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- ' O ■ "■ GrEMILLE & FüLLER, HAVI.' ASSOC1 YTFTi tïirm-.-rlres for the purpOM of (H'wliiiiT is Uw arioun articlw In Ürug ii1.. V. iïer lor ale a futí MBOtfaBeai af Pure and Genuino Medicines, WiiK'3, Note and Letter Paper; UqilOrS, &Ct l-'aucy ArtïdeB, reifumer. 'iog l1--' ract ', CoiDb, Faberá Poncfl, BruRhefi, ArimM's lokSi nair Dyes, Popular Patent Medicines, .Inyiu's' Aitems' fjivepTtaifci Ayer', Hoirtnttw' Wttar, Holluwsjn, IlonllancV ll-nnsu Bitlam Bröwn}s TrootoMi Torsend and r.ryant' l'altBonsry Balara, GuyiibU'l SárnapiJlla. TA1NTS, OÍLS, GLASS, &c, &o. Zinc, Varnishoü) Pat ;n{ I'rrcr. Hiheniin t.'rcen, Bui nÏDg Tluiil, riunphine, Tüdens Fluid Extracta, Sugar Coated PUI, and Grannles. X. H. FïeKrtptipnB ooiiipounaed with neatnes and ditipatcb by fxporicuceU persons. JOHN T. i ÜLLER 74.'. t Ayer'sSarsaparilla A compound reincdy, dcsigncd to be the most effectual Alterativo that can be made. It ii a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilln, so combined vith other substances of stiil greater altcrative power as to afford an cffective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumons complaints, and that one which wiU accomplish thcir cure must prove of immenso service to this large class of our afflicted fallowcitizens. How completcly this compouud wil! do it has been proven by experiment on man y of the worst caaes to be found of the followiag complaints : - SCJIOFUL.V AND ScltOFULOUS CoMPLAINTS, Eruptions and Euuptive DisEAsns, TJlcBRS, PlMPLES, BlOTCIIES, ÏUM0U3, SALT BhEUM, Scald Heab, Syviiims an Syphilitic Artectioss, Mercurial Disease, Diiopsv, Nbuealgia on Tic Doulouheux, Díbility, DysPEPSIA AND IxniC.ESTIOX, EuYSIPEI.AS, ROSE on St. Asthomt's Fire, und indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impuuity os the Blood. This compound wiU be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the timely expulsión of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves frora the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid ltseli oí corruptions, 11 not assisteü to do this tlirough tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Clcanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritics bursting through the skin in pimples, cruptionSj or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob- structed and sluggish in tlie veins ; cleanse ii ■vfhenever it is foul, and your fcelings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder ia feit, people enjoy better healtb, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with thls pabulum of life disordered, there can be na lasting health. Sooner or later somethin? ! must go wrong, and the great machinery oï life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these end. But the world ha3 been egrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtuc that is chiraed br it, but move because many preparations, retending to be concentratcd extracts of it, iontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for onc dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties ivhatever. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood tho market, until tha name itself is justly despised, and has becorr.o synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and inter.d to supply such a remcdy as shall rescue the name trom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wc think we have grotind for believing it has virtues which are irresistibla by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their completo eradication fromthe systcm, the remedy eliould be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. rREI'AItED EY DB. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlce, $1 pcrliottle) Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Xhroat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the cvidence of its virtuca, wherever it has been ; ployed. As it has long been iñ constant uso throughout this Bection, we need not do more than assurc the people its quality is kept up to tlio best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever beeu found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, for the erran oí? Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Dytmttty, Fon! Siomach, Erystpelas, Hcadachc, Piles, Rheumalism, Emptions and Skin Viseases, Liver Complaint, Drops;, Tctter, Tumors and Salt Itheum, Worms, Gout, Neuraljia, as a Dintier Pili, a:id for Pur if y ing the Blood. They are sugar-coated, eo that the most sensitive can take them pleasímtly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all tho purposes of a family physic. Prioe 25 cont3 per Box ; Tive boxe3 for $1.00. GreatnumbersofClevgymcn, Physic.i.ins, Statenmen, and eminent personages, have lent theit names to certify the unpaxalleled uscfulness of thesa remedies, hut bur space hcre will not permit thu inserlion of them. The Agenta below named furnish gratis our American Awiaxac in which they are given ; with also fuH descriptions of the above oomplaints, and the treatment tliat should bc followed for their cire. Do not bc put off by unprinnpled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. 1 Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should kave it. AU our remedies are-for sale by Miiiiliü öTÜBBlJSiSA'l by all Druggisie and Dealers evarywhera. J. BURRTLL, Traveling Agent. R EMOVAL ! 0 J". Hk.XrCl-iyrir'E!Tï3P333El 1 1 AS FÜE A SHORT TIMK REMOVÍ t IKTO Wm ALLABT S SIIOE STORE, untilhocangn back teto h'3 OKi BuCdiiig wWch ke i now huildinft, "Uil would be happy to ee üis old friends and customeps. N B Ico Croara by tUo Gallon can bc íup.licd to par toatuslMH-.nutice. j. :1AxC,TEllITn. Anii Arbor, Mareb 12, lSüO. A.yer's Cathartic Pilis. Ax aperiout Btoraachic prepiiration oftKÖN puti ■ 1 ■ ':!v-r !""! Carbon by coral „, ,„,. '""'" b-V "■- '■■'■" '■■■ ■-, boti-n Ku ■ :■ ■■ '; aited Statoand prasciibed in IL., . ■ The oxperionceof tliuu,:i" u aaüj prove [hol tui preparationot ïron cnn bc compared witb , ..lis i.r vitjvi eticrgv. . wiwswkly complexiona mdicatoiita o , „ ■.;.,],.. 1 evcrj conci'ivaSle cl üiousin all nolUadiea In ffKiob it ha !,,.,.„ (Hed ■■J abóolutely curativu in cudi of the fuUowiná comiMa'iiiit, vii: " IilDcbHlly.lVeJcvou ffeollmit, EuincloUon uy.]icpsi, ConstlpMIoii, UinnliEa l)y.„c ry, Incipiiiit Coiisninpiiart, Scrofaluna Tn Ix-ronlosis, Sak Rhea-n, MUmmilrruitim WhiteCUarosu, Liva-Complamts, Chrmie flyidacict Rluu . Tntermittmt Facera, PlmfUt uu tir. Imc ,-c oof'jBXEiiAtritmuTy.whetherUieresnitufaCTiti ■ inai-d ilimlDotion ol r cnorgy frm ohronicniilaini, ..,,;■ 1.1 this restorative haa proveí Buooess ui toan sitcal whwh no idoscnption nor written attestation . der credibl. IuvaliOs so long bml ridden a beooöie forgotten in owb Dwjhboi Iw . !, have ud.Vii'.y reappearediothsbiuji w.u-W as i iust i I travel iua distant land. Sume rerr .-!■ nal instaneea ol thisfcind are imale ulfc-rer'l emaciatcd yicümit of apparent awraumna, sauguinoous thaustion, critical changM, nd that complicaton . ma and dynpepilc arersion to air and exitiiac tor wind. the physician haa no name In Nkrïods Amciiom of all kindj andfurrea o madloal men, tha oporatim of this prepara. tionof iron mnatnoeewaril? bewlutary, for, anliki the les.itisvlgoroasiy tonie witbuut l.öini excUitt . regairlra.per1t,Hthc in „t obstinate ouaa of eostixneai niíhou evon betae a gas.ricpargatireo Inflicttoja dlai?reible i Jtin ihialatter property-fimong oliera, which nikes 1 30 emarkably effectaal au I permaneni a remedy fat 1 Ha 11 V " ''hlc" " ll Hou by4perinjtttitoJ kudencv rkiêh rma In Dtsphpsu, tenumorable asareUscaumt, a sinet ',ox "f ' ' t, r,u Iiivq often (úfflccd foi . 1'"):ljjl "". iududiDg.tjij ar , heckedDuüfensArenwh i ,. "■■■.- iiirmsd, ,■:,,, ■:„;,,_ 1:lTh" wb.iSBiJ..treiigm,d)sWUtatinB and remittenl , ;M.i,cnt), .wijn, in sereral v luce. , S 'ofulouá Tut ■ . hid far more than tho the t cautisbatiocM r. ■ ,,„v. „f u kaown lia b 'l'.u alt-jntioii of l'emil ■ r.v.n .: '. , ■ ., bid v thisuaeJ) nuil rtstoralhciu 11 affrctiii them imaiuiu, butb ohronic au.] ta8aematory- !n Ika r,m m .1. ■','.. well roported, butb aa alleviating puin nd reduciog the sretlinftsund Btiffncsfl o) tbe .v.'ir.t and mngccU. la '"'.' ' S er I masttwc ■ .. : ■ t pi rne4y and energetic restorative, aad its projti ■ se; tli-in 'als of the West, wil] on of high re110";] ,:rj USftfulnCSft. X.i rwnedf Ua i btn dioeorered m í lic? n hole histen- of mtiicin, wliioh axertd auch proin]jt,lia ot. Sood appetite, - ";tin!., rvpM ftcquialtioo of strength, wlth aa uuui al diepiaition fur actire and cheerful fxurcue . ' follOff lts j)v. Put ui! mui flat inoíal boxea conUining '"■') pilU, 1 cents per box . for ] dealers. Will be sent free to any addres "on roceipt of Uie pric. 111 lettwa, onlern, . Ie, should bsaddressed t.) 1!. ii. LOCüt', .('",, . !, ent. 47"yl 8S9Broadvray,IÍ. V. nar -H33 -w isjmtt. ■ A NewiTBRïVAL -ofBoots and Sbocs Of all deacrlptiong, und H' SS O 1 d CKEAPEH rjffjliV C.4.V èS BOVCrH'J IN Hui City. lbo al , , -jt c' öl all kinds made in ihe mast F a s h i o si a h I c S tf 1 e % EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -otrnFEENCH CALF BOOTS ire NOT SüftPASSKD thls tldo of New Ycrk City, .il-í ara w.iirau!el not tg kip. CJur ?!"OGASAND K I P S. aro ma-.: Uu1 bt inateriuls Our stock of Moroooo Bootees for Ladles i the tliè 'sí in town, with beela or ■ We Mnicc to Order, andnever i i BOgive coa cali and we willsbow you ru iVee ofc'mr-e Wehavetncured tin ■■ twn I ' Jouvneyraon who i ;;i tliolVcoi est Blannêr, and ou shortest notice. ( l Qnlck Sales and 8mall Profits. Tiinkfu] 'or past fayow w ' ■■ "■■ ■ timLto our btffiinpti) bieïit a liberal riharu ol youi patvnnap fir tlip 1 il tur, H.jg" Reinembe] we are nol to be nndorwold. -a MW)RE &. LOOTvVS Ann Arbor Marble Wora.. 0 W. F. Spalding, & Oo,, r T AVE oa hand, a ftne aeorimoAt of AmnrlcjjJ and Jl Z 1 iV i)A i,' S L E '. wfaicb lliev are prepare! to man ufkc ture into MOM'üfEN'S. HE AD StÖNES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP Ac, ({-c, Ac., 4e„ ! n all tlu'ir v.i!,;':ir. ana [n a WÓBKMA! I llavlnc hr.d consldi they !h'.-r tlioiaaelTea that tbey ri :i[I wlio in.iy ü' . b.Mii , üij Uu u i'iioi - Thi ' ;U'O Skfl L Of AS THE LOWEST, ■ wfAhtng ;iny tliiii ; In Uu'ir !i ' H iii.Uud tn ill .V. BPALDIXQ, j ■ Arhor. u. 12, 1869. """ SILITER FIjATïNG. rril.; 31 i f 1 to do ali I Siltirg, P li!eitbr -■ , , 1 SilTor, aho tn vi'jjhile ■ fOKKS.TI I S.BÜTTEIIK' I Onthathe Bhortost notico, ro.inon.iblo. Oidnri may be let"), (ñttier ftt t!ic rosidenco of the PtfbBrriber, (Oiic ilonr inrlh of t]c Old Ac.;idrmy,1 or at V.„, .- ru!T & Bjwrry'a Barometer Factopy, Aan iibcr.JttnsHthlS City Meat Market. r-pJKUNDERSIOKED, Al HXSMarkei U-a.--o-.-ss-lx a-iE-o -ix-t-Es-, '7 will alM'ays bo o.:::.3 ia ie. ( . ".s. Xo PiiXE wiu bjiarcd to ktp tliclr market Clean, and Me ais Sv.'cet and pttronfl my reïy upon ;'.!:i;.; th i.. ■!o?s, fie., Latciai befuundla il City (.:-, '.Vil l'ltï B S. Ann Arbor, May 4, 1860.