on the demo. r itie n minees were beatcn ouly 90 aud 57. We thiük the Adcerlker's allusioTi to their defeat is by no nieans a happy oue. Will the Advsrtiser adduca inore cvidouco of a "popularity at home?" jy Long John "VVkxtwoktii, the hcad and front of the republican organization in Chicago, has given notice that ho shall insist on being "counted outv of i the party, if a prbteotiVe tariflf and other old, explodcd whig notions are to become the creed. We rcally hope that lic wont wish to bo ''countod ia" the democratie fainily. To take him, even on probation, would be as dangerous as to hug a loper. Our democratie friends iu Illinois should givc him notice to stand off. - - a-ct . The Homestead bill lacked but two votes of passing over the veto of the President iu the Senato. The ILmschad a plump two-tliirds ready had t reached that body. - Rep. Paper. Was one of those two vote given by Hahnibal Hamlin? He has alvras been a coDsistent and dcteriniucd opposer of a homestead bill, and yct the republicana clamor for the measure, comdemn the Presidential veto, aud burrah for Ham. LIK. Vcrily, lovc for '.'the nigger" hideth a multitnde of sins. ." Our young frieuds, Twitchell and Clark, of this City, disliking the op. position of the Young Stens Temperante Journal to Judgo Granger, returned a meent number of the paper with a marginal noto something like thio, "tuch stuff doiit take, dry up" 15ut, instcad of hecding the injuuetion, the Journal has been issued again, and pays its compliments both to Granger aud his friends above uamed, and proclaiins that it intends to "dry up" the prolific fountain from wbich Gkanoer expocta his votes, from this litllc incident, Messrs. T. & C, and some others, political aspirante and non-political aspirants, will learn that an editor seldom "dries ttj)'' because of the cali to "stop my paper." The next number is suro to come out if some excitable person does advise the editor to "dry up," and by borrowing and reading ho will leirn that ho is not tbe main spoke in tho wheel. N. B. Besidcs, as Messrs. T. & C. are active Temporalice men, and have been engaged in enforcing the legal restcictions agmnet selling "the critter," it hardly looks consistent for them to advise tho Journal to "d"ry up" for following out their own example to its logical consequonces. Or, would they only have democrats feel the halter draw."