NEW New Furniture. MARTIN & THOMPSON, SUl'CKBSOBS TO O. M. MARTIN, TTAVK JÜST Ol'ËNKD IX TIIEIRnew and Elegant War e-R o o m s KAST SIDKOF MAIN STREKT, A COM PLETE STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAHOGAJNY and SETS OF PARLOR FU11NITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIES, &c, &c, &c, &o. El e g a n t MIRROR8, Bureaus, Secretarles, CZ2 E) !2aa op li O ü B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofgiilliá Ib & jí_L síü a o? O 5s sOs OF TUE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I-C- H "The Old Folks," O-R 'YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE" I W-A X-T TO FU RN IS V PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, 011 K1TCHEN, SlND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere ] Po Find A LARGE ASSOETMENT i T-la.-i-S ', a j FURNITURE ■ F ÍUST BE S O L D í ol Í - A N D- B And Will be Sold ; I B A- T VERY LOW FKICES! J&& Let evfTV man and his wifc or going to be wife, OMJC AND BE& Theyahra have a HEAESE ÜARRIAGE, We are alwaya ready to attenrt to the burial of thp ead in the City and aíljoining country. Ware-Rooms east lo" of Main Street, between Washington and Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O. AL MARTIN. C. B. THOMPSONi General Land Agency 'ERSONS WBnting farms, or rcslclenceiln ornftol nn Arbor, can by calling on me electfroma list fover 1OO Farms For Sale: iTariou stzes Irom 3, te 1300 crereach (lome goodaianylnthiBConnty.) Morcthan SO Dweling Housrs thiBClty.fromtwo hundred to fourthouianddg . rieach: and ovar 2OO BUILDING LOTSI mongtbefarm are the Bishop iarm, 1300acre, ie Potter farm, in Green Oak; the Placefarm, aj o) acres, the Blandón and Jenk farms, In Webster; h Stubbs Michael Clancy, Newton Beegan, and allahai farms, In Ann Arbor; J.Kingêley'4 farm, n the Hatch and Hick tarm. in Lodi; the atrlckClayufnrm In Freedom; VV b 'Davf.on B. Baker e nd Buck' f.rm In SylVan . Most of be." and many other can be dlTlded to uit urohaseri ( W. MOiQAlV. AnnArb0J,JD. lat, 18S6 J RISDüÜ & IÍÉNDÉ1ÍS0Í rf CC - m st53 ww - 33 Xj O O 3ECNEW IIA RDWARE STORE ! ! ! Wy WOVLD CALI TUK ATTKNÏIONO'.' TUK PDBÜC to our stuck of E -S. - !H mW m. B.C 2! B T -m7 JCfii9 IROX, STEEL, NAltó, TL, COPPEE, & SHEET IÜON WARE, CHAIN AND CÏSTERN TUMPS, BBIttólM GLASS' cÊc, &c, are, t&c. Aad every kiad of Hardware and House Furnishing All T.ork willbcaoic! iul'HK.M" .isat any othor Esïablishment in Michigan, e say we b.ive gotthe Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND 1 'LA TE 8TOV 3E3JS X2XT Tins STATE, And vill sellthem Choaper than TUE C HE AP EST, I'ieMe cali and see m. All kimls of tin ware tejit on band. Parücular attoiuion paid to all kinda of JCEO3 3? CD LS 112.; Which ■Bill be done ivlth NEATNESS AND DJSPATCII ST l'lcae cali and s?c uur PTOVE R005I in 2(1 stcirr f New Eluck. R1SD0.N HKNDKRSON Ann Arbor. Oct. T, 1859. Gr O O 13 . RICHGOODS! CheapGoods! ! BACH & PIEE50N TT ATE JÜST OPF.NKD THE CHOICEST STOCK - OF- Spring and Summer Good to bo founl in tliis City, cousisting of LADIES'DRESS GOODS CAREFULLY SELECTE D, purchascd chcap. and W a r r a il t e ct to Please. Alto', GENTLEMEN 'S GOODS, Domestica, Staples, Family G-oceries, &c. Consult your own interest? cali anp early. BACïI & PIERSON lepo íeso City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand Eiver Piaster, Water Itime, Nails of all sizes, 0lo8S, Paint and Putty, céc, &c. . D. DeForest, HAV1NG increaaed hi farilitics for doi'ig businees and enlarged hia Yard and Stock, U pre paied the present eaeon, with tfce bee;. Urges and cheareat eaeoned stock overin thla mjrltt. to satis ty the reasonnbln expectationa of all. Uur motto U notto bu undersoïdfor cash on deüvery I will not nndertaketo frightenthe public bysaying thnt thry will getshaved il thy buy oliewhore, for we presumo thnt othcr willsellaslow as thry can All kinds of Timler5 Joïsts, and ScantHfig, Pine, Whltewood, Baaswuod, Hem. ]ock, Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood Aih h' loo ring. Planed1 nd roueh Pine and Whitewood êldlng,Konct Poste, O&kandCedar l'otts andPickcU oi all kinds. JP'mt i'atl), anÏJ ïllljxtevuooö ÍC. .ri Ptne, Aehani Whitewood Shing]e, Barn Boaids and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekVVa.utjand Cherry and tbin stuft", Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Box and Body Lumber.Maple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of alUhicknese6,widtha andlcngtha,&c. dec, Piaster Paris, and Piasier of allkinds. 3ST, 11 SI of all elzes, Ac, 4c. , SASlI,D001iS,& BL1NDS, made by baad to order aslowas factor y prices, on tho horteatnotice bythc beatof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bill of all doscrlptlon in the boye building line furnieliedontheshortcstof notiee, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful! anda perfect aasortmem of the abovo aad otfaer KÏTids of Building Materials Constantlv onhand al tht lowest possible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Miei. EOOFING, N.B - I am now operating Bxten3ively in the Patent Cement Roofing. City Meat Market. rpKUNDKRSIGNED, AT HIR iíarkct ufar the Post X Offic", keep coostantl.v on hand a full assortinent of which they will always be fonnd in rad1a088to cut upon BUTT CUSTOMEHS. 'Xo Pil.vs will bo sparrj to keep their market Clean, and Meats Sweet and pfttrons may rcly upon getting the koasts fakp, cuopy, etc. , thiit can be found in tbp Citv 'AI ANDTKY US. P. PROUTOR T. WAI.M R Ann Aiboi . ílajr i, 18C0. 746m6 KQíflCE. ;■:.■ i: :í: hí:hi dy .-"'i iiiat tho nuen-riMn íii i Ule i i culi ''-tiri r-.i HA CuuutJ " W.i l,-,;i... , ;,.■ i. ,1.1 nt Ihr C.ítirl Hollín In (he C yuf An:i A r)joi n .-.liii r.ntiit thc lili Tunmlny " ' '■ I Uf at tllf Keilimj Of S.'ilil .iirt , rif ;is ROOQ ;is;i heuring can l-p nnd i" sacate certaln virtvUati'l nll'v-íin CroM ;nl shult.-' AdHiliuo i" Uie VíllüC ul "j:Í1;i ILtí , C'Oitlltj' "t Wftíílltt'IiaW .lili! S í a t .. wit : All (In f ui r pwl ttroet Iving bofrwrcnund cao&tnmM f" l.t k í.ve nvl íííx, anti Int . i i '.. i . uiiiiii' itortncrly half of ■!.!■ rcmaiadcr uf -i ! li TUc Alloy be waen IoIm tireuty tw :■"'! twcnty tlirct-, n!i of Shuttn1 ! sh . Ui i-t. fit' :in' l-nl.lic r":i'i OÏ1 til'. mi df mitl Aililitton : Ito ontiguou to lot tw61egbt"; Al.-", iumuchoi ;ill.-y n.s li :■ uid four aud lut Uve i:i li'l ftdditioa. jai on atoes, .MAU'J'INl'H I.. SIIiriTS. Jij i!. Cook, Attoine. 7fiKw8 . ! 8S0. Marehal's SaJ. ■n-.ii! r.mi i ofthe r.S.1 District ofMlchlga. J ' BTfVIirri'Eef as Kxrention, i.'suwl i"l of ilw Circuit Oiuitr.i tbc Uuited sif.tos fcr tlio Iii.trict of Miehlni, lwrlngdto ttae tliinl ilv Himl rtay ..fJuly, A. D. ■ ..: Wiiüain A. SliiiiliiWülwinStrtlc, Jr., and Ira Siniih. Jr, aro PlaintlIiVi, and Marshal! I. lorrll and . . bliftv, are diíenilaiits, dirceted and dc-livorcil lo the Marshal of salíj district, no the ai.l Mar'hnl liy . 1.. D. WftlHnR did on Ule flfth doy of J"ly, A. MFJ ui..ii l lio foUowing lcsi:ril).-.l lan.l.i Or jm'in'srs, v7, Tho soutli-wcst quartor ofSoctn No. - ■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ . ■ 1 1 . and thewmth Mfty aeren ttom off 't"' pa9l balf of tho nortb-east quarter "f aectíon No. uluetemj aid the half of tho north wcst iiiartcr of ection Nö. nei i :rn u, uní ttic sinitli i-asl rjiuirtor of the south.iv : tiuartci ofBectioaNo. elgfat: nllin tara two aoBtti ..t rtonge four oat, eontalning in all thrcchuiulred and tliirt ol lana more orloaV. Not]olMbebj kív-ii tlist'uy iiliicif nald li-vy Tahalí scll at Public Aixtion :. tbe frontdoor ofthe Court House in tho Ci'v of Aun At-l or, in said District, on Saturday, thc ílrat :].■■. ..; gefitcniber, A.Tï.,1860, at V o'ulock, noon, o raid d7,ll ..I tuo atore describid lands nt premims of io muelí thercof a maj he necessary to satisfy naid ex cution togctlier wlth all cosls thi'roon. J. S. BA00. I'. S. Marshal. KyN. B. NYE, Dcptity. l'atod, Aun Arbor, July ÍS, 1860. 767td Mortgngo Foreclosure. DF.IWUI.I' HAVIJÍG BEí;V MADE IX the oondltii of a Mortgage oxecuted by John Weinman to Wil lam ft. Mavii:ii-'l, t!ie lUth lav of July, A. JJ. 1858, am. neo dcd in the ReiMer's Office in the County of Waah tenaw in LJber Nb. 24 of Mort jagen, at p gc 661, on the 25th daj of July, A. D. fifteon minutea past five o'ctoclc, M-, by wïuch default the power of ale container! in said mortgage Decante operativo, and do suit or procuod'ng having teen üutltuted at law to recover ihe debt sec it red by nail mortgage, or any part thereof, and the sum of liunf!iC4Ï and nixty-six dollars and thirty-tbur cents, being nowclaimed to bc due thereon. Kotice therefore bereto sriven that the said mortgng wül ic i'on.'cloíed by a sale of the moi'gagod preniisM to wit; "Lote n u m bor eleven, twolre, tbirteen and fourteen, in Rlnck ux south, ranpe two f t. according to a Ptat ot WilUaoj 3. Uaynan't Moootd addition in Aa Arbor," in said county, or somc part therftof, at pufclic rendufc, nt theCousf Hoqm in the city of Ann Arbor, fn the fourth iay of August next, at noon. WJÏ.S. MAYN'AKI, MortgagM. E. W. Mnr.axy, Atfv. Iatcl, May A. IX 1S00. 74fctd Mortgago lorechfsure. nT.M:iï MAV!X(? BSKN MADE in Iho conHitionof 1 Murtage executed by Michael Knright to William S. iInyiar-l,Mai.?(t Ihe fifteenth day of Pccember, A. I. 18Rt, and raoorded ipth office of the RagtetM orieeisror Wasktenkw Coun tj, on Die seTcnth da y of Januarr, A.D.1859, at foiir o'clock, I'. il., in Ubef N'o. twen ty -five, nf Mortgages, at page 264: which si.i Mortgage wan duly aRsigned by thfl HftM Wüü.on . Mynard to Charles lï. ThompRon, n the 2Öth Uy of Marcli, A. I., 1360, u writiogand the saino h%ñ bwn duly recorded n the Office f the Register of Deed. inUber 25 of Mortgage at page 264, for which f'.'-rniilt tb power of sale contained in said Mortñge becaine ourratire and no suitorproccedingH havinjf : c.-i) Institntcdat law to recover Ihe debt secured by paid Mortgnge or any part therrof. and nn which thore [s DOTf rlainicd tö bo doe the sum of thirty dollars and that tlit' fürther sum of thr -e hurdred dollars wtth interestannuailjr will herafter bccorne due as fol'ows, towil ; - in tlirre c öal nunual paymcntf f rom the flfpnth day nf December, A. D , 18üi. Notico ji, therwfnn-, lifivliy L-i-.'-u truii ilie aid Jíortgago will be forcclosed by a salo of tli Mortgaped p remises, t-wit: - Lot number one (1) in block five (5) North, range ten (10) ! t, in lawrcncfi & Maynard' ailrtition to the City o Anti Arbor, or boidq puti thereof, at public vengue at the front door of th CMirt Houso, in the Citv of Aïin Aibor. uu the thirtieth day of July uext, at ten o'clook A. M. CHARLES I!. THOMPSON, Asulgaeo. I'alo!, Ann Arbor, April 5, 1860. GRÉArBAlGAilS AT Maynard, Stebbina & Wilson's. TE HAVE REPUMBfflJD OCR STORK WITB il the most nplemlid Stock of C O ODS, thafWAS cvfr oTire.1 in iny one titablifhoiont 1b the State, all of ivliich we offer for O&O!X] m pkO au Oe na low as can be foond in the Union We want Money ! in: will mako Great Sacrifices on Anyihing ivujiavc to obtain it, not excepting OLD KOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wo cordially invito ALL CASH CCSTOMERS to cali and examine our Gooda nd Trices Wo alac our Prompt Paying Customers fo como an.l bny their supplie for tbe Wiutor To tho llashful OHM that are afraid to cal!, we sai to tliera, Uk couraRe SEIjIj Your 'WIXEA.'Í without longer waitiüg for biglier price, como íd, oM scores, ami then urn Bcïitfl, umi uien at such priccj as will nuke up U losses. I ii hardlj ueccessarj to cimniejale our Goods, for We have Everythingl A largc assorínifíií of CARPEING, CROCKERY DRY GOOüS, MEDICINES, GROCEEIES, PAINTS, IÍATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, &co &c. OAILIL aKO Odg 05 SI (71MQ HAYNAltn, STLBBIXS & WILSON. SEWING MACHINE. W uí,oulil re5Pectfl".v HM tli cltiicns of ANN AR f F HOK, amlall surrounding country, that we har „penedrooinsforlhe sale of the foüovsing u-cll knowi and popular Sewing Machines GROVER & BAKER, WEST &WILSON, FORESÏ CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & ra y mond: Any iwrfoni wiehing tn examine our nssortmont wül jilease lavor ui witk a cali at our rooms, directly over th .■un Shop, in Thompson &3utkcrtand's block from 8 to ■ 12a. m.,and 1 10 6 p m. ft T. W1IJI0I, 1. 3. STTiriRUlXP. LADIES' DEPARTMENT.. n MAHV A. HERBERT will take charg. cl this Department of our business arnl do all kin.: FITTING AND SJEWING, Andgive insiructions in the use of Machines to such ai wiihbcm o} aire a knowledgo of them. , , . . WII.MOT & SUTHEKUNO. Ann Arbor, Feb. 28, 1890. ;37tf THE PEORÍA MARIXE & FIRE IKSUKANOE OOxMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, . . . $500,000. one of thu BEAVISST, SAITT and BEST Insurance Co 's. in the V. 8. Iuure on reriSOMuhle terra, and alay jiay proinptiy. ïhere ia nu beHer liro Innurauc Compaqj,
Dry Goods
Furniture - Retail
Martin & Thompson
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Farms & Farming
Risdon & Henderson
Bach & Pierson
Building Supplies - Retail
City Meat Market
Public Notices
Courts - Washtenaw County
Mortgage Foreclosure
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Wilmot & Sutherland
Old News
Michigan Argus
O. M. Martin
C. B. Thompson
E. W. Morgan
D. DeForest
S. Proctor
T. Walker
Jason Cross
Martinus L. Shutts
William A. Smith
William Steele Jr.
Ira Smith Jr.
Marshall I. Morrill
Gardner H. Shaw
J. S. Bagg
N. B. Nye
William S. Maynard
Michael Enright
Charles B. Thompson