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HEAB, THE CALL. MOSK3 HOGERS saya that tho harrest i endM and tliat a largo numbcr of promisea to jmy htm are bOV due. He hopos to hear froro all INDEBTED TO HIM AS SOON s convenient, and that the conrenient time will coma "l'nrtliwIHi, Immediately.' FTnsten to tho Captain's office and sarea cali of anotlier "Inn Arbor, Auyunt 2, 1860, '59ï "School Library BTotice. AM, PERSON'S ha ving in their poKsention Books belonginff to the School Library of th is City are requented to return thom to the Ijbrary immediately. Ainong the miüsing volumee aro Motlejr ' Dutch Republic, andother valunblc works. E. B. I'O.VD, Librarían. Ann Arbor, July 26, 1860. Sw758 J. BENGEL. T}R?PECTFITI.I.Y informs his former patroni, and tha I V innnbitants of Ana Arbor in general, thai he will infitrurt acholara ajialn on the Piano. Violin, Guitar, In Thorough Kass, Singiog; aiul altio ia the Germán LanRungo, at tho same term au he used to charge. Ha will givo the lessons in his ovru house, or in thehouaes of hit scholar, BasbtaM in dwellingin the rear of the Store latei y occupied by me and adjoining residence ofJ. F. Royoa, where hc may bc se n froin 7 to 8 A. M., from 12 to 1 and 6 to T P, M. 767m HO! FOR THE NEW Tremendous Sacrifico! 20,000 WOJRTH -0FOTFAIPILll ARO [FARDOS DRY GOODS! TO BE S0LD ! REGARDLESS OF NEW TOlílv COST + Otw jol. Trar W0VLD annouunce to the citiieni of GoodOld Wuhteaaw and adjoining counties, that he i now building one of the most elegant and largent stor. s in Michigan, at the south west corner o. Main and l.ibcrty Ptrerts, Ann Arbor, and is determined to cl se out his inimenso stick of goodd of all kindfl, at any Sacrifico for Cash, prermratory to removing to his New and Spacious Apartment. Havinj? cnncluded to tnake & grand opening with an entirc netr stock in niv now storo thi.' fall. I ill scll for tho NICXT 30 DAYS, all kind of Ckalliei, Ddaincs, Poplim. BLACK AND FANCY AT MOST ANY PRICEf I can gert. Also Shoeü, Hat of pvery description at your own price, so go uot hare-headed any looger, but goto MACK'S GREAT CLOSING OUT 8ALE ! And have yonr "p.itos" covered for a shilling and np uard. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS! THK LARQE3T STOCK ever brought to thii place, and At Prices to Suit the poorest Family CI22.CE -5YT. r?r-BRsq Asusnally cheapcr thn can befound at any other M tablts.iment in this Cdunly, and IN SHORT EVERY THtNQ usually found in mlarge and attractivo stock, at A GREAT RATE OF REDUCTION ! Farmers, Mechantes, Laioyers ana Doctors, and the rest of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! Drop politics nnd rush in en matte to C. MACK'S Great Clojsing-out Ëale, where Six Shillings will past for a Dollat all dij long. Corar Ono, Come AU! I mean vhat I aj. 1 am dclortnineii to geil off all my preseut stock of goodf at a great sacrifice FOR CASH! Beforo removiug to ra NEJF AND ELEGANT STORE M'hcre I anticípate removingirith an entire new stock o goods, on the firstday of September. C. MACK. Ann Arbor, July Oth, 1860. 757tf Mortgage Foreclosurc. TVKFAÜLT HAVTNG BEEN MADE in the condition of JL mortgagc executed by Samuel W. Fogtcr to Joiteph W Soymour, dated Kebruary eighteenth, A. D 1839, and reoordfld in the Kegistor's office in tbe f'ounty of Washtenaw, in Ubu No. 7 )f Mortgagts, t page 448, OD theöthdayof Marcb A. D. 1839, at firty minutes paat 4 o'cloek P. M..anll-y eaid Seymour assigned to Nelsou Wing, April thirteentb, A, D, 1839, by deed recorut'd Juue eighteenth A. I). 1860, at one o'clock P. M., insaid Uber 7, at page 4 49, by which defavlt the power of t-ale contained in eaid Mortuage bccame opera tive, and no tuit or procoeding having been inetituted at law to recover tlie 'Jcbt Becured by said roortgage or any part ihereof, and the gum of thirty-four hundred and Bfty hix dollars being now clairaed to be due thereon.- Notice is thertfore hereby giveo that th said mortgage will be foreclosed by a Bale of tho mortgaged premiaei, to wit: All that certain tract or parcol of land known and deucribedaw ao much of the North East fruction of sectton nine, in the Towuship of Scio, in satd Oounty, as lie west of tho villago of Scio, and west from land owned at the date of said Mortgage by KufuH Crosaman aud Otsod Quackcnbuh, (exceptmg one half acr of la.iddec led to Muses Wat'ace, Jan.mry fourtecath, A. J'. 1 S3 T aud ont half acre ui und wherv! tbere are sereral grave, nd also the rigbts of Bowing land which hal ihan been deeded to Orson Quackenbush anlftufua Crodfiinan, by Joseph W. aoymour aod Samuel W.Foster.) aod also the East part of tbe West quarter of the West quarter of section three, ia the Township ftf'n-a d.c.intaining seventeen acres, ly ing tast from and adjacdnt to laud then owned by Thomas Haskyns. Also Iota one in Block fx in that part of the Village of ï-cio, Burveyed by S W, Koster, in April A. DlSaö, and recorded in the liegister'a cfllce in said county, or sume part tüoreof, at public vondue at tbo Court Housoin the city of Ann Arbor, on the third day of November next, at noon. NEL8ON H. WIXG, Assigoee . E. W. Morgan, Att'y. Dated, August 7, . i. 1860. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT HAVÍXG BEEN MADE IN the conditioi of a Mortgage executcd by John Weinman to Wil iam fl. May uard, the Ü4th dav of July, A, D. 1858 hu. rcco.dcd in the Kegiater'n Office in the County of wmáh tenaür in Liber No. 24 of Mortgages, at p ,ge 661 on th 25th day of July, A. D. 1858, at fiftoen minutes past nve o'clock, P. M., by nrMch default the power of sais contained in said morago becamo operative, and no suit or proeeeding liaving been instituted at law to recover tlie debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and the sum of two hundred and forty dollars and seventy-one cents, being now claimcd to bc due thereon. Nptire i therefore heieby given that the said mortgagá wiJl be foreclosed by a sale of tho mortgaged premiso :o wit: Lotg number eleven, twolvo, thirtcea and fourlecn, in Rlnck eix south, rnnge two eet, according to a Plat oí William S. Miiynard'n t-ccond addition in Ann Arbor," iu &aid county, or gome part thereof, at public venduc, at the Court House in the city of Ana Arbor outhethird day of November noxt, at noon. Wil, S. MAYNAJU), Morigagee. E. W. MonoAïi, Att'y. Datoi, August 8. A. D. 1860. 745td Ayer's Sarsaparilla.