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BASK KOTB, ImASD WARRANT, SPECïE AND EXCHAJNGE QUOTATIONS. Canfully Ituvisr il and Corrgcted ewry weck. llATËS (XTJiKNT AT HIT Bonking Honse of I). Preston feto, 72 Woodw.ÏA., Dtroit July 2, 18C0. BANK'0TE8. Detroit niy Rwb, ------ "■■ CaBvlA. (all Solrent Hanki) Ñ. Eneliind and N, York, (Sol rent Bank) - pv :-.m! IVl;nvaro, ' Ohio, Kentnckfr and Virginia", .---' l'a , all il' . par ut KttSBUTJjl] 'ir PlilaiiolpBi, - " Baftk of th tttats of ladhu, ' rN'iTRHEXT Kl'XIlS. ftlikioia Wisconjrin , il ímoui atri lowq nuvin 1 ' Di " !' s.Oiiugi to 13Í " Nv. Ca L-iilinïi , S. rsroün; :i:n I.ftiiiriiaua. - - " [n4iana Stock NotM, IX TiT-nosOii, 'J .----- 2 and 5 " ünitwJ Sliili' V". ll:r,ct Hrn'li, - - - - ' Bank of EnglandNotfs, L, - - - S4 82 Ba&kofTeiumüeh, Mieliigao, - - - (o 'lis ! Li k of D. Hall Co.. - - - " Om i'.ATCS PO BIU.Í, OF KXni.VMiE. Buying. Scllihg. Ou Mew Voik anti Boston, ?í ')í On Washington, s On BulTalo, Oa Clev!nn, i (Mi QncinnAtl, - - On Chicago, %í po lis. l'.jr 100 ur npwarda. GOI.D A-ND SII.VEK. Buying. Selitng. Am. Gold lotiof tlOOot upwaeá, % 1 American Silvar, I,iXI) WARRANTS. Bujing, EiOMng. 40 An.'E ',Vai!R.'.ms 1 f 6 S0 ■■ "0 80 120 f W 106 ,.„, . Ti2 140 Brvovolutionary SjTip,(per arp, 80 c-.ta. 90 ota. PEKMIüM COIXS. ooms. gold ( onra. Spnn l'ilbr Dollar", 105 Sovoroigns, 4 84 and 4 64 Mexiean Dolían 104 20 Francs 3 83 Ptre Franc PiecH i)(1 26 Franci 4t5 Frencb Crowns 1 oti 10 Francs 1 90 Germ&ji '" 105 5 Francs 9f Prusstm TSaleri 69 Ten Thaler Tieces "80 (iuil.lcrs 38 X Tbalpr Piecoi 7 8t Enirlisli Silver, (shilling Ten Guildor I'iecm 4 0 28c; 'i(0(l Spaniah Doubloons 13 00 Oltl Am. Half Polls. 3 03 Patriot 16 50 ün lots of $100 or up I ('alifornia "ld $10s 5il w-ards, 1 t'c adáUional Í5"s and $20s ld. Gold DuBt, $ló to $10 50 per Oí. J6 S[ianir,h chanco èl IJ per tn.. or 22cenlsfoi □ uarterit, 11 for ahtllings, 5for sixr.ct'í. On lot oí 20 oz, anil npwards, SI ISpsroz. DAVID PRESTON CO., Bankers. 74 Woodward Ave., Petroil. t-S Offi -e hourr.. fi-om S, A, M., to 5, P. M. SJPE CIuíVIj NOTICES . O. jR. 3R- - _ ; SHCE ',"v ' ■' '-'' Patwngar Irains now leave the several Stations ín thi Ouunty, as follows. G O IN Q WEST. XaU F.s Nfarshal Ac. Xight Er Y'nsibnti, 8,60 a. m. t. 35 p. m. 9 10 p H. Ann Arbor, 9.10 " " 7 00" " 9.30 " '. D1 , O.C." " " V.SÚ " " 9.55 ll ' Chehea, 9.5')" " 7.65 " 10.1Ü . L' OOI KG KAST. F vod ing Ei, Marshall Ac. Mail Ex. Chelsea, 5.1& a. m. 8 15 a. m. 4.86 p.m.. Btexter, 5 30 " 8.40 " " 4.00 " l Aun Arbor, 6-58 " " 9.10 " " 5.1Ö " ( rpsüanti, 6.J5 9.40 ■ " 5.5 Li ' MRS. "WXNSIiOW. An experieneed nurscand female pliysician, baa b oothint'Sj nip fir cluMrca, tecthlng, which (frcatly fuïlitates tin procen of loetliing by sofiouing the gums, edao'ng all in ñninmition - will allay aüpftln, and elate thi ; bowols. Depend upon it, raotbern, i will gie rest to yourselvos, aad_reiitf aml hfalthto -(mr iufants. Pcrfectly ssfciü ail canoa. Seo arh evtiemont in anothor column. i53The Grcat Benfaetor of h Kncc- Tlis Öreat Healer of Mankind! IJerrick's Sugar Voated Pilis whole World United! Sick Ptople thirtk! Ater which act. You'i] Bcarcï expect, it tHis !ato d;iy, Wltfa r.tar'l ng eureka bonk to Gil, Tii i l lUo cast?) themilüon y, WiÜJ rhc ■■ures uf Ui n (ek?s i'iil. Thoy ccraè fröm and 7ovlh, anti TVos;t, And wi:b glad tidingt lbo papers fill, Becauso thuy aro tía ehaapeat,aftf8t, bpfit, Aud superior to otliers Ui Hemck's I'ill Trom Rooti, infl Pbnf?. nndFlowcrs thej 're; They always cure- thcy ncver kill Tliouaands now in their grave wore isid, W ere it DOtTor Herricli's Pilis. Each PÍ11 wlth sugar Is coat cd o'cr - A rare discovery of raatchless skill, Thoir Iffco wa nevcr sfen befüro, Cntfl it appeared in Ilerrick'n IM11. For years he's worksd to healthp ik, ttltfa joy elate hii bosora fill: For tensofthousands now rejoice At tbemügicPowernofHerrick's Pilis. tq?1' HEIïniCK'SMATan.ESS VEGETABLE FAMIT.Y P1LLS bive inunda ted tho world with tlieïr poimlarity. Over (ivo millioB of boxee aio used anuualy; givinp emplovmtut to eighty-five mn and women to put tbem up. Tholr enrosare numberedby thousands - their praisos on 'tho tonpucs of all, Citizens of Washtenaw Co-, and e!sevh(_'re, haya yoQ evev uRftd them?Put up in Englisb, Bpanteh, (erman, and Fren ch diivction. Larpe family box.s, 25 centsl Flv boxes for $1. Sold cvery where. ËM a'ivcrtisenjent on 3d pago TlIELONUON StERBOÍOOPIC COXTBV'S 'oíne hap I cn&Md feo sucban extent ihat they have deemed it neceesiiry to cslublish % depot in Xcw York forthe supply of stereoscopic goods to the trade generally. Th'-y have arrangedtoforward to tlieir Jlanaerr every week a cafe of goodsthat shall contain all new subjecte as well as firát-clafis standard Dictares &nd they wijl then be enabled to offer a compíele ansofttnênfrof stock of unequaled ob&ractar, at prtoes constderably lowa than those of anyothcr house. It must bc evident to dealers instevooscopic goods that they will be consulting their own interests by doiDg bufffnesK at the New York 13 ranch of the LoNnoNHTKnroscopic Compaxy, as at Heaiwahtkfk. Orders can b? sent to Thbo. LaasiíT, manager, 50-Í lïioal way.XewYork. Stereoscojics of all kiuds end prlou, from fifty cents upwarda. Views aud gnmps fruin 1 ,00 per duzea upwards Iy715 I in po i' ta ii t to Fema les. Dr. CHBBIBNAK PTLLS. WnrABfiD ut Coknkul's i. Cmanxjur, m. n., New York City. Thecombioation of ingrediente iu tbepp PMs are tlio vc-riult of a long and oxtensive practico. Theyare müd m their oporaüon, and certaïn in COfrtcting all irrogularitle, I'ainfm MenauratióflSj ruoring all obutraotlonn, whether from oold or oiËerwtee; huáche, pain in the itde, patpatatlon of the hcart, wlM, all oerroui affoctíons, hy át er ic, fatigue, pain in iho , , diïturbed sleep, wh)cliajÍ8if;om inlerruption oi' nat ui e! . TO MARRTEÖ L AÍHE8, Dr. ('bfepcman's Pilis are invalunble, a? tbey vill bringanthe monthly portod with nwtUaritj. [.adíes wbo have been 3ipappointed in the use of othea Pilis can place the ulniost confidence iü Dr. Chctrnian's Puls doiug all they represent to do. X O T f C F. . Tkere is ore condilwn of the f em ale Bff$Um in wkichiht. Puls cannol bc taken without prodvdng a VECULIAR HESULT. The conditUm rrfcrred to is PREQNANCY- the resuU, MISCARRIAGE. Swh ■ the irruUtoble tendency of the medicine to reMore the preual funetions to a normal condition, that euc the reproductie?, power of nature cannot resiet it. Warianted purely vegetable, anti fiee f rom anythïng fnjurious, Kxplicitdirectionp, wbtch should be reftd,ac - ■oit1;iny eaob boT, Sent bj mail on enclosincj $1 to ljR Cob.nei.iu8 L. Cheeöeman, Box 4 ,531 , ïoat Oflicc New York City. jgjf rora by one Druggist 'm every town in the United S tatos. -Jlíl R. i:. HUTCHINGS, GE.EI!AL AGENT FOIt THI! ÜXITIÍD -STATES, Na,U, Broadway, A'o Jorl-, 1" To whom all Wliolesalc orders ahould be ftddrwiboid ín Aim Arbor, by IIaysaro, BlBBBCMl & WitlOff, and G, GmSSVILU, T867I 3 W. JVt O B G A N , Agent for Mutual Life Insurance Company, NeW Ynrfr. Accumulatie! A.sots, .... $ó,OÜ,OjO. tüu leading Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Kn Lïfe InsurancoCoiui'ftuy, New York, - :v üiKt clarts "ƒ Co. - tcnni reaponabie. IIi-mhi!'li I'ir'j iDjurancc Cooapanv, New Ynrk. Capital, with alargc surplua, - - $:GU,OUO. Fooriu Mariiiü & Fire lasnrance Co., TVori 111. - hfit v No. I Firt) ïnsuiance U e. 7O7tf Opita;, .... $500,00; THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. BIB JAMES CLARKE'S Cclcbrated Female Iiïls. PROTECIED bJsJLjáSl L E T T E K f BY EOTAL' 31111 1 PATKiTPrepared from a preseription of Sir J. Clatke, M ! D., Physician Exlraordinary te the Quem. Tliis nvaluüble mödlcine isunfailing in the cnre of aU Uiofifi paiuful and l&ngerouif uitentte to wbicb the female 33n?titution is It moderate all oneens una reovítn all obatructioBf, and a spedr curo mfty be rtlled on. TO MARRIKD l.ïüiEM It in peculiarlf nuited. It will, in a short time, 'oring on the montbly period wlth rftgul&ritj. Eacli butUe, prioe One Dollar, bars Iba Govomnnt Stamp of Creat BritAin, to prevsat cvunterfftitit. Thstc Pillt êirmld nol bc uien bf femaUt èurng fie : FIRST THREE MONTHS of PrigMKCy, at tkey ari ■ re ís bring cm Mitcxrritigc, bul at uu? ur lm: l.iey ard taf r. Ia all caaes of Nerrous .ind Sptnal AflTectioüft, Pain In tl. Hack and timba, Fatigue on sllgbt exe-tlon, Palpita tion of the Heart, HjsUrics, and Whit, these PlUs wiD effect a care irhen au othar me.-ins have ïiiilftd, aod hlthough a powerful remedy, do not contain Iroo, calooiA] atitliucn;, or aiiy tbing hurtful to the eocstttution. FuU dtrectiona accompapy eaoh package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB M08ES, (Lte I. C. Baldwiu &Co, Rocheítar, íí. T -41,00 nd 6 poitage stamps cncleiwd to any ao Ajeas wlll inore a botfle of th Klli hj retara br 8oli bv Ij. r.r.'ÍXVIIXE, Ano Arbor, nn.l by J'iuk eiigirPVi'vï tni-n MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORÏ11EKN INDIANA HAILROAI). 18G0. fcUMMER ARUANUEMENT. 18C0. Traína ere ton ra lilis road, Sutíays excepto!, Mtj Toledo orChiP at 10 25 A M. , rilOffii M. Arrirlng la Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 8,00 P. MA"ílATlteirS't from Toldo, al 7:05 A. M., 0:50 P. ' Ái"rTve in Detroit from Chicago at R.00 f. II. , and i .06 Yrrive !i Tnlcdo from Cliiongo 4,"0 1'. II. an.i 4.M A. M ni!'! 3.1" P. M. 1 .-iva Acliinn i'or .Incl;on at ■ Jackaon fr Adrián at S,(I3 A. SL, and 1 ,?.O 1'. K. CON'XICCTIONS. AT TOMDO- WMl Clevelun.1 & Toledo Pail Roi:.l, witli Walw.1i Vnllcv linil Uoad. Ar Dm-iiiiiT- Wilh liini'l Trunk Raihvay, ith (ire1 VeK-rn RfciiJ-, alao, with thu Detroit oodMüwaukoe, KIAt'nkw Auum kSAlM R. K. rK.issi.VG- WithTrains tVr Iiifavette, Kew Altenyacd louhrille. Ar Cbu-aoo- With Chicajto and Koclt Imaml, GakmB. HilwHiikee, Chicago, Burfcngtsn od Quiiicy-Nortli W?st Railway- Uiicago, Alton hpjI St. Louis, IHInnfa Central, and to all Poipti Wwt and South. Tiains arenin by Cbioatfo time:, wbiel) is 20 inm utos slowcr tlim: Detfoit tilM". &#- Woodi-u(t'3 l'ateut slocping Cara aocoBjsanj tue Nlghi Train on Ibis limite. No chango oleara bet ween Detroit, Adrián and Patent Ventilators and Dusters are nsod on all Sunnucr TraiM. t Time and Faro tlio same as by any oiher Kail Roa'! Route. , , , ' JN'O. D. CAMPBELL, Coiit-'il Bupritenaent. "33 ÖO T -ANUS1IOE MAKER'S STRIKE. rpilK Joüllti WÏIX 8EI THEIR PB1CB FOK THEIR L Work a!ld Boots & shoes wMl c hig fcsr! Will have to pny more for your goocis. i HAVE JÜST PURCHASED A iï EXTENSI VE STOCK OF rnany of lliem, on ILOOUnl of tlis" LARGE SUPPLY W, MARKEÏ! PER CASE LESS TIIJN It Oost to Make Them añil shall Sell them till I have to Pay inore for Uiein at the EX TR EMELY LOW Pil IC ES name! below. MENS' BOOTS. Men'e $3.50 Calf Boots, for 52,50 ' é,50 French C al t'Su perfine, 3,50 3,50 American Calí' doublé soled, 2,75 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2.50 Summer, 2,00 " 3,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best qnality for 2,75 G A I T E 11 S . Ladies' 60 et. Gaiters, for 87 i " 75 " Gaitero, for 50 " 1,25" Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies' best quality of Gaiters witli and without heulsfroml,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boots and Cungress Gaiters from 80 to 1,00 Mcn's, Boys', Misses' and Cliildreu's, of every desirable kind. Tïunks, Valises and Satchels ! All tbc a'uovp gnoils nml many citber.", will bo MUCH LESS PHICES tlian have Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. Wm. S. SALTXDEKS. Aun Arbor, March 20, 1S60. 739m3 Bonnets ! Bonnets ! Bonnots ! 'T'HE SUBSCRIBEK IÏAS A LA KOE tock of iiiik anrl V E 1, V E T B O N N E T S of lntetylo", tUat hewill sell at cut nud ies L,_e_s-s T-li-a-n C-O-S-T-, to slosr thtm out. Pllees rauGc ttom OKI to TEN DOLLARS. 31 Cal! and sa them. at the Now Detroit. Btor Achango Block, H. N. 8TB0NG. ïöÊT icbTïcëIcei IpHE SUBSCRIBER i prcpared to furoiáh PftmlHos nd X alljjcrsons wiehing it on short uoticc. W'ill deliver to families, 10 lbs. per day at $1 per month ÏJirRcr quantitios at 30 CENTS per 100 POÜXDS. .411 orders left witli Thomf.snn & Son will be tliankfully rcceied and promptly exccutfil. CLEMENT R. THOJIPf ON'. Ann Arbor, April Í4. 1M0. 3m"4 Howarcl Assccinticn, Püiladelphia. A Bcvwolent TnttUvti&n esiabUshed by special end tcmtnt, for the relief of tke Stek and Distresseed, ojpjeted lofth V'fu'ent and Fpid'-viic Difeiweñ, and e$peially for (h& Cure of Dtiieaê s ofihe Sexual Oráfnn. Dispent-.ary free titpatienti tn all parta f the Vnittd Staten, VALUABLE RKPOR I'S on üpti maWr i Lnca , and otbcr Di.èftiM of tho Sexual Oraans, auüon l be NEW REMEDIES eroyM, sciit to tho iiffiicted in seftled tnvclopes, froe of chargu. Two or three Stampa for poBtage be wIU be ceptablp. ,0 Addrci Dr. J, SILLIN' HÖIölJTOT, Aotinz ?urgeojj Ho-ard J bsoc tlon, No 2, soutii Ninth Street , Piiiladelphi.. Pa, 73Cyl