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Will bepublished every Monday morning, i Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan State Anti-Slavury So eiETT. TERMS. Oe Dollar a year, in ddvance: if noL paid in ad vanee, Two Dollars will be ihvaiuablv required. O Old subscribers can havo their papers at One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, and paying arrearagep. All subscribers will be expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For each line of brevier, (the smallest type.) ibr the first insertion, 3 cents, for each subsequent insertion, 1 cent. For ihrce months, 7 cents. 'For six month8, 10 cents. For one year, ] 5 cents.. Orders by mail will bc promptly attended to. Legal Advertising by the folio. ÏD Manufacturera, Bookselleis, Machinists, Wholesale Merchnnts, and all oihers doing ati txtensioe business, who wish to advertise, will find the Signal the best poasible medium of communiedtion in the State. EF All Remittinces and Communications should be nddressed, Post pnid, ' O"StcxAr.0F LtBiin-rv: Ann Arhor. Mich.B '


Signal of Liberty
Old News