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Flagstaff Papers

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Off Nixtubs Point, July lcbO. Mk. Editor, A nocalamity has befallen me on account of my unlucky day of start ing, I have a'ter a day or two of intolerable rest, and in the very face of our wonderful eclipse agaiu committed rnyself to the mercy of the waves. And have immeiliately set myself to learn the usee and technical names of whatevor belongs to a shipor sMp'srigging, from thefirst heigh ho ! of the sailor as he "maken" or ■trims" hii sail to the merost rope or oarlockofthe small boat hangi.ig aftern. Fort in order to prove myself a worthy member Of the Staff family, who have for generations been distinguished as "univtrsal geniuse;'1 not indeed of that class who are Johnnies at all trades, but of a superior order who are eertnin not to undertake ïhe impossible, I have concluded that it is my duly to apply myself to the scionce of iïavigation. I am certain Ihat I shall havo no disastrous accident nor wonderful fcat of eailorship to relate, since it is not my destiny to be the beroine of an advent urewhatever elsel may be remarkable'for. Our eourse to-day lends directly baok over Ihat of my firat daj 's journey, and I need not dweil upon it exeept to state that we were favored with a fair breeze and a smooth sea, during the dny, and nt night with some tarinus thunder, and heavy min. I shall take the liberty of patsing frora one day to another in my narration without ehange of date. I urn nit employed by any Hietorical Society, and it is difficult for ma to rornember the day of the week or month and even the points ofeompass. I can only ee that the waves trys to diaguise, but with poor success, thcir fury nt our presumption in subserving their niobiüty to our purpose and they look while they leap about playfully as if only waiting the voice of ths stormking to remorselosly Bwullow us.and then if possible to serve us s the whale did Jonah though indifferent whither wc are in a cnpable condición to go to Ifineveh. In looking out upon the Lake Sinclair sboreofher Majeity's dominion I ob?erved mong the hutu and honses of the Indiana (NativeCanadians) astone dwelüng of coneiderable spaciousness and somc architectural beauty. Tliis was the residenae of the Chi ef. A church near by showed the presence of the Priest, and muoh may be owing to his influ ne. But there are many "Native Ameri oans" who even under bctter iufluenoe do not ihow equal taste in house building. And notf we com; where Tow Boats are in rcqnisition. The winds have deserted ui. and the waves hare retired to consult upon what it is best to do with us The third day they carne back with menncing rush and roar, determined to try our our patience and our stomnchs. For my own part I was only disturbed by th "dead sea" roll, beoause I could not comfortnbly lie in my berth. And at night the rattling of the boom overhead, the monotonous roar of Ihe waves and roll of the ve;el proved too much for my norves and I watched and wnked until the star not only twinkled without my window, bu irdiscriminately before my eyea within, and even at the cali of "eight bells" next morning I was unfit for the duties of breakfast. I have forgotten to mentlon that webrought on board with us, that terror of lailors, a cat. to which we wore compelled to attributo 11 our "hoad winds" and other misforf,unes, and only the faot of ils being a kitten saved u 3 from great-r peril. Once ashore, however, we ars willing to date from the storm y región of Thunder Bay where I have no doubt Thor holds his courts, and I shall endcaror (having brought my court diess) to obtain audienoe. With be. coming brevity, I ara, yours conclusively,