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Democratic County Convention

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k Democratie County Convention for t ha p„imtv of Wiishtenaw, will be held ut the CouH Hou.e in the City of Aun Arbor on rcKDAï , the 25th üay of August next, at fyo'ilock A. M., for the purpose of noimnatinff candidatos to be supported by tlic denao_ cratie party of sd County, for Judge Probate, Sheriff, County Clerk, Rogistar of Deedi, ProseeutinK Attorney, Countj ' y urer. Circuit fCourt Coinmi9sioner "u Th"e"Teral cities and Tow. J tlod to delégate, in -aid County Conrention followa: . , , r Ann Arbor City, ' Salem 4 do do Town, galine 4 Augusta, 4 Sci0) 5 Bridgewater, 3 gharon, 3 Cexetr, 4 Superior, 4 Freedom, 3 SyVTan, 4 V1?' 4 Webster, 3 t n 2 York, 4 Öit, 5 City, 8 Northfield, 4 do lown, J The democratie olectors of the Coun y ara earnestly requeeted to meet at tlioir rtsjieetiTe plaee of holding their prinuiry meetings on the Saturday previous, and elect full delegations to the County Convention, and tliose that will attend, and at the samo time elect delegates tothe Senatorial and Representative OonTentions. It has been auggested that the benatorai and Representative Conventions meet at Ann Arbor on the same day, so that the County, Senatorial and Representative nomimitions roy all be mide and the ticket placed before the elector8 at onoe and the urne time, for the better oreanization of the party.